Cities of Others. Xiaojing Zhou

Cities of Others - Xiaojing Zhou

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and as a “key [site] for the spatialization of power projects” is a contested space and a space open to change. As such, it is a site embedded with possibilities for an inclusive democracy and a site for the emergence of new subjects, communities, and creative works. The democratic possibilities of the city are in part reflected in the election of a Chinese American as the mayor of San Francisco. January 11, 2011, was a landmark day in the city’s history. As an article in the San Francisco Chronicle states: “A new era in San Francisco politics began today when Edwin M. Lee was appointed and sworn in as mayor, the first Chinese American to hold the post” (Coté, “Ed Lee”). Appointed unanimously by the Board of Supervisors to serve out the remaining year of Mayor Gavin Newsom’s term after Newson was sworn in as lieutenant governor, Lee became the city’s forty-third mayor. For Asian Americans, Lee’s appointment has profound implications beyond the political establishment. “This is a big step we’re making as a city,” says Supervisor Eric Mar, one of four Asian Americans serving on the eleven-member board. For others, the symbolic meanings of Lee’s mayoral post are particularly significant for Asian Americans nationwide: “With Lee serving as the city’s 43rd mayor,” says Don Nakanishi, director emeritus of the Asian American Studies Center of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), “San Francisco is now the largest [city] in the country with an Asian-American leader” (Hindery, “Edwin Lee”). Yet Lee refuses to be an “ethnic politician,” representing only Asian Americans. He vowed to be a mayor for all San Franciscans, including the city’s most disenfranchised groups: “I was a progressive before progressive was a political faction in this town. I present myself to you as a mayor for everyone” (qtd. in Coté, “Ed Lee”). This apparently neutral statement has momentous implications precisely because of Lee’s Chinese American identity and its connection to the history and now the stewardship of the city.

      From the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, San Francisco was a site of institutionalized exclusion of racial minorities, including the Chinese, and a site of their struggles for equality. Even before the nationwide Chinese Exclusion period of 1882–1943, numerous laws were implemented in San Francisco to exclude the Chinese. In 1854, when Chan Young, a Chinese immigrant, applied for citizenship in the federal district court in San Francisco, he was denied on the grounds of race. In 1878, new California state laws empowered cities and counties to confine the Chinese within specific areas or to throw them out completely. Other discriminatory laws targeted at the Chinese also banned them from attending public schools and from being hired by state, county, or municipal governments for public work.1 Lee is keenly aware of the history and reality of racial discrimination in the city. When he was elected to his own term on November 8, 2011, he stated that his election to the mayor’s office “marked the closure of dark chapters in the city’s history when Chinese and other immigrants were persecuted” (Coté and S. Lee). In fact, Lee’s decision to run for mayor was due at least in part to the possibilities of achieving greater equality for all citizens and residents of the city. He was strongly urged to enter the mayor’s race by prominent figures such as Rose Pak, a consultant at the San Francisco Chinese Chamber of Commerce, who considers herself “a community advocate” but is known as a “Chinatown power broker,” and Willie Lewis Brown, Jr., who served as the forty-first mayor of San Francisco, the first African American to do so. While Brown’s remarks about Lee that “[h]e’s the people’s choice” and “[h]e always was the people’s choice” (qtd. in Coté and S. Lee) indicate Lee’s popularity, Pak’s words suggest the challenges Chinese and other Asian Americans face in obtaining the mayor’s position. As she says: “I happen to know the city fairly well. And I happen to know if Ed Lee did not seize that opportunity, it might be years or decades before we have such an opportune time to have a Chinese American get there” (qtd. in Coté and Riley).


      To better understand Asian American writers’ strategies for portraying the impact of racial exclusion on Asian immigrants and Asian Americans in the city, it is necessary to recognize the ways in which American urban space as the nation-space and its excluded Others are mutually constitutive and transformative. A lived and constructed space in the “heart” of the metropolises of the United States, Chinatown is irreducible to a passive product of racial segregation. It plays an active, and even a subversive and interventional, role in the social and spatial formations and contestations of identities, citizenship, and the nation-state. As Henri Lefebvre contends, “Space is political and ideological. It is a product literally filled with ideologies” (“Reflections” 341).

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