Korean Patchwork Quilting. Choi Yangsook

Korean Patchwork Quilting - Choi Yangsook

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       Antique Bojagi Replica

       Chinese Lantern Plants

       Machine-stitched Chogakpo

       Café Curtain




       Moshi Chogakpo

       Moshi Chogakpo

       Moshi Chogakpo

       Machine-stitched Sampo


       Suu Chogakpo






       Table Runner

       Table Runner • Food Cover



       Sewing Case

       Scissors Case

       Pin Cushions and Thimble

       Nubi Tea Cozy

       Saeksil Nubi Pin Cushion • Posonhonpo

       Sleeve Cover

       Pendants and Brooches



       Silk Bags

       Chumoni • Lariat


Images Images Images Images Images


      The first edition of Bojagi: Layers of Fabric, the Beauty of Piecework was published in Japan in 2003.


      Over the years I’ve been able to use that original version as a textbook of sorts to introduce the delights of bojagi to so many people. Among those people, many have voiced the desire to learn and know more, and I am filled with gratitude to share this newly updated publication.

      This book is written for beginners new to the Korean craft of bojagi, as well as for those well-versed in this unique piecing method who are looking to deepen their understanding and skills. Many of the same projects from the original book are featured, but I have also included some of my recent work from the Quilt Japan magazine. Machine-stitched bojagi and small accessories in the Nubi style are also fresh additions to the book.

      The concept of machine-stitched bojagi is a relatively new one, particular in Japan. I came upon this idea at a bojagi exhibit in France ten years ago, when I overheard college students commenting on how they found hand-sewing laborious and wished they could use a sewing machine to create bojagi. Coincidentally, my Japanese students increasingly expressed similar desires whenever I taught workshops. I decided to design the popular Moshi style with the Samsul finishing technique as a machine-stitched project. This way, a large project like a curtain bojagi can be quickly assembled.


      In addition, I have included the Nubi style (and “Colored-thread” Nubi), which is the Korean equivalent of quilting. An entire book dedicated to Nubi could be written, but I focused on just a few small projects that will make using the traditional methods easier. These beginner-friendly projects will establish a solid foundation for more advanced techniques for those interested.

      The more you practice the making of bojagi, the more you will find depth and richness from which to learn. Inherent to bojagi is the appeal of gently wielding needle and thread and fabric in a way that has traversed time and countries, honoring the generations of Korean women finding small moments to create a sense of elegant beauty and self-expression. I hope you too, will find pleasure through this heartfelt needlecraft.

      Choi Yangsook


      Thoughts on Patchwork

      When I became enamored with the art of dyeing, I traveled from Korea to Japan to learn about the various Japanese dyeing techniques. Over two decades later, I am still here. In my quest to master dyeing, I have acquired many materials and methods and have delighted in the splendor of textiles. As I contemplated how to bring out the best in each textile, I was reminded of the fabrics that my mother and grandmother sewed when I was a little girl. No scrap was too small and nothing was ever wasted. Stitch by stitch, layer by layer, the women in my family created simple yet beautiful piecework filled with gentle love.

      After many years of living in away from my homeland, I established an atelier in Japan where I was able to gradually incorporate and teach the traditional Korean piecework style called “bojagi”. I believe this return to my roots is a gift from my mother and grandmother and the generations before them.

       The History of Bojagi

      The custom of wrapping

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