Inside Out: A Pagan Tale for the Child Within. Heather Brunton
at a large market filled with flowers, fruits and vegetables and satins and silks. From the ordinary to the exotic, all were lined up for sale. No prices were displayed but happy bartering was evident, though it appeared more a game than a necessity.
Here were many like Rendal, small dwarf-like people and many like herself and still there were others, the like of whom she had never imagined. Tall with colourful robes, they moved gracefully amid the revellers. Their skin seemed translucent and while she didn’t like to stare, she noticed that it was more that light appeared to move constantly around the beings, creating an uplifting sensation. Indeed when she tried to place just what it was, she realised she felt happy merely looking at them.
Rendal led her toward a building, turning to urge her on faster. ‘We must meet with the council, they’re expecting us.’
Maisey was nervous and wondered what was about to happen. Questions were racing through her mind.
‘They will answer your questions,’ said Rendal chuckling at her surprise.
He led the way up a spiral staircase and all the while Maisey pondered his ability to read her thoughts. A door at the top of the stairs led into an octagonal room from which could be seen the bustle in the courtyard and the beauty of the surrounding countryside.
They seemed to be in one of the front turreted towers she’d seen from the woods. A huge carpet covered the marble floor and the crystal walls were cut at such an angle to reflect prisms of colour, though there was no glare. On the floor were soft cushions, three of which were occupied by more of the robed beings. The trio indicated for her to sit on the remaining pillow and she looked to Rendal for support but already he was closing the thick door behind him, shutting himself and the sounds of the revellers out.
‘Welcome. We’ve been expecting you and watching your progress.’
Maisey looked at them in surprise. She watched the figure on her left as he continued. ‘I am Thoth and my companions are Hathor and Ureaus.’ Thoth, the spokesperson, seemed to be in charge. With long hair and a very long beard, he appeared serious and thoughtful whereas Hathor’s regal beauty seemed to shine forth with such purity that Maisey felt its reflection. Ureaus’ face was lost in a ball of clear light though his posture seemed to demand great respect. She nodded, stuck now for words in the presence of such beings.
‘You were wondering why you are here and where ‘here’ is,’ said Thoth.
The girl remained silent.
‘Firstly, let me tell you that where you landed was appropriate. It is the land of Id. We would have changed it if we could have but your state of mind determined it beforehand. Id is the land of ego, where Fear reigns over the terrified masses. Armies of Doubt are used to keep the people there, not by force but by thought. If Doubt can create fear or guilt, it is hard to leave Id. Rendal brought you here because you are salvageable; not so caught in the negative vibrations to be lost forever. Now you are faced with a choice: to dwell in Id or here in Euphoria.’
Maisey just wanted to go home and she said so.
‘Later,’ said Thoth. ‘For now there are just two choices.’
‘I’d much rather live here than there,’ said Maisey. ‘I’d have to be crazy to want to live in such a place as Id.’
‘Not crazy, just unsure of the fact that you can choose. Your attitude means you are an easy target for Id to gain a foothold. Because you go from childhood and having decisions made for you, to adulthood without seeing that you alone must make your decisions. So you see, a lot of you just drift into Id without knowing that there was ever a choice. I take it your answer is yes, that you wish to dwell here?’
Maisey nodded.
‘Well and good but with that decision come certain obligations which you may or may not want to accept. Determination is one of the obligations and to help you, we will set you a task. It is not an easy task and not the only one you will ever be called on to achieve, however this will set the stage if you like, for how you handle all the other tasks that life may send you. Do you understand?’
‘I think so,’ Maisey wondered at the depth of her understanding but said nothing more.
‘Good. The task shall be, to find the Rock of Strength and to do so you must return to the land of Id.’
‘What?’ She was horrified at the prospect of having to return but Thoth added, ‘Once you have found the Rock, other tasks will seem minor in comparison. We will instruct you before you leave but for now we would have you rest.’
As if on cue, Rendal opened the door. ‘We’ll talk later,’ said Thoth finalising their meeting and silenced, Maisey left with Rendal.
Across the courtyard she was led to a cottage set apart from the main structures. It differed from the others with its wooded, rather than crystal, exterior. Flowers grew in window boxes and its ancient appearance belied the technology that lay within.
She immediately noted an entire wall devoted to electronic gadgetry. A television and stereo were the only familiar items while the rest looked futuristic. All of the usual living requirements were present. A couch, table and chairs and, partitioned by a low wall, a bed which was pushed into a corner of the room.
‘Make yourself at home. There’s food in the fridge.’ Rendal turned to leave but already Maisey was heading exhausted, towards the bed.
When Maisey awoke it was dark and she lay in the silence gathering her thoughts. From the stillness of the night it was obvious that the courtyard was empty but out of curiosity she went to the window and drew aside the curtains. She jumped back with a start as two huge eyes gazed back at her. They cast a golden glow around the cottage and with a laugh, she realised that they were twin moons suspended in a starlit sky of unfamiliar patterns.
Where on earth am I? Am I on Earth? She turned away. I guess not.
Turning on a table lamp she looked around the cottage. A kitchen area held a fridge and she remembered her hunger as she checked its contents. Inside lay many earthly delights and she selected savouries, sweets and a drink of what appeared to be soda, though the label declared ‘Galactic Guzzler’. Different, she thought as she took a swig, and settling down on the couch, lifted the remote. The television screen lit up the wall.
The announcer wore a long robe like the beings she’d spoken with.
‘The news from around the galaxy will follow after this break.’ There was a pause while lettering on the screen declared that this was to be an intergalactic message of peace, then the camera took a distant view of a circle of beings holding hands and singing. The camera zoomed in closer and the girl saw that each of the figures were totally different in appearance. From human form in varying degrees, to what she barely recognised as any creature she had ever seen. The oddest being was thick, short and purple with indents that seemed to be eyes over its entire body. As each spoke, words appeared across the lower screen, only one line recognisable as English, while some were hieroglyphic in appearance and others seemed to be mere dots and dashes. Each creature poured forth its own message of love, joy and happiness then the camera zoomed out into the galaxy and the announcer was back.
‘We hope you enjoyed that message brought to you by The Council for Galactic Right Thought, of course the translations were decoded by our new intergalactic transputer, Codi,’ he turned to another camera, ‘and now to the news.’
The screen behind him showed a distant image of Earth.
‘There are strong indications that negative energy is gaining in the battle of light over Earth this evening. If you’ll take a look at the light decoder graph.’
The screen changed colour as Earth appeared now, through some sort of energy highlighter. It became a swirling mass of black, grey and white light, with Earth barely visible through the darkening mass.