Decor and the Single Girl. Karrine Steffans

Decor and the Single Girl - Karrine  Steffans

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or motor traffic."/>

      A home or building off the main road gives an added sliver of privacy and quiet. Sometimes, it’s easier to insulate a new relationship and grow your family when your home isn’t inundated with the sound of passing pedestrians or motor traffic.

Lastly, if you are a lover of pets, consider if your neighborhood is pet friendly. Maybe you already have a pet or wouldn’t object to having a man who already has a pet. Either way, be sure you have considered the safety and exercise space for your pet or potential pet. If your man is a pet owner, he’ll be thinking of the same thing, too!

      Lastly, if you are a lover of pets, consider if your neighborhood is pet friendly. Maybe you already have a pet or wouldn’t object to having a man who already has a pet. Either way, be sure you have considered the safety and exercise space for your pet or potential pet. If your man is a pet owner, he’ll be thinking of the same thing, too!


A colorful array of flowers, which greets visitors at the curb and accompanies them all the easy to the front door, is always a pleasant welcome.

      A colorful array of flowers, which greets visitors at the curb and accompanies them all the easy to the front door, is always a pleasant welcome.

      Curb appeal is important—really important. Whether you're in a house or an apartment, the short journey from his vehicle to your front door should be pleasant. This time, as quick as it is, forms portions of his first impression of your homestead. If he is rattled before he even rings the doorbell, the chances of him being comfortable inside your place become slim.

      If you live in a house, the way a man remembers your space begins before he steps foot in your home, much less your front step! You don’t have much control over the condition of the side-walk, but do what you can to be sure the city owned areas right outside your home are clean and free of debris and haphazard. Sweep away excessive leaves, remove pet waste left behind by irresponsible pet owners, and salt the sidewalk and walkways in the winter, if your area is prone to ice patches.

      If there is a call box or a gate that helps visitors gain entry, you’ll want to be sure it’s working properly. If it proves difficult for a man to come on to the grounds, it may resonate, quite subconsciously, that you are hard to get close to.

      Naturally, if you have a pet lurking around the front yard, whether it’s a dog, cat, or some sort of possum, be sure to put it away. Even though people tend to act as if they don’t mind pets jumping, crawling, or rubbing all over them, no one really likes that.

Choose flowers that smell lovely when in bloom, like roses and lilacs. Keep grass trim, neat, and green. Also, a white picket fence never hurts! Choose flowers that smell lovely when in bloom, like roses and lilacs. Keep grass trim, neat, and green. Also, a white picket fence never hurts!

      Choose flowers that smell lovely when in bloom, like roses and lilacs. Keep grass trim, neat, and green. Also, a white picket fence never hurts!

      Firstly, you’ll want to be sure your guest is not allergic to your pet then, be sure said pet is somewhere safe, either in your home or in its home!

      Also, as a home owner or even renter, you should take steps to assure that, from the curb to your front door, there is sufficient lighting. You don’t want your potential mate tripping over the lip of a step, a decorative rock, or that tacky gnome your mother brought to your housewarming.

      Your home should also be easy to find, with your house numbers in plain, well-lit view. We’ve all been in positions in which we’ve found ourselves looking for an address in the dark, that GPS lady seems to have been drinking, our host isn’t answering the damn phone and, out of sheer disgust, we turn back and return home after not being able to pinpoint the exact location of our intended destination. Don’t let this happen to your date.

      And don’t forget about the beautiful aesthetics of nature! You should be mindful of the grass, trees, flowers, and shrubs in your front yard—as well as the side and back yards, for that matter! As your guy exits his vehicle and ascends the walkway, it may be an absolute turn off if it’s lined with dead grass, sickly flowers, or withering cacti. Keeping up the front of your house doesn’t only help you raise and keep a high property value but a high dating value. Only a weirdo wants to walk up to the house from the Addams Family with hopes of falling in love with the person who lives inside.

       A fresh coat of paint can do wonders! Spruce up your retaining gate or wall, or curbside house numbers for a quick change. If you want to go all out, paint the entire house! If you want a new love and new energy to be attracted to your home, you first have to make it attractive!

       A fresh coat of paint can do wonders! Spruce up your retaining gate or wall, or curbside house numbers for a quick change. If you want to go all out, paint the entire house! If you want a new love and new energy to be attracted to your home, you first have to make it attractive!

       Change an old cement walkway and steps with the addition of tile, but make sure the tile is textured and porous, like terra-cotta. Be sure it is a non-slip tile, even when wet! For flair, add a colorful accent tile to the rise of walkway steps.

       Change that boring, standard issue mailbox with a decorative one. Stay away from novelty mailboxes; instead, opt for a classic design in an attractive color.

      In an apartment, there are little to no choices of what your guests see as they head to your front door, making it all the more important to choose your building wisely. Fresh paint, foliage, clean and well-lit elevators and stairwells, water fountains and fixtures all make for a pleasant trip to your front door. If there are elements of your apartment building that may be uncomfortable for guests, be sure to bring these things to the attention of management and continue doing so until the issues are resolved.

      You may be surprised to know what sort of information men gather and process about a woman and where she lives. Men are not as outwardly expressive as women tend to be and, even though they are uploading information, they rarely make verbal note of it, especially if it’s something they don’t like about you or your circumstances. You will be able to tell more about a man by what he does rather than what he says. This is not to imply that, if a man likes what he sees, he won’t be apt to compliment you, your place, and the hard work you’ve put in to it all. Most times, a man will dish out compliments—some verbal, some not.

       You just have to look for the signs.

       If he tramples your flowers, slams your gate, torments your pet, or even kicks over that tacky damn gnome, dump him. He has no respect for the care you have taken to keep your home up-to-date and comfortable for you, your guests, and even for your onlooking neighbors. Nobody likes a disrespectful house guest, no matter how cute he might be.

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