One Cause, Many Ailments. Dr. John O.A. Pagano

One Cause, Many Ailments - Dr. John O.A. Pagano

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A Quick Review

       The Deadly Seven

       The Glorious Seven

       A Word About “Organic”

       Another Side of “Organic”


       Just What Do the Probiotics Do?

       Goat’s Milk

       Dietary Fiber

       Chapter 13 The Healing Crisis

       Experiencing the Herxheimer Reaction

       Unwanted “Help”


       Maintaining the pH Balance

       Testing Your pH

       Chapter 14 Psoriasis and Eczema

       Psoriasis and/or Eczema in Young Children

       In the Case of Newborns

       Chapter 15 Using Our Mental Powers

       The Law of Expectancy

       See It—Believe It—Live It: The Art of Visualization

       Appendix: A Man Named Edgar Cayce



      Modern medicine has made major strides especially since World War II. Innovative surgical procedures using space-age technology, timely treatment of injury, burns, and accidents have reduced infections, saved lives, and hastened recovery times. Yet we have a tendency to assume that new treatments replace old treatments completely. Not so! Penicillin and aspirin will always be excellent and inexpensive drugs. For my personal oral and dental hygiene I use products made from the Neem tree of India, the use of which goes back 5000 years. In the same vein, the Yew tree, found in the northwest United States, is the source of a drug used for treatment of cancer of the ovary.

      In our highly organized society, a doctor, lawyer, pilot, engineer, accountant, has to be licensed by the state for protection of citizens. With stringent protocols, continued education and on-going scrutiny by professional societies and licensing boards, a professional person has to explain and document the validity of his procedures. We have medical doctors, osteopaths, naturopaths, chiropractors, podiatrists, dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists, acupuncturists, etc., each claiming his unique skills and importance to health care.

      History is replete with snake oil practitioners, and many modern day imposters often go undetected. Nevertheless, there have always been persons with God-given special unexplained gifts who heal or reduce suffering in ways which the laws of physics cannot explain. Such a person was Edgar Cayce (1877-1945).

      Cayce diagnosed and gave healing suggestions to thousands of patients with varied disorders while in an altered state of consciousness, keeping meticulous records, and often offering unusual treatments. At the end of his 45 years of providing such information, his accuracy has been determined to be 93%. Yet, he was not a physician or health-care provider.

      Dr. John Pagano has previously written books on psoriasis and diet based on the study of Edgar Cayce. His newest addition deals with Leaky Gut Syndrome, known professionally as Intestinal Permeability. Leaky Gut Syndrome does not appear as such in standard medical reference books such as the Merck Manual and/or the Physician’s Desk Reference. Due to lack of clarity and interest, this problem has been overlooked by orthodox medicine.

      The unusual but proven gift of Edgar Cayce combined with the lifelong commitment and dedication of Dr. Pagano to interpret his works have prompted the publication of this book. I am sure there will be skeptics. However, the reader should approach this information, which is well researched and clearly written, with an open mind and determine its suitability on an individual basis.

      Some disorders, not unlike consumer products which are well-promoted and marketed, need a sponsor. Ambiguous medical problems need education, research, proper diagnosis, appropriate treatment and an open mind towards new approaches. Major supporters of medical research are pharmaceutical companies, who, understandably, would not be interested. Diseases common amongst the poor and illiterate minorities are also thus overlooked. Universities seek out research projects where there is ample funding and public demand or the involvement of high profile celebrities.

      Orphan diseases need recognition, and sometimes people outside mainstream medicine have a lot to offer. Such a person is Dr. Pagano!

      Harry K. Panjwani, M.D.,

      Ph.D. December 2007


      What is it that arthritis, chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, celiac disease, psoriasis, diabetes, lupus, as well as many other diseases, have in common? At first glance they appear to be totally unrelated, yet, in the light of present day knowledge, they may very well be linked by a common denominator, hidden from view, but nevertheless held suspect as an underlying factor in many of mankind’s physical and even mental ailments.

      I refer to a condition that probably existed since the dawn of history but was unrecognized until now: Intestinal Permeability or the Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS). The name is a perfect description of what can and does happen within our intestinal tract that manifests itself in a number of ailments that mankind is heir to. That’s the bad news. The good news is that these seemingly insurmountable problems can be helped, alleviated, and in many cases healed. Once the underlying cause of a problem is recognized, one can proceed to correct the situation in an intelligent, reasonable manner rather than in a haphazard “hit or miss” way. It puts a handle on things. You know what you are doing, and more important, you know why you are doing it.

      The purpose of this volume is to shed more light on the subject based on experience rather than on theory or speculation. Evidence of the efficacy of this approach will be included in this work. A picture is still worth a thousand words, so I make use of illustrations and before-and-after photos to substantiate my claims. Having authored two books on the subject and having lectured on five

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