Cities of Others. Xiaojing Zhou

Cities of Others - Xiaojing Zhou

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of the urban” (439). They emphasize “the enabling potentialities of re-presenting the city from the street—from the perspective of the walker and the street inhabitant” (440). Particularly relevant to my investigation in what Sui Sin Far achieves in her writing through walking the streets of Chinatown as a journalist and ethnographer is Rossiter and Gibson’s application of de Certeau’s concept of walking as a “pedestrian speech act”—an interventional gesture that reinvents stories of the city and transforms the urban space (de Certeau 98). For Rossiter and Gibson, the “speech act of walking creates stories, invents spaces, and opens up the city through its capacity to produce ‘anti-texts’ within the text” (440). Moreover, by allowing the city to “speak,” Rossiter and Gibson suggest that the centrality of the urban stroller’s subjectivity gives away to the sensual perception of his or her body and to other bodies in the streets, leading to the constitution of multiple “urban subjectivities.” With this shift, “[t]he body is introduced as a sensual being—smelling, remembering, rhythmically moving—jostling with other bodies and in the process constituting active, perhaps multiple, urban subjectivities. The walker becomes lost, allows the city—street signs, bars, cafes, billboards, passers-by—to ‘speak’ to her as does a bird call in the wild or a twig crackling under foot in a forest” (440). While the emphasis on the walker’s sensual experience and her immersion in her surroundings undermines the controlling gaze of the privileged male subject, the replacement of the female “sensual being” with the constructive male gaze, however, casts the walker as merely a passive, receptive vessel of a given environment. Hence the active role that the urban stroller plays in constructing or defining the urban spaces becomes hidden. So, too, are the subject positions underlying the selection and organization of the sights, smells, and stories that the city is allowed to tell through the walker’s sensual experience as a mode of knowledge production.

      However, limited by the speaker’s position as an outsider of Chinatown and by the generic conventions of journalist reportage and ethnographic “fieldwork” of her time, Sui Sin Far’s portrayal of the mutual transformation of the Chinatown community and American identity in her newspaper reports remains superficial. As she shows through her observations in the streets, schoolrooms, and a Chinatown household, the coexistence of Chinese and European American cultures is restricted to cultural practices contained in Chinatown. At the same time, Chinese immigrants’ acculturation seems to be smooth and unproblematic, and the bilingual and bicultural American-born Chinese Americans such as the Sing children are happy and content in Chinatown. But in her fiction Su Sin Far is able to explore in depth the complex mutually transformative process and effects of encounters between Chinese immigrants and white Americans.

      In her short stories set in Chinatown, she at once appropriates and undermines the authority of participatory observation as a reliable method of obtaining knowledge of the Other. Embedded in the contested epistemological and ethnical questions concerning modes of knowing is not only an implicit subversion of the flâneur figure as a neutral spectator and interpreter of the urban scene but also a disruption of the raced hierarchical relationship between the observer and the observed. Moreover, by exposing the harms that white female English teachers and Christian missionaries can bring to Chinese families in Chinatown, Sui Sin Far calls critical attention to the ways that race complicates the gendered and classed flâneur figure in urban literature.

      However, Walkowitz argues that the presence of women

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