Mini Burmese Dictionary. Aung Kyaw Phyo

Mini Burmese Dictionary - Aung Kyaw Phyo

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collide head-on

      gaungg khan V ေခါင္းခံ take responsibility

      gaungg kite V ေခါင္းကိုက္ have a headache

      gaungg leainn zi N ေခါင္းလိမ္းဆီ hair cream; perfumed hair oil

      gaungg mar ADJ ေခါင္းမာ stubborn; obstinate

      gaungg nyeint V ေခါင္းၿငိမ့္ 1 nod 2 agree to

      gaungg ownn N ေခါင္းအံုး pillow

      gaungg phyee V ေခါင္းၿဖီး comb; brush hair

      gaungg poan phyat V ေခါင္းပံုျဖတ္ exploit

      gaungg shaung V ေခါင္းေရွာင္ avoid one’s responsibility

      gaungg shaw V ေခါင္းေလွ်ာ္ wash hair

      gaungg shaw yay N ေခါင္းေလွ်ာ္ရည္ shampoo

      gaungg shoat V ေခါင္းရွဳပ္ worry; confuse; perplex

      gaungg yate V ေခါင္းရိတ္ shave one’s head

      gaungg ywet zayy thae N ေခါင္းရြက္ေစ်းသည္ hawker

      gaungg zaung N ေခါင္းေဆာင္ leader

      gaungg zaung hmook N ေခါင္းေဆာင္မႈ leadership

      gaungg zin N ေခါင္းစဥ္ headline; heading; title

      gaw N ေဂၚ shovel

      gaw byarr N ေဂၚျပား 1 dustpan 2 spade

      gaw phi bann N ေဂၚဖီပန္း cauliflower

      gaw phi doat N ေဂၚဖီထုပ္ cabbage

      gaww paka N ေဂါပက trustee of a pagoda or temple

      gayet hta ADJ ဂယက္ထ (of sea, etc.) choppy

      gayet yite V ဂယက္ရိုက္ shock; have repercussions

      gay har N ေဂဟာ 1 special place 2 refugee home

      gayook nar N ကရုဏာ sympathy

      gayook pyook V ဂရုျပဳ take notice of; pay careful attention to

      gayook site V ဂရုစိုက္ pay attention (to sth); take care (of sb)

      gazarr V ကစား play (a game)

      gazarr gwinn N ကစားကြင္း playground

      gazoon ook N ကစြန္းဥ sweet potato

      gazzar thamarr N ကစားသမား player; gambler

      gi ta N ဂီတ music

      gi tar N ဂီတာ guitar

      gi ta sar zo N ဂီတစာဆို composer; lyricist

      gi ta thin kay ta N ဂီတသေကၤတ musical notes

      gite N ကိုက္ (measurement) yard

      gite payy V ဂိုက္ေပး be showy

      gi yar N ဂီယာ gear (of a car)

      go daung N ဂိုေဒါင္ warehouse

      gohh N ဂိုး (soccer) goal

      gohh dai N ဂိုးတိုင္ goal post

      gohh see N ဂိုးစည္း goal line; penalty area (soccer)

      gohh thamarr N ဂိုးသမား goalkeeper

      gohh thwinn V ဂိုးသြင္း shoot the ball into the goal; score

      gout N ေဂါက္ 1 golf 2 (informal) a strange or crazy person

      gout kwinn N ေဂါက္ကြင္း golf course

      gout thee N ေဂါက္သီး 1 golf ball 2 (informal) strange or crazy person

      gout yite V ေဂါက္ရိုက္ play golf

      gown N ဂုဏ္ 1 qualities; characteristics 2 pride

      gown doo N ဂုဏ္ထူး 1 distinct quality; special quality 2 (education) distinction

      gown doo saung ADJ ဂုဏ္ထူးေဆာင္ honorary

      gown doo tann N ဂုဏ္ထူးတန္း honors class

      gown ni ate N ဂုန္နီအိတ္ sack, gunnysack

      gown phaw V ဂုဏ္ေဖာ္ boast about one’s qualities or attributes; blow one’s own trumpet

      gown pyook V ဂုဏ္ျပဳ honor someone

      gown shaw N ဂုန္ေလွ်ာ္ jute

      gown tet V ဂုဏ္တက္ rise in dignity and fame

      gown that teet N ဂုဏ္သတၱိ chemical property

      gown thate khar N ဂုဏ္သိကၡာ dignity; integrity

      gown tin V ဂုဏ္တင္ glorify

      gown yi N ဂုဏ္ရည္ rank; status

      gown yu V ဂုဏ္ယူ be proud or take pride in one’s qualities

      gu N ဂူ cave; tomb

      gu thwinn V ဂူသြင္း entomb

      gyabohh N ဂ်ပိုး bedbug

      gyar nae N ဂ်ာနယ္ journal

      gyarr PREP ၾကား between

      gyarr win V ၾကား၀င္ intervene

      gyar si N ဂ်ာစီ jersey

      gyayy N ေၾကး fee

      gyet kya let kya ADV ခ်က္က်လက္က် (talk or respond) effectively; precisely; appropriately

      gyet lay yin N ဂ်က္ေလယာဥ္ jet plane

      gyinn N ခ်င္း ginger

      gyin na ray tar N ဂ်င္နေရတာ generator

      gyite N ဂ်ိဳက္ (tool) jack

      gyit kan kan ADV ဂ်စ္ကန္ကန္ obstinately

      gyit karr N ဂ်စ္ကား jeep

      gyo N ခ်ိဳ 1 horn; antlers 2 planet

      gyoat N ဂ်ဳတ္ rake; razor blade

      gyo dook N ၿဂိဳလ္ထု satellite


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