Spiritual Facelift. Victoria Holt

Spiritual Facelift - Victoria Holt

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will be given all the spiritual information you need to understand the root cause of your aging, weight issues, and life problems while at the end of each chapter you will be given practical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical exercises to reverse physical damage and make over your life.

      I hope you will share the contents of this book with friends, family, your partner, and even your children so that they, too, can learn to live to their highest potential and discover the real meaning of true beauty. Age and true beauty are not defined by a number or a dress size but by the contents of your soul. Live from your eternal soul and you will stay young and beautiful forever more.

      Victoria Holt


       Why Do We Age?

       People do not grow old no matter how long we live. We never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.

       Albert Einstein

      Most people who love their lives want to tap into the fountain of youth and live longer. Each year men and women, especially, spend thousands of their hard-earned dollars, trying to extend their lives and recapture their youthful face and body. Some people give up their search for a wrinkle-free face; they accept their fate and try to grow old gracefully. They cannot afford the expense of new beauty gimmicks, and they would rather stay safe than die under a plastic surgeon’s knife. But others are determined to continue waging a war against old age. They are consumed with their appearance and refuse to go down without a fight. In the process their looks become unnatural, and their lives become unbalanced. They dabble with dangerous life-threatening procedures and turn their God-given looks into something abnormal. They change into someone unrecognizable, wearing the same massproduced face that the plastic surgeon has decided is the definition of beautiful.

      So why, after all these centuries of inventions, potions, and sending men to the moon, have we not yet discovered how to tap naturally into that fountain of youth and stop ourselves from aging? Why are our bodies still deteriorating and decaying?

      This is the age-old question that has yet to be answered. But there are those who believe they have discovered how to reverse the aging process. These people are highly enlightened spiritual masters who say the secret of eternal youth does not come from a bottle or a quick-fix tummy tuck but through learning the real secret of life itself, thereby changing our perception about the body and fully awakening to who we are.

      Spiritual masters look at their bodies in a totally different way from most other people. They see them simply as materialized energy whose purpose is to house and support the soul. They believe that both body and soul can return to a pure state of being and become eternal.

      Many scientists are now joining forces with the spiritual community and beginning to back up these age-old spiritual theories. Ever since Einstein proved that E=mc2, we have known that matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing. Matter is trapped energy. Now scientists are expanding Einstein’s theories and confirming that everything in the universe is made up of energy—and that includes our physical body. They have concluded that our physical universe is not really composed of matter at all. Its basic component is a force or essence that we call energy, and this energy cannot die or be destroyed; it can only change form.

      In the Hindu tradition energy is known as prana. It is believed to be the life-sustaining force which pervades all living organisms and the universe. The Chinese also believe that we are made up of energy—they call it Qi (pronounced Chi). Qi has been written about and studied for over ten thousand years from China and Japan to India, the Hawaiian Islands, and South America. The Chinese refer to Qi as the vital life force energy of the universe present within every living thing. It describes the relationship among matter, energy, and spirit. Chinese acupuncture is dedicated to ensuring the flow and balance of Qi through the body while Eastern martial art forms, such as Tai Chi or Qi Gong, base their practices on focusing and directing the flow of Qi.

      It is important to know that you are not a solid physical being. You need to look at your body holistically with new eyes. When you look into the mirror, it gives out the appearance of something being solid, but in reality it is just pure energy. This may seem hard to grasp at first. As you touch your arm, it appears solid and made up of blood, bone, and tissue, but if you take a closer look, beyond your human everyday perception, you will discover that your body is not solid—it is, in fact, energy condensed into matter. If you still do not believe me, look through a microscope at the cells that make up your body; see how they break down into molecules and atoms. If you break down each atom further still, you will see that the atoms are made of ever smaller and smaller particles within particles. At their core these particles are made of pure energy.

      You can actually feel your energy and the energy of other people. How often have people walked into a room and you have felt their energy before you know they are even there? People always say that someone has good energy or bad energy, and that is a true statement because the body is made up of nothing but energy. Once you accept and understand that everything is made up of energy, including you, then you will not only be able to tap into the fountain of youth but will finally answer the age-old question of life. But before you can start to reverse the aging process and learn how to tap into the fountain of youth, you need to understand what energy is and where it comes from.

      What is this mysterious invisible substance called energy that fills your body and the whole universe and determines whether you die or live? Energy is the universal life force that connects all things. It is intelligent and is found in different forms, such as light, heat, sound, and motion. Energy has the ability to do work and change things. Energy moves cars along the street and propels airplanes across the sky. It makes a kettle boil or freezes water. It helps us watch our favorite television shows and powers lights. Energy allows our minds to think and our bodies to grow. Human beings are actually energy in motion.

      So why then, if our bodies are made of an energy that can never expire or be destroyed, are we aging and dying? The answer lies in the frequency of our energy and the condition of our soul.

      Energy moves in circular motion and creates a vibration or frequency. This vibration can be perceived as a wave, and it stores information. The great scientist Nikola Tesla discovered that everything in nature has its own electromagnetic charge and resonant frequency. Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light, and color. He noted that these frequencies or energy vibrations, as they are also known, pulsate at a different rate and have different qualities. Frequencies can vary from fine, light qualities to dense, dark ones. When the energy is fine and light, it not only vibrates higher and faster but is also very quick and easy to change. When the vibration is dense, then it vibrates slowly and is sluggish. For example, rocks are dense and vibrate at a low frequency. They are, therefore, slower to change and more difficult to affect. We look at the pebbles on the shore and realize that they were once rocks worn down over the years by the action of the waves (another form of energy). In fact, all forms of energy such as earth, water, fire, and air are interconnected and affect one another.

      Animals can register different vibrations more than humans can. They hear and transmit energy sound waves over long distances. Many natural disasters produce sound waves before the disaster manifests, and by observing the behavior of animals, humans can be forewarned of danger, especially in areas prone to earthquakes. For example, some people keep goldfish because a few hours before an earthquake the goldfish will begin to jump out of the bowl. During the Indonesian tsunami, elephants took to high ground before anyone knew that the water was coming. But even though the human ear is limited and cannot hear frequencies in the same way as animals, some people claim they can feel them. In fact, for some, this strong ability to sense frequencies can produce feelings of anxiety, sadness, headaches, nausea, and other kinds of mental, emotional, or physical disturbances.

      Every part of your body—bones,

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