NegoLogic. Peter Frensdorf
Main Entry: Ne-go-Lo-gic
Pronunciation: Ni, gõ, Lä.jik/
Function: Noun
1: the action or process of Psychological Negotiating
2: subconscious decision-making process, changing your opponent’s mind from within
3: a particular mode of reasoning that is received as fair and balanced, by means of trading emotions against assets
Peter Frensdorf
© Peter Frensdorf 2014
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ISBN 978-1-909170-06-3
Printed in the United Kingdom by
Dedicated to Pia
My best friend, inspiration,
faithful fan & partner for better and worse
Can you afford to stay behind?
Which one of us doesn’t trust his own gut feeling?
Trading assets against emotions
Picking fruit from the garden of predictability
Negonomics – recognise buffered pricing
Looking successful and being successful
Printed, laminated, and explained
Making an opening bid
3–Humans, Not Computers
How far is he willing to go?
Getting them to listen
One-sided information
The power of NOT fighting
Matching price and subject
Our ‘hidden’ agenda