Jackpot Frequency Playbook: Bet the Numbers That Smash the Odds and Hit the Rollovers. Jaq M.C. Roth
five balls from one pool of thirty-nine numbers and one ball from nineteen numbers is easy to imagine because it is what we expect to see in the lotto draw chambers. Five balls with one pool of thirty-nine numbers each, takes a little more explaining, but if you change your point of reference, and look for the ambiguity you will understand that by changing one word in the equation, it is the number choices for each of the six balls that increases, and not the amount of balls played. Draw game 5/39+1/19 is interpreted as 5 from 39 + 1 from 19. By changing the word from to with a whole new perspective manifests to the right side of possible. Think of ball positions as ascending numbers from one to five plus one, and you can create the image of five ball pools with thirty nine number choices and since this is a double matrix lotto, there is also one ball pool with nineteen number choices. It is only from these individual ascending ball pools that the draw frequency reveals itself between the extreme pivots that represent the highest and lowest numbers drawn. 5/39+1/19 = 5 with 39 + 1 with 19 or b1=39 b2=39 b3=39 b4=39 b5=39 b6=19. Thirty-nine for each ball seems an outrageous number just to generate a 5 + 1 choice, but these pools are not from whence you chose your elusive six. These six expanded pools allow you to identify the aligning numbers in each position that link in a five ball sequence more frequently than any other numbers in the pool. As you tally each position a distinct pattern of between 19 to 23 numbers shift the win attitude toward matching an annual jackpot! So 5/39+1/19 transforms to 6 with 19, or b1=19 b2=19 b3=19 b4=19 b5=19 b6=19. Each of the 19 numbers has one high and one low extreme pivot. Using Fibonacci, these extreme pivots are retraced into five support and resistance levels. So 6/19 is transformed into 6 with 15, or b1=15, b1=15, b3=15, b4=15 b5=15 and b6=15, or 6/15. Reducing the play pools, smashes the odds of matching a 5+1 jackpot more than once in a lifetime from 10939383 to 289395 = JACKPOT FREQUENCY PLAYBOOK for lotto 5/39+1/19!.
39 celebrated Jackpot Matches
Of 918 bi-weekly draws, 879 were rollovers.
So by random results standards, that’s 6 winners from 102 draws each year.
As far as most of us know: There are thirty-nine balls in one draw chamber and nineteen balls in another at one time to prevent repeats in a 5+1 sequence, but that doesn’t mean there are only 58 numbers to play! If each ball has a position in the sequence and all number frequencies are found in ball positions then the precision of the jackpot frequency has the power to reduce win odds by 10 million due to the expansion and alignment of the play pool ambiguity:
5/39+1/19 = 5 from 39 and 1 from 19 or 5/39+1/19 = 5 with 39 and 1 with 19
5/39+1/19 PLAYED AS 6/15
Odds of winning a Jackpot: 1 : 289,395 configuring 5 with 39 and 1 with 19
(That’s an odds reduction of 10,649,988)
Pick 5+1 jackpots are drawn in 6 positions. Past results are arranged in 6 positions. So the suggestion that ball position frequencies increase jackpot match odds, recognizes the 5/39+1/19 ambiguity as five play pools with thirty-five numbers and one play pool with nineteen numbers. By tallying each ball position a 5/15 frequency emerges as 19 numbers with a high/low pivot pair. To reduce the win odds from 10 million to 289 thousand, the pivot pairs are retraced and six linked pillars are assembled with numbers that have a history of aligning as jackpots. The play pool reduction is immense, and with 20 numbers eliminated for each ball position, players can select aligned frequencies from 90 numbers divided by 6 pools with a 5 year history of matching big hits, sometimes consecutively, often monthly. 5/39+1/19 as 5/15 matched 215 five ball draws.
The pool ambiguity 5/39+1/19 as 5 with 39 + 1 with 19 expands the number pool to 214. That’s 5 balls with 1 pool of 39 numbers, instead of 5 balls from one pool of 39 numbers. Whichever way you chose to interpret the pool matrix, five + one balls are rolled; six boxes are crossed; and a jackpot of six numbers are won, but playing aligned frequencies increases the likelihood of matching the drawn jackpot by aligning sequences from number pools for each ball position. Playing 6/15 will challenge everything you thought you knew about selecting numbers, but to understand the results you need to learn how to read ascending alignments in past random draws.
Numbers drawn 21-16-33-05-19-18; 20-12-36-28-22-10; 25-18-37-15-21-04; 12-05-24-23-16-08; 10-02-29-23-17-15; and finally, 36-20-19-18-10-04 makes little sense because if you list these results one on top of the other the numbers are all jumbled. After looking over a few decades of disorderly results it's hard to appreciate any number frequency until the magic of ascending alignment places each number in numeric order, then Voila! A pattern is immediately noticeable with numbers in sequenced alignment. As the numbers aligns lesser to greater, 05-16-19-21-33-18; 12-20-22-28-36-10; 15-18-21-25-37-04; 05-12-16-23-24-08; and the last two, 02-10-17-23-29-15; and 10-18-19-20-36-04, have certain numbers that fall in one or two positions, but never the other three or all five positions.
This is easier to see if you list the sequences one on top of the other. In b1 the single numbers drawn are not repeated in b2-b3-b4 or b5? So a five number sequence of 01-02-03-04-39 or 02-05-08-12-38 would not be matched as a jackpot frequency draw. In b5 the thirties numbers drawn, are not repeated in b1-b2 or b3? So a five number sequence 20-31-32-34-35 or 29-31-32-35-36-39 would not be matched as a jackpot frequency draw, either. Once a ball position is added to an aligned sequence, a pattern unfolds, and as you get into the habit of using the b1-b2-b3-b4-b5+b6 sequence formation pattern to test drawn results, the jackpot frequency will begin to dance before your eyes.
As soon as this pattern is reflected as drawn results, you can begin to understand the natural selection presence of the jackpot frequency as it matched 27 jackpots in 2011, 28 jackpots in 2010, 25 jackpots in 2009, 28 jackpots in 2008, and in 2007, it matched 28 jackpots. The first draw year of 2006, the jackpot frequency matched a whopping 31 jackpots. That’s quite a merit considering there have only been 39 winner celebrated jackpots in five years of players choosing 5 balls from 39 and 1 ball from 19.
Most players fascinated by lottery logic regard pool structure and number frequencies as the foundation for selection formulas, but without position they are thirty-nine frequently drawn numbers. It makes little difference that 8 and 25 are the most popular numbers selected until the positions in which they are drawn defines the frequency. Number 8 has been drawn 56 times as b1, 39 times in a 6/15 jackpot match. Number 25 has been drawn 58 times as b4, 44 times in a 6/15 jackpot match. Bi-weekly draw results are often type set in a numbers drawn format - so initially, there are six years of comma spaced, single and double digits to fathom. There is no way to calculate the information required to play as 6/15 without placing the results to numeric order. Once all the sequences are organized, ascending lesser to greater, you can see that each ball position has an “extreme pivot” formed by the frequency of the highest and lowest numbers drawn.
By tallying each frequency in the six recorded positions you will see that there are 19-23 numbers drawn more often than the 20-16 other numbers in the ball pool. b1, highest number is 19, and the lowest number is 01 with a pivot pair of 01-19; b2, highest number is 22, and the lowest number is 03 with a pivot pair of 03-22; b3, highest number is 26 and the lowest number is 07 with a pivot pair of 07-26; b4, highest number is 34, and the lowest number is 15 with a pivot pair of 15-34; and for b5, highest number is 39, and the lowest number is 20 with a pivot pair of 20-39.
Between each low/high pivot is a pool of the frequently drawn numbers. b1 has a play pool of 02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18 between the pivot pairs; b2 has a play pool of 04-05-06-07-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 between the pivot pairs; b3 has a play pool of 08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24 between the pivot pairs; b4 has a play pool of 16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32 between the pivot pairs; b5 has a play pool of 21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37 between the pivot pairs.
To configure every aligned “jackpot frequency” sequence the 19 number frequencies for each ball position are retraced into Fibonacci degrees (from less to greater, as 78%, 61%, 50%, 38% and 23%) making it possible to configure a play pool between each pivot. b1, with extreme pivots 1-19 is retraced as 4=7=10=12=14; b2, with extreme pivots 3-22 is retraced as 7=10=12=14=17;b3 with extreme pivots 07-26