Jesus As a Pattern. Edgar Cayce
however, within a few years, they had divorced.]
Reading 1523-6
GC: You will have before you the entities present in this room, [1523], born December 2, 1908 in Oceana, Va., and [1650], born December 13, 1900; also the information which has been given them through this channel. In the light of what has been given, what have they to work out individually or together, in the immediate future or in this experience? You will answer the questions they each have submitted, as I ask them:
EC: Yes—we have the records of the entities here; [1650] and [1523].
In analyzing the experiences of these entities, it is well that there be given that premise from which such might be or is reasoned; that there may be an answering to each from within.
For unless that as may be given answers to something within, it can be of little help or value to either of these.
Know that each enters the experience into materialization for a purpose. That purpose is that each soul may be aware of its relationship to the Creative Forces—or God. Know that each enters with those activities in which each has lived and manifested, as a part of its natures, as a part of its mental environs.
Also know that the meeting, the association, the activity in the material experience in the present is not of chance but a purposeful experience for each; and that each may be a helpmeet one to the other in attaining and gaining such an understanding of the purposes for that meeting, that association, as to attain the correct concept of the purpose of their incoming or entrance into this material experience.
Know that this has not been completed in the present, and thus is to be met in each!
Then why not now?
It is a practical, it is a purposeful experience—for each.
For the associations in the past experience in the lands about the present environs, or a portion of the same land and those environs about the Dearborn land, are those problems that form the present disturbance in the mental selves.
Do not then justify self by condemning one another! Justify self rather by living, being that which will be a constructive experience in the life of one another!
For that is the innate, that is the real desire, that is the real purpose in each; else there would not have been that attraction one for the other.
For, have ye either of you analyzed what real love is?
It vaunteth not itself; it thinketh no evil; it endureth all things!
And this is the purpose, this is the basis for that attraction one to another.
If material things then are allowed to become barriers, in the manners of expressing this influence, then the condemning of either by the other is condemnation upon self—and must be met in self!
Study then to show thyself approved unto God! Be forgiving as ye would be forgiven. Remember that it is a partnership; not all to be given nor all to be taken by one. But do not condemn either, ever!
Let thy ideals be rather as is shown in Him, who patterned His experience in the earth among men in such a manner as to answer every question of conduct, of morality, of associations in any way and manner!
Then when ye are, either of thee in turmoil—not one shall do all the praying, nor all the “cussing”; but together—ask! and He will give—as He has promised—that assurance of peace, of harmony, that can only come from a coordinated, cooperative effort on the part of souls that seek to be the channels through which His love, His glory may be manifested in the earth! . . .
(Q) Should [1650] or [1523] change their names? If so, what names would be suggested?
(A) They each are significant of that they have to meet in each other. Hold that thou hast!
Let this be rather the determination of each:
I will keep myself in such an attitude, mentally and physically, that—cooperating with the other—I will give the greater manifestation of love and truth and virtue and understanding, in my daily life; that others may take courage also.
[Background: Housewife, Quaker. This was a physical, mental, and spiritual reading. Later, in a life reading, she was told that her best field of service was in spreading the light of truth, by practicing and telling it. She asked about several projects and, in each case, was told to examine her purposes and ideals—whether they were of the Christ or of self.]
Reading 1620-1
Then, wherein does the mind function? To use that thou hast in hand! What need is there for a better body, save to serve thy fellow man the better? For he that is the greatest among you is the servant of all. This is not only referring to those who teach, to those who minister, to those who wait on this, that or the other influence, but to each and every soul—and to every phase of the soul’s activity in a material world!
Then, as to body and to mind both—purify same, cleanse same in the light of those things that He has given, for He is the way, He is the light.
Practice then in thy daily experience, and thy associations with thy fellow man, charity to all, love to all; finding fault with none; being patient with all, showing brotherly love and brotherly kindness. Against these there is no law! And ye who have put on and as ye put on these, by the application of them in thy dealings with thy fellow man, ye become free of the laws that are of body or of mind; for ye are then conscious of being one with the Creative Forces that bring into the experience and consciousness of all the love of the Father for the children of men.
And it is only as ye deal with thy fellowman that ye show forth His love. For as ye do it unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker.
[Background: Bookkeeper, Protestant. She sought guidance regarding home relations and her alcoholic husband. She also sought advice for physical, mental, and spiritual development of all concerned.]
Reading 845-4
True, an individual, a soul, must become less and less of self—or thoughts of self; yet when those activities of others in relationships to the mental, the spiritual, the soul developments, are such that the own soul development an own soul expression becomes in jeopardy, then—as He hath given, “I came not to bring peace but a sword. I came to give peace, not as the world counts peace,” but as that which makes for those experiences wherein the soul, the entity, is to fulfill those purposes, those activities, for which it—the soul-entity—came into being.
And when those relationships about same have been and are such that those conditions arise wherein there is the lack of harmonious effects that are possible, then as He hath given, put at naught those experiences, those influences. Let them be rather as they were not.
If there arises in the experience of self that which would become continuous as those upon which the entity would look back, in which the entity would think and think and worry, then continue—for the end is not yet.
But when there have been all of those experiences, all of those attempts, and there is still naught, then the jeopardy of self, of self-expression, of self-activity, as related with Creative Forces becomes as He hath given a division.
In the physical forces of the body there needs be rest, there needs be relief from physical, mental anxieties. For these continue in the present to make for that influence wherein the very vitality, the very life existence is being put into that position of where there is the rebellion between the spiritual, the mental, the material and the mental; and these make for such physical anxieties between the material