Energy Medicine. C. Norman Shealy

Energy Medicine - C. Norman Shealy

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I have a modern radionics device. As far as I can tell, radionics is primarily a mantric tool for intuitive diagnosis and mentally directed or intentionally directed therapy. I actually was taught by Frances Farrelty, an outstanding intuitive, to use just my index finger, rubbing it on any smooth surface and my subconscious mind will give me a yes or no answer. As long as the answer is “no” to whatever question I ask, my finger moves smoothly over the surface. When the answer is “yes,” my finger sticks as if suddenly caught by a bit of adhesive tape. I have no doubt that a talented intuitive can make appropriate diagnoses by such an intuitive maneuver. The United States Psychotronics Association has a large collection of articles and information about radionics. It also conducts an annual meeting presenting the latest work in the broad field of psychotronics. (See

      Magnetic Healing

      A great deal of Mesmer’s original idea was that he was using a type of magnetic therapy, with or without magnets. In general, the FDA has vigorously attacked magnetic therapy of every kind. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports of people curing themselves of cancer and other diseases with the use of magnets.

      To supply the demand for therapeutic magnets, various companies sell what I call “Mickey Mouse magnets,” those so-called concentric magnets that I think really have no value besides a placebo effect. On the other hand, true magnetic therapy can involve as much as 7,000 gauss; remember the earth’s field is 0.5 gauss. In the early 1990s, Canadian dentist, Dean Bonlie, created a truly strong magnetic pad, the Magnetico Sleep Mattress, for placement under the mattress. It was the first such magnetic mattress, and they have produced a remarkable variety of suggested improvements, including:

      • Arthritis

      • Migraines and headaches

      • Chronic fatigue

      • Fibromyalgia

      • Sleep disorders

      • Circulation

      • Heart problems

      • Multiple sclerosis

      • Autism

      • ADHD

      • General health and fitness

      • Decreases in PSA (prostate-specific antigen)

      • Increased vitality

      A cardiologist in Toledo has demonstrated remarkable benefits of the Bonlie magnetic mattress upon the heart and, over a period of time, reversal of atherosclerosis. I personally did one small study with three women and three men. Interestingly, their sleeping on the Magnetico Sleep Mattress reduced free radicals to 0 in the three women but created no change in the three men. A much larger study would need to be done to add to the data. In addition, in a number of individuals, I found that lying on the magnetic mattress markedly lowers blood pressure and creates in the brain a deep state of relaxation, as measured with EEG computerized brain mapping. The only major caution with the use of magnetic therapy is it cannot be used by someone with an implanted electronic device, such as a pacemaker. And, of course, if one just happens to lay one’s credit cards down on the mattress, they might be demagnetized!

      Spiritual Healing

      Spiritual healing, often called faith healing, is certainly one of the common forms of healing in virtually all indigenous societies, as well as throughout the western world. Jesus of Nazareth is credited for many healings. In recent years, a number of studies on the power of prayer demonstrated a significant reduction of the mortality rate of individuals in a cardiac care unit, etc.

      In many native cultures, as well as in Christianity in its earlier days, a leader was chosen to do the spiritual healing, which might be through prayer, the laying-on-of-hands, incantations, etc. More modern approaches include “therapeutic touch,” which employs specific techniques for applying healing energy, and the technique from Japan, Reiki. In general, most Christians believe that God heals people through the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, Elijah and others were credited with performing healings. In the U.S., from 1940 to 1980, Oral Roberts was perhaps the best known faith healer in this country. He even founded a university, a medical school, and a hospital.

      Although it does not in any way show proof of healing, I have demonstrated in 116 different patients that all five healers that I have tested can strikingly affect the electroencephalogram (EEG) from distances of up to 1,000 miles. A healer named Ostad Hadi Pavarandeh participated in 100 of these cases in which I would ask him to change the patient’s EEG on command. In all 100 cases, the EEG showed significant changes, such as the following:

       This is the computerized EEG before “healing”:

       Figure 1. Baseline Computer Brain Map


      Within five minutes of my asking to increase the 10 cycle activity, here is what we found:

       Figure 2. Brain Map During Spiritual Healing from a Distance


      In addition to EEG changes induced by healers, I have demonstrated changes in DHEA with Reverend Henry Rucker, who increased DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) in three out of three patients within just ten minutes of his laying-on-of-hands.

      Sound Therapy

      For many hundreds of years, healing effects have been attributed to the melodic Indian “Ragas,” music created to evoke various colors or moods. Music has been used, as far as history knows, since very ancient times and the Ragas are an integral part of yoga. Music has been shown to affect different portions of the brain, and we now know that individuals who have great musical talent have a larger right middle temporal gyrus. Modern research has demonstrated that music can improve motivation and positive emotion.

      I, myself, have demonstrated that music can increase beta endorphins, the natural narcotic produced in the brain. In addition, in some societies drumming has been used as a therapeutic approach and is well known for its trance-inducing effects. Modern adaptations of music for therapy tend to take the form of what I call vibrational music or vibrational sound. The individual lies or sits on a bed or chair while sound transducers transmit the frequency of the music into the human body. I have found this to be exceptionally useful for deep relaxation. It can also be an adjunct in conducting past-life therapy and other psychotherapeutic approaches. A recent innovation, the Sound Health Chair, developed by Springfield, MO, businessman, Joseph Jenkins, produces by far the most significant and intense vibration that I have experienced after having testing a number of devices.

      Some years ago one of our doctoral students conducted her dissertation research by having one group of patients listen to relaxing classical music and another group both listening to and feeling the same classical vibrational music. She used dark field microscopy on the blood and found that the vibratory music markedly decreased the rouleau formation or adhesion of the red blood cells one to another in those who felt the music—but not in those who merely heard the music. This suggests that at the very least vibrational music decreases blood clotting, problems with heart attack and stroke. Both groups of patients reported that they felt deeply relaxed.

      Music therapy actually is one of the few elements of the broad field of Energy Medicine approaches that is widely accepted, at least as an adjunct to therapy. Another of our doctoral students used seven quartz crystal musical bowls tuned to the notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Playing these is said by some to balance the chakras associated with those notes. In our student’s dissertation, she reported quite deep relaxation and overall improvement in the subjects with the playing of the fourth chakra bowl.

      Crystal Therapy

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