Seeing Off the Johns. Rene S Perez II

Seeing Off the Johns - Rene S Perez II

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      Henry handed him a twenty. “My tip for helping the businessman from Tamaulipas,” he said.

      Chon paid the money into the register and put the change and the beer on the counter.

      “That’s the point,” Chon said, waiting for his register totals to print out. “That’s why they don’t even bother recording anything. Watching yourself do something wrong is enough to make you think twice about doing it.”

      Chon put the printout in an envelope and slid it under the office door. “You know so much about this store,” he said, standing in the doorway, Henry waiting for him to lock up the shop, “that if we ever break up, I’ll have to kill you.”

      “Shit,” Henry said, “I’m only with you for your car.”

      They got in the Dodge-nasty and rode silently, with the windows down, a dry breeze rolling into the car. It was a nice enough night, by Greenton’s hot standard. It had reached 103° earlier that day. Another night wasted drinking beer and watrching TV with Henry didn’t seem too bad a prospect, because what else was there to do?

      When they arrived at Henry’s house, Chon noticed a Suburban parked where he would otherwise have parked his car if he were coming to pick up Henry. He raised an eyebrow at Henry.

      “They’ve been hanging out and drinking and talking about Mejia and my cousin like they had already been married or something,” Henry said, looking at his uncle’s Suburban. “He’ll be there all night and pass out on the couch. My dad’s trying to be cool, but he has to work in the morning—alone, because my uncle won’t show up. My dad’s getting annoyed with this, it’s almost every night. Fuck it. Let’s just ride around.”

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