Psychic Sense. Edgar Cayce

Psychic Sense - Edgar Cayce

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force or conditions. Hence, we bring the same word, relativity of force, to prove its own self, and condition, for we have as in this:

      The earth in its motion, held in space by that force of attraction, or detraction, or gravitation, or lack of gravitation in its force, so those things that do appear to have reality, and their reality to the human mind, have in reality passed into past conditions before they have reached the mind, for with the earth’s laws, and its relations to other spheres, has to man become a past condition. So it is reached only in the further forces as will show, and as is given, for man to understand in this developing, or this evolution from sphere to sphere, or from plane to plane, in this condition.

      Hence, we find to the normal mind, there is no law as to relativity of force, save as the individual may apply same in the individual’s needs of them. That is sufficient.

       (Q) What is meant by the Gods of the Universe referred to in the readings? [See 3744-2]

      (A) Just as in this. All force has its incentive, the directing or creating of that force. That force to the human mind apparent, as different conditions, or relations, as referred to as the God, or the ruling force, of that individual force, as is giving the expression, and is referred to as the God, as of War, as of Peace, as of Water, as of the elements under the Sea. As of those above, as the God of High Heaven, the ruler over all, the one in all and the all in one.

      (Q) Give the best method of helping the human family increase in knowledge of the subconscious soul or spirit world.

      (A) The knowledge of the subconscious of an entity, or an individual, in or of the human family, is as of one integral force, or element, or self in the creation of the human family, and until the entity, or individual, as individuals, make this known to groups, classes, countries, nations, the greater study of self, that force will only be magnified. That of the spirit is the spark, or portion of the Divine that is in every entity, whether complete or of the evolution to that completeness.

      The study from the human standpoint, of subconscious, subliminal, psychic, soul forces, is and should be the great study for the human family, for through self man will understand its Maker when it understands its relation to its Maker, and it will only understand that through itself, and that understanding is the knowledge as is given here in this state.

      Each and every person getting that understanding has its individual force toward the great creation, and its individual niche, place or unit to perform. Has to reach numbers of psychic forces or phenomena that may be manifested in the earth plane, all the same, yet the understanding for the individual entity, viewed from its own standpoint, with its knowledge, is obtained and made ready by itself, to be manifested through itself, towards its own development, and in that development of the creation or world. In this manner, and in this form, and in this way, will the development (to study the force as given through this manner) be of assistance to the world.

      As in dreams, those forces of the subconscious, when taken or correlated into those forms that relate to the various phases of the individual, give to that individual the better understanding of self, when correctly interpreted, or when correctly answered.

      Forget not that it has been said correctly that the Creator, the Gods and the God of the Universe, speak to man through this individual self. Man approaches the nearer condition of its approach to that field when the normal is at rest; sleep or slumber, and when more of the forces are taken into consideration, and are studied by the individual (not someone else) it is the individual’s job, each individual’s condition, each individual’s position, each individual’s relation, each individual’s manifestation, each individual’s receiving the message from the higher forces themselves, and for each individual to understand if they will study, to show themselves approved.

      “In all thy getting, my son, get understanding.” [Prov. 4:7] That of Self. When one understands self, and self’s relation to its Maker, the duty to its neighbor, its own duty to self, it cannot, it will not be false to man, or to its Maker. Give then more thought, for thoughts are deeds, and are children of the relation reached between the mental and the soul, and has its relation to spirit and soul’s plane of existence, as they do in the physical or earth plane. What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.

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