Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature. Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature - Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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filter (wF) – see fig.2.2

      Fig.2.1. Diagnostic Map after Korotkov

      Fig.2.2. EPI images of the right hand without filter and with filter.

      Clinical research demonstrated that when we compare the pictures taken with and without filter we get information about the balance of the sympathetic/parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. When we analyze the person’s psycho-physiological conditions it is essential to take the EPI images with and without filter.

      EPI images without filter carry information about the current conditions of the energy organs and systems in a given moment in time. They reflect the particularities of the autonomic status, that is, effects of both physiological and psychological processes. Repeatability and reiteration of the EPI images without filter is determined by the stability and liability of the nervous-psychic processes, that is, by the type of the person’s constitution. From this relationship with psychic liability, the characterization of EPI images without filter [Korotkov, 2001] correlates well with the characterization of psychological types both according to Western principles, and Oriental systems, such as Ayurveda.

      We can say that the EPI images without filter reflect the person’s current psychological-physiological condition, his nervous-psychic state and EPI images with filter reflect the body’s base somatic level of energy.

      EPI images with filter carry information about autonomic control at the level of stable physiological processes. In other words, EPI images with filter reflect the level of physiological energy that ensures the functioning of the body at a base and organic energy level. This level is very stable, it ensures long term body functioning and remains present throughout psycho-physiological changes. This energy reserve is constantly replenished through the basic energy metabolism, with the participation of electronic processes in the tissues and the blood’s oxygen. When the organ function is normal, the EPI images with filter are very stable and reproducible, and their changes are evidence of pathological processes at a deep energy level, generally linked to organic processes. EPI images with filter reflect the physical condition of organs and systems.

      The stronger the autonomic deregulation or imbalance is, the stronger will be the divergences between images with and without filter.

      The evaluation of this divergence can easily be carried out with the program GDV Diagram (fig.2.3). The program reflects the standardized logarithmic values of the EPI images area, divided into sectors in accordance with the EPI diagnostic table. According to the contrast between EPI -diagrams with and without filter, we can calculate the activation coefficient which is an evaluation of the stress level of a given person. This is the approach we established in 2000; it was tested on a significant number of people alongside various psychological tests. For example, in the case presented at fig.2.3 the level of stress A = 9.65, which is very high on a 0….10 scale. We found high coefficients of statistical correlation between values of the EPI activation coefficient and levels of anxiety, physiological activation and stress, all being determined by different tests [Kondratiev et al., 2003]. Thus the significance of the EPI approach for identifying the level of psycho-physiological stress was proved in numerous independent psycho-physiological experiments.

      The scale of the Activation coefficient can be easily interpreted:

      Activation coefficient in range 0-2: absolutely calm and totally relaxed person, it could be for several reasons: deep meditation, complete inner peace; the effects of psychedelics; deep sleep in the peaceful phase; at the same time it may be the case of chronic depression or severe disease; we’ll discuss this in the next part of the book.

      Activation coefficient in range 2-4: normal, calm condition.

      Activation coefficient in range 4-6: excited state, characteristic of active work, emotional excitement and tense activity. This state is typical in high level managers, militaries and people with responsible jobs. It may be related as well to the high anxiety level. The state of permanent anxiety without relaxations may be the reason for serious problems.

      Activation coefficient in range 6-7: there are at least four possible situations:

      •Reaction to a previous stressful situation (unpleasant conversation, illness, car driving under stressful conditions, etc.). In this case it is absolutely necessary to calm the patient and repeat the measurement after half an hour.

      •Heightened nervousness, accumulated during long term stress, emotional tension and autonomic disorder.

      •People with special type of psyche, capable of switching rapidly from high excitement and nervousness to a calm state.

      •Athletes in the moment of competition, actors at the performance, students at exams, etc.

      •Children in a state of nervous excitement.

      Activation coefficient in range 7-10: very high stress level, peak of emotional excitement.

      Pay close attention to perspiration on the hands: wipe every finger with a tissue and repeat the EPI images taken for each finger separately. In any case, perspiration on the hands is a sign of autonomic imbalance.

      If a patient with activation level 8-10 appears calm, this could indicate a dangerous situation: the person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, so be aware and exercise caution.

      Note that the EPI method makes it possible to measure the level of physiological stress, that is, the activation level of the autonomic nervous system, which does not always coincide with the level of psychological stress, or level of acknowledged psychological tension. For example, a person who suffers an intense psychological trauma – loss of a close person, a difficult divorce, traffic accident, etc. – may have quite a calm appearance and react adequately to external stimulus, but the level of physiological stress will be very high.

fig 2-2.png

      Fig.2.3 EPI Diagram

      EPI/GDV Diagram program

      The GDV Diagram program is designed for analysis of the functional state of the human body, by calculating the integral GDV parameters of energy distribution in the body and in organs and for their comparison with reference parameters of a practically healthy person formed according to the database. The obtained data is displayed in a graphic form as circle diagrams. Additionally, the program makes it possible to calculate the subject’s activation/stress level. To carry out the analysis you need to load into the program static GDV-images of 10 human fingers captured with and without the special filter.

      The norm corresponds to the green ring in the middle. The inner circle is the area of energy deficiency (hypo-energy state). The outer ring is the area of energy excess (hyper-energy state). The diagrams are divided into the sectors related to a certain part of the human body. When you move the mouse cursor over the graph the program will show the information about the current sector. The curves are of different colors and each color corresponds to certain EPI-images of the subject.


      To have the correct processing in the Diagram program, images should have the appropriate calibration, i.e. the EPI/GDV camera should be calibrated in an appropriate way. Without calibration interpretation of diagrams may be incorrect.

      As we see from the Diagram stress level is very high – 7.75. At the Diagram we can see results of several readings done in a course of time. Unfortunately, in this case different exercises did not change the situation.

      Example 001, Woman, 50 years old

49 001 Diagram 49.png


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