MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success. ANT J.D. BANK$

MADE: Sex, Drugs and Murder, The Recipe for Success - ANT J.D. BANK$

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I need to holler at you too, call me when you get in. OK Coop, hey be careful, don’t hit the ladies with your bike bro.! Vroom-Vroom-Vroom. He burns out and a huge white cloud of smoke fills the air. Manny stands there shaking his head at him as the gravel starts to pop in the air from the spinning back tire. He takes off, weaves in and out of the moving car show and tourist traffic and makes it up the block to the Towers in one piece, parks his bike up front near the valet. How was your day Mr. Cooper? David I don’t even want to think about it, to tell you the truth, I wish I stayed in today. I just seen Manny on the strip cruising a few minutes ago, he got you working 12 hours tonight I see. Yeah, it’s my turn to pull 12; was he driving the 64? No he had the El Camino, candy black with 100 spokes. El Camino! I haven’t seen that one. Looks like he’s holding out on you Dave! It’s all good; I got something I’m working on. Oh yeah! What you got white boy? You’ll see in a few weeks during the Rebel car show. OK then, we’ll see. AC turns around and head in the building, hey park this for me will you? No problem, will you be coming back out tonight? Nope, I’m in for tonight, got a long day tomorrow. OK Mr. Cooper, have a good evening.

      Chapter 7, Rain.

      Walking through the lobby of the Towers slower than he had before, he noticed the bellhop had pulled out a tub of umbrellas and the valet’s had put on their raincoats and rubber boots. It was obvious that the staff was preparing for one of Las Vegas dirty little secrets. The rain was an enemy of the city, one may think that those in the desert would love rain once in a while; the truth of it was that the city had one of the worst drainage systems in the U.S. Hell, anytime it rained 2 inches or more the streets would flood for hours on end. Watching the staff prepare for what seemed like a disaster, AC noticed the chef’s in the restaurant waving him over. Hey Coop, what’s up man? Come here! He waves back and heads over. Chef, how are you this evening? I'm great; here try some samples of tonight’s special, its New Zealand rack of lamb. AC reached on the platter, picked up a sample and popped it in his mouth. Wow! This is spectacular, the rich flavor and juices are making my mouth crave for more. Damn, this is seasoned well, can you send an order up to my Condo with a bottle of Pinot! Of course! Thanks Chef! Sure thing AC, we will have it to you in an hour. Thank you.

      Making his way to the elevator, you could see that there was a since of relief on his face, saying to himself. Damn, I’m glad it’s going to rain, now I know for sure that blood want be in that parking lot tomorrow when I go to the club. Hell, I wish it were that easy to make Vinny and his brother disappear! Stepping into the elevator all alone, looking at himself in the gold doors, he noticed that the hair on his head was growing back. AC rubbed his head and felt for new growth to see if he needed to shave tonight or the next day. Damn! I just shaved the other day! Now I have to again tonight! Ding! The elevator had reached his floor, walking out of the elevator he looked up and there she was. Hey Daddy! Sabrina! What are you doing here baby? Daddy, I couldn't go home after all that bullshit today! Well, how long have you been sitting out here? Maybe an hour or so! An hour! I’m fine; it gave me time to think. Yeah I bet! Today didn’t go anything like I planned either, it just goes to show you that you can’t change fate, what will be, will be. I know Daddy, I’m sorry for getting you into this mess. No need to apologize, let's just get on with our lives, forget that shit ever happened! I don't want to speak about it again! OK daddy!

      He unlocks the door, they go in. Are you hungry, I ordered this good ass lamb a few minutes ago, I can call down and have them add another plate. Sure daddy, can I get some wine too? I’m already ahead of you babe, ordered some pinot too. Cool, well go take a shower daddy, get fresh so I can cuddle with you on this rainy day. Give me a minute, I'm gonna shave first then take that shower. There's a 20 sack in my pants pocket, get it and roll two blunts for us while I'm doing this. OK, where’s the cd’s, do you have any Too Short? Bitch! Sabrina shouts out. Girl what you know about Too Short? Bitch! Ha-Ha. Just Kidding, yeah I have that one "Getting It" with E40, Banks, D Shot, Dangerous Crew on it, look over by that Jodeci CD. He stood there looking in the bathroom mirror preparing to shave his head then pulled out the clippers to tape up his goatee. Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! As he's trimming, he says to her. Hey baby, you know you owe me right? What are you talking about daddy? I just solved one of your biggest problems, you gone say what am I talking about. Oh daddy stop playing, you know I got you. OK, I’m just saying though, a brother went all out, know what I mean? All Clint Eastwood, Dirty Harry and shit! Ha-ha-ha. That fool was like, please bro., please bro., don’t kill me! That punk ass motherfucker had it coming baby, know what I'm saying.

      I do, you can always count on me being there for you through thick and thin daddy. Through thick and thin baby, hope you mean that. Yep, no bullshit daddy, I’m forever in your debt, can I open the curtains? Sure go ahead. She walks over to the large picture window overlooking the strip and slid the curtains back. Wow! Look at all this rain, it’s really coming down. I hate to be out there in that shit, you know all the streets are flooded; these fools can’t drive in the rain out here. The rain drops were coming down seem like 40 MPH and sounded like balls of ice hitting the window, bouncing off the patio like golf balls on a driving range. Hey can you hand me a clean towel out of the linen closet, put that Cd on already too, what are you waiting on? He said out loud while shampooing his head, then proceeded to take his shower. While reaching to get his other rag, Sabrina stuck her head in. What are you doing daddy? Washing my ass girl, what does it look like? You want me to do it for you? Nah I got it, thanks for the towel though, but you can wash my back for me. OK turn around, let me get it. She washed his back slowly up and down as she began to sing the Too Short song that was playing in the background.

      “You should be getting it. Everything you dream off” “You should be getting it.” OK Too Short, hand me that towel so I can dry off. I got you daddy, come here let me handle this. Hand me the phone while you’re doing that. Sabrina gives him the cordless phone off the bathroom counter. Here you go daddy. Thanks. He called room service. Ring-Ring. Hello, how may we assist you Mr. Cooper? Yes, could you add another order of lamb to my previous order and a second glass please? Sure thing Mr. Cooper, is there anything else you need? No that’s it. Damn Daddy, you got some blood behind your ear, on your neck too. Well get it off baby. He gives her a face towel off the rack over the toilet. Here wet this rag with some hot water and soap; get that stinking shit off me! OK, OK, I got you! Chill out! She scrubs behind his ear and on his neck. He turned around looked in the mirror, checked the rest of his body for blood. Thank you baby, did you get it all? No, I forgot one spot. Where is it? I didn't see anything. Come here, let me get it.

      OK where’s the blunt? Its right here daddy, relax I got you, let me light it for you. She picks up the lighter and blunt off the counter, lights it, hands it to him. AC took a pull off the blunt and walked in the den to sit on the couch. Sabrina followed him, kneeled down on the floor between his legs and began to play with his penis. Once it got up, she spat on the head, massaged it with her hand, then started to lick the tip. Then ever so slowly she began to swallow his dick as if it were a pop sickle. He took a long toke off the blunt then responded in a low voice after exhaling the chronic smoke. Shit, I love that baby, you don’t ever have to stop, this is the best feeling in the world. Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, she went on and on. Damn! Girl slow down, I’m not going anywhere, take your time, go back to that slow action. He took another pull off the blunt. Yeah that’s it mommy, yeah that’s it, suck that dick baby, suck that dick! Oh baby! Oh baby! I’m cumming! Oh Shit! Aaaahhhh, yeah that’s that shit right there baby, hell yeah. Damn, that was quick as hell though; we’ve been fucking so damn much, my dick is sore. AC rubs his penis and looks down at her. I need to take a break from your sexy nympho ass. Man, what the hell ever! You the nympho daddy! Ha-ha! He laughs. Damn right, your ass is too baby, don't front. Sabrina stands up, sits on the couch beside him. But did you like it?

      Hell yeah, I loved it, when you doing it again? Whenever you want daddy! Oh really, well, we can do that shit tomorrow, my ass need to rest up, here hit some of this chronic. He sticks the blunt in her mouth, she takes a pull. Dang, where’s the food; A brother is starving. Ring-Ring. Baby hand me that phone please. Ring-Ring. She gets the cordless off the end table. Here you go daddy. Ring-Ring. Hello! Yo what’s up nigga, this Jerm. Hey what’s crackin pippin, you back in L.A yet? Yeah I just got some Laker tickets court side for next Saturday; I know you want one nigga. Hell Yeah fool, how many

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