Sales Management: Products and Services. Dr Jae K Shim
Act of 1998
Cash discount
Trade or functional discount
Quantity discounts
Advertising discounts
Early-order discounts
Group discounts
C.l and
“Mixed car-lot” discounts
Chapter 7: The Selling Process and Prospecting
Considerations for selection prospects
Prospecting methods
The “cold-canvas” or “cold turkey”method
Company leads
Company advertising
Friends and acquaintances
The customer reference method
Group prospecting
Surveys by junior salespeople
Sales spotters
Public exhibitions and displays
Personal observation
Additional considerations for effective prospecting
Guidelines for using the telephone
Direct-mail selling
Chapter 8: Types of Sales Presentations and Considerations for Effective Delivery
Types of sales presentations
Considerations for effective delivery
Proper setting and showing
Show and demonstrate
Outline key points
Use charts, graphs, and illustrations
Appeal to a maximum number of senses
Use the benefit-proof technique
Make comparisons
Listen and observe
Use language and terms that the prospect understands
Emphasize key words
Use specific explanations rather than general ones
Be enthusiastic and confident
Vary the presentation
Avoid distracting mannerisms and poor appearance
Eye contact
Repeat and review
Chapter 9: Opening the Sales Interview
Objectives of the opening
The salesperson’s attitude and approach
Things to avoid
Making appointments
First-call obstacles
Chapter 10: Handling Objections
Common causes for objections
Common types of objections
Considerations for handling objections
Methods for answering objections
Agree and qualify
Make the objection serve as a selling point
Ask questions for further explanation
Agree that the objection is valid
Delay the answer
Politely deny that the objection is valid
Pass up or ignore the objection
Coming difficulties in closing
Considerations for effective closing
Frequency of trial closes
Trial or preliminary closes
Control of the sale
Reserve selling points
Fit the item and quantity to the prospect’s needs
Methods for closing
The alternative-choice close
Securing a series of acceptances
Summarize and review
Get the prospect to make minor decisions first
The conditional method
Pointing out greater risks of waiting