Your Psychic Soul. Judith Pennington
psychic is so wide-open energetically, it’s important to use Linda’s seven-step preparation with reverence, focus, and the protection of prayer before opening up the soul to give a reading, especially before mentally climbing the seven steps. Not only does this preparation provide coherence and protection, it also ensures that the seven steps will take you as high as you need to go to receive the desired information.
Whether you are reading the past, present, or future for yourself or someone else, you will find Mary’s stairway to heaven to be a solid and uplifting structure to stand on while you tune in to psychic information.
Use your soul’s creativity to come up with other pathways to higher consciousness. For example, you might imagine entering a garden and looking for the most brilliant flower, one that will contain an intuitive insight. You could walk through a forest in your mind to meet an animal with a message for you. Or you might want to simply close your eyes and remote-view a distant location. Feel how it feels to you, and then try another location. The one that makes you feel happy and spacious is better.
Hypnosis offers a good technique for reading a past or future life. In the quiet of your mind, drift up into the sky and stand on a timeline that stretches ahead of you into the future and behind you into the past. Proceed in either direction toward a bright spot. If you are interested in a past life, ask to see the one that contains the most important insights for you or perhaps the life in which you expressed gifts and talents that would be useful to you now.
Be sure to use the insights you obtain. That’s how you will receive more!
Exploring Past Lives
You can use the techniques taught by Linda and Mary or the ones previously mentioned to access a past life of your own or someone else’s. Past-life recall reveals patterns of consciousness that extend into our present life. We can change, or reframe, past lives so that no part of us remains “stuck” in the past. Remaining stuck causes a pattern to continually manifest in the present.
Understanding the idea of the Akashic Records as a kind of interactive database reveals the importance of reframing past lives and transforming troublesome patterns of consciousness in the present life. From the Akashic Records, we continually “download” our previous patterns of consciousness and repeat them until we change them and “rewrite” new patterns into boundless space. Looking into past lives often reveals why certain people and situations crop up again and again to teach us the same lessons. People and situations are patterns in consciousness, and all of these reappear until we address and transform them.
How can you tell if a past-life memory is true? Your clairsentience will tell you. Deep inside, you will feel whether it is true or not. But in the end, it doesn’t really matter. What is real in the mind is what is real in your present life.
In the chapter on inspired writing, I sketch the stories of three past lives that surfaced in my mind during meditation. Once I recognized their commonality of stubborn willfulness, I did not know what to do next. Inner guidance directed me to transform these lives. I did so by injecting the thought of love into each life, whereupon that past life changed itself—and so did my present life.
Shakespeare wrote in his play, As You Like It, that, “All the world’s a stage/And all the men and women merely players/They have their exits and their entrances/And one man in his time plays many parts . . . ” From my experience of meditative reframing, I learned that we do indeed play many parts on the stage of the mind, and whether those stories from the past are real or imagined, rewriting them changes our character in the present and in the Akasha.
And why shouldn’t you change the past if it improves the present and future? It’s your mind and your life! Just be sure to realize that it is not a game. It is real. Remote viewing research has proved that anomalous perturbation—that is, influencing reality with the power of the mind—can physically change the past, as long as no one else witnesses what is being done. Rippling into the present, the change that was made in the past changes the future, too.
If an unpleasant past life comes up in a reading, and you or the listener wish to change it, simply hold that past-life story in mind during meditation (the subject of the next chapters) and bring to it the thought of love. The presence of love will unfold a new story with a happy ending. You don’t have to imagine the new story; it unfolds on its own. All you need to do is watch what happens, and jot down a few notes to firmly plant the change in your consciousness.
People go to psychics to learn about their past lives, but as Mary Roach points out, you can have this experience for yourself in the privacy of your own home. If you do so, be sure to use Linda’s seven steps to prepare, and if you have climbed up the stairway to heaven, close the door to the past, as Mary advises, when you are finished with it.
If someone gives you a past-life reading and it does not resonate with you, toss it out of your mind. Stake nothing on what you hear from someone else. What’s important is for you to become more psychic. That is the soul’s highest purpose. On this idea, you can depend.
Calling All Angels
Not everyone sends out a desperate cry for help, turns around in her living room the next night, and finds that an angel named John Reid has come to the rescue. But that’s exactly what happened to angelcommunicator Kim O’Neill, a guest speaker at the A.R.E.’s psychic development conference. Kim said that everyone’s angels are helping them all of the time, and, if the desire is strong enough, these angels will materialize. (See Resources at the end of this chapter.)
O’Neill’s story is credible and persuasive. Her guardian angel guided her every step of the way into psychic attunement. She left her advertising agency in Houston, Texas, opened a professional psychic practice, and was soon led to appear on national radio and television shows and to psychic detective work with the American FBI and Secret Service. Next came the publication of her first book, How to Talk with Your Angels.
Still more persuasive are stories told in her new book, The Calling: My Journey with the Angels. This compelling autobiography traces her angelic guidance to the clearing of a past-life memory in which she was an eight-year-old Jewish girl in a Nazi concentration camp. Facing this horrific experience invoked the courage she had in that lifetime and dissipated her present-life need to hide from people, which alleviated her paralyzing fear of public speaking.
In this life, John Reid and the spirit of actress Jean Harlow alerted her to the place and the moment she would meet her soul mate. She married the man and is the mother of two children who see, play, and talk with departed spirits and their own guardian angels. Kim was in constant psychic communication with her first child from before her conception through the moment of birth and wrote a book on this subject, too: Bond with Your Baby before Birth
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