The Reluctant Savior. Krystan
very well. Although all earthlings were created in the exact same image of divine consciousness, and had a somewhat-limited ability to tune in to higher “heavenly” frequencies—cultural dogma, doctrines, ignorance, and sensory limitations resulted in most of them merely existing at a self-imposed lower vibrational level, largely unaware of their potential, and generally content with just an occasional flash of déjà vu, creative inspiration, “spiritual” revelation, or intuition as their only link to the world beyond. There were exceptions to that rule, of course—psychics, mediums, mystics, and the like, even ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances (near-death experiences, mind-expanding drugs, dramatic religious conversions, etc.)—but by and large, most people on Earth didn’t come close to realizing their inherent spiritual communication skills.
Deuce himself had fallen into that category, never really connecting with his higher potential prior to his unexpected and untimely transition. Adjusting to the heavenly frequency had been a bit of a challenge for him at first, due to his marginal earthly advancement. Nevertheless, in the presence of pure and unconditional love, his consciousness had expanded rapidly, and now he couldn’t even imagine existing at such a low level as was common on Earth. He very much enjoyed the timelessness of the higher frequency as well. Past, present, and future—linear time—no longer existed for the beings there, so all of “time,” so to speak, was within their realm of experience, and simultaneously at that! Neither did the sense of individuality, or separateness, that they had known on Earth exist in the same way here. It was like having instant access to an infinitesimally large computer bank containing all of life for all of time, and being able to experience any bit of data stored there. Familiar physical forms were recognizable in this domain, and yet they were not physical in the earthly sense. Communication occurred via feeling and intuition, and one could easily “experience” any number of people or places at any given moment. Many found it informative, however, to occasionally focus their attention back to Earth, and especially on their “past” earthly lives, to review the choices they had made there and the ongoing results of those choices.
Today, in accord with that practice, Deuce was feeling a bit nostalgic, so he sat back in his chair on the terrace and conjured up a plasmatron. Plasmatrons, or “plasmies” as they were commonly called there in heaven, were electronic machines that served as frequency modulators, something akin to a television set back on Earth. A heavenly being could easily dial in a name, a particular Earth year, or any topic (much like using a search engine on a computer) and view the results there on the screen of the plasmie. This time, Deuce tuned in to Peter Olsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1915–1985. He never tired, really, of reviewing his own life on Earth, as it kind of “grounded” him in this ongoing sea of expansiveness. He saw his parents, Karl and Gretchen Olsen, and how proud they were of their healthy 7-lb., 9-oz. baby boy. They both looked so young and quite overjoyed at his arrival. And there was his sister, Ingar, fifteen years his senior, and not quite sure what to make of this unplanned baby brother!
Fast-forward to 1929—ah, there’s Ingar on her wedding day! How beautiful she looks! It must have taken hours to get her long auburn hair up into that architectural masterpiece on top of her head! And there’s her husband-to-be, Henrik, too. What a great choice she made with him. His brilliant mind and insatiable curiosity would later earn him a Nobel Prize for the discovery of a substance ubiquitous throughout the universe, and identified by him as vitamin K. I always envied Henrik’s remarkable energy, Deuce mused, and brilliance (“brisance,” he called it), but his discovery of this clotting substance was by far his most famous discovery, as later on it would take its place along with another vitamin—D—as one of the most essential compounds on the planet.
Fourteen years later now, and there I am, finishing my PhD, under Henrik’s expert tutelage. He was such an amazing scientist and a great colleague. We really should get together sometime soon, Deuce reflected. No telling what he’s up to these days.
Contacting other beings was easy in the heavenly realm, so there was really no excuse for not connecting with Henrik to see how he was doing. Since there was no time or space, it was relatively simple to synch consciousness in heaven, but communication itself was a bit different than on Earth. It was more of an intuitive awareness of the other’s being, which was far more intimate than just words or an actual physical presence. At any rate, he missed Henrik and resolved to visit with him sometime soon.
Oh, there we are in the lab, doing our research. How little we knew back then! Turned out we were just at the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and those stupid chickens! Henrik’s cholesterol-free diet was killing them all—bleeding to death. How strange! There was something else missing from that diet that we didn’t even know about!
Oops, now 1943. We know about the missing substance! Koagulations Vitamin! The compound also refined out of the cholesterol-free diet whose absence was causing those chickens to bleed to death—that took some real sleuthing to identify! Great work, Henrik and Edward…and there they are, receiving the Nobel Prize for their work! What a day that was—what a huge discovery, showing how blood needed the Koagulations Vitamin to clot! We all were certainly heroes that day. One of the best days of my life, actually…
Ugh…1976, and Henrik just died. I hated that—all that research now up to me. I was pretty good, but no Henrik, unfortunately. Not sure if I will be able to fill his shoes.
Ah, 1983 now…much more progress on D and K. Wow, these are amazing substances! I’ve got to get this information out there, or we’re headed for big trouble! Oh no, 1985 already. Damn this plasmie—once it gets going, it keeps speeding up! Why couldn’t I have just stayed home that day? I didn’t like the water much, anyway. High speed, big rock, boat flipped. It’s cold, getting dark, can’t breathe…
Deuce came to with a start, and switched off the plasmatron. Looking at one’s own death was never a pleasant experience. “Swedish researcher killed in boating accident”—that headline was still etched in his memory. Really bad timing, too, just when he was about to publish some amazing new research on vitamin K. So much death and misery on Earth without his knowledge. He still worried about it.
Deuce’s arrival in heaven during Earth year 1985 was an event heavenly beings still talked about. He came kicking and swearing and not wanting to be there. “Get me out of here!” he had repeatedly exhorted those who had come to welcome him. “This was a mistake! My work is not done—millions of people will suffer and die if it is not published! K2, K2…they’ve got to learn about K2!”
That was more than fifteen Earth years ago now, however, and the beauty of morning at the castle quickly dissipated memories of Earth. Deuce pensively sipped his coffee, wondering what would have happened if he had been allowed to work there just a few more years. Even though in heaven all time existed at once, and all knowledge was available to him, that was certainly not the case on Earth. He couldn’t help but wonder what his own role in the K2 unfolding could have been had he remained there a bit longer. He had made K2 almost a household word in heaven, though (in fact, his nickname, Deuce, had been playfully applied to him as a result). The substance was really of little consequence here, however, as these life-forms manufactured all they needed, their energy being derived from a process much like photosynthesis back on Earth. And he had grown to love it here, much like everyone did. A creative universe was constantly at his fingertips, with no stress, no fighting, no anger, no judgment…only kindness, love, and endless opportunity. Who would ever want to leave such beauty and tranquility?
Well, believe it or not, some of the heavenly beings did indeed choose to return to Earth. This strange and almost illogical practice was due to one simple fact: it was a challenge of love. The adverse conditions commonly known to exist on Earth occasionally would motivate one or more of these highly evolved spiritual beings to literally put themselves to the test—that is, to incarnate into a physical body of dense material and lower vibrational frequency, with the intent of being a beneficial presence on that planet and uplifting the spiritual awareness of those with whom they came into contact. The avatars of earthly history—Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, and others—reflected the incarnations of these advanced beings, with overall planetary energy elevation inevitably following their brief sojourn on Earth.
Ever so slowly (Earth time), the planet was indeed moving toward a higher level of