Atheists Are Idiots. Robert Boone's Firth

Atheists Are Idiots - Robert Boone's Firth

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      Atheists Are Idiots


      Robert Firth

      Copyright 2012 Robert Firth,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0910-8

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      Antitheism (sometimes anti-theism) implies an opposition to theism. The etymological roots of the word lie in the Greek anti-and theismos. The term has had a range of applications; in secular contexts, it typically refers to a direct opposition to organized religion or, to the belief in any deity. While in a theistic context, it sometimes refers to opposition of a specific god or gods. The anti-theist is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "One opposed to belief in the existence of a god." The earliest citation given for this meaning is from 1833. An antitheist may be opposed to belief in the existence of any god or gods, not merely one in particular.

      This book is not necessarily written to convert anyone to a recognition or belief in our creator but, if such were to be the case, that’s all to the good. Rather, the book is meant to provide the reader with some logical and thoughtful reasoning concerning those who do believe in a creator and those who proclaim that such does not exist. We don’t wish to “sell” anyone on anything, especially, any particular belief system, The purpose is to acquaint the reader with the rich heritage of theistic and anti-theistic thought that many of us, both those living and those not, have had to say on the subject.

      Today, not all, but a majority of atheists are liberals, progressives, far leftists, socialists and communists. Mostly, they are markedly un-patriotic, few hunt and fewer under fifty ever served in our armed forces. As a group, they divorce more often than Christians, voted for obama and espouse and support such nebulous issues as ‘social justice’ and the nihilistic ‘occupy’ movement. Few of them have any real knowledge of the bible or religion and therefore don’t really understand what it is they are professing not to believe in.

      Having spent many decades as an airline pilot, I have had countless occasion to gaze at the stars and wonders of our world and our universe. Of all my many compatriots, those who shared my skies, I would say that none were or are atheists or agnostics. The wonders and balance of nature and the marvelous physics of flight present the truths of our creator in ways simply too overwhelming to discount.

      Some of the lost souls in non-believer camp have the gift of intellect and it is for them this book is written. I ask those prescient few to thoughtfully examine their anti-theist positions in light of the concepts, thoughts and facts we present. If even one of them comes to the realization of their Creators realty, the book will have served its purpose.

      The title of the book is, of course, insulting to those who do not share my beliefs and it is purposely so. If you reject the notion of our Creator, I wish the book to give you pause. It can only be through ignorance, serious error and lack of imagination that an individual can adopt the negative and empty mindset of the anti-theist. Sadly, however, I have learned that the majority of atheists are indeed stupid and that such a level of reasoning is forever beyond them. Be you one, I offer no hope, go your lonely way then…

      Robert J. Firth

      May, 2010

      CHAPTER 1

      What the hell is an atheist

      Why was I born? Why are we here and what in the hell is an atheist?

      Why was I born, where did I come from, where are we going and why are we here? These arguably are the most common questions asked throughout history by children, adults, philosophers and scholars. The child can easily answer these questions, he says ‘I came from my house and I’m going to play and I’m here because mommy told me to be- easy enough. However, as one grows up, of course, these answers don’t work anymore and, all but the dimmest, are forced to reach further to find satisfying answers, many ponder these questions till their last days and, even then, never see the light….

      Questions concerning the true meaning of life are virtually endless, arising from many disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, spirituality, science, and, of course, religion. They proliferate like the ‘old swami on the mountain’ tale. We present here some of the main viewpoints that attempt to answer the question "What is the true meaning of and purpose of life?"

      The religious devotee, of course, feels his true purpose is one of devotion to religion. Mother Teresa and the many thousands like her in service to God and humanity are examples. All religions presuppose a supernatural being. The followers are to connect with the higher power and do good works in the name of the deity or creator so as to benefit humankind. Devout Christians (and many not so devout) model themselves after the Christ and try to emulate him in thought and deed. The commandants, as delivered by Moses and venerated by Jews and Christians alike, are used as moral guidelines upon which to model ones life.

      Atheists, by contrast, hold the opposite stance; they recognize no supernatural being or Creator. Atheistic views generally assume that the universe and all life simply ‘evolved’ under the laws of probability and look for non-religious meanings to explain life’s true purpose. The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandants hold that humans should treat others as they would themselves be treated and conduct themselves accordingly. This provides strong purpose in many religions such as Christianity and Judaism as well as Buddhism. The true atheist however professes no such moral restraints and has therefore, at best, adopted a kind of ‘moral relativism’ and, at worst, sees no clear difference or distinction between good and evil. These kinds of people are clearly capable of, and have committed, the greatest crimes in history. Why? There is nothing to hold them back, they have no fear of God’s punishment since, in their mind, there is no God. For them, nothing can be truly evil because the term evil itself is purely relative. The distinction, for these wretches, between good and bad, right and wrong, is therefore blurred such that no action they may take carries moral responsibility, relevance or significance.

      Other ‘empty-suits’ (secular humanists) actually argue that the ‘real meaning of life’ is mostly biological. They feel that highest meaning of ones existence is to continue humankind through procreation of the species. Since, for them, the end of life is nothing more than a cold and lonely grave, they argue that the creation of more humans is the most important thing- otherwise, of course, humanity would cease to exist. What a logical and neat little argument….. cold, reasonable and empty! There are different types and stances of those who call themselves ‘humanists,’ many of whom see one’s individual purpose as being able to contribute to needs of the collective. Of course, this is 100% the Marxist and communist view and we know where that road leads!

      In the appendices herein we have posted a list of the miracles of Jesus Christ. There are literally thousands of ancient documents in existence today that were written hundreds of years before Christ walked the earth. The accounts of the life and times of Jesus were well documented by hundreds of scholars and followers, many from first hand experience. Only the dullest of the dull and only the most committed and close minded of atheists can possibly deny that these recorded miracles by the Son of God occurred. In this respect, the Bible is a historically accurate document. What happened, and has been reported, did happen. There is no possible counter argument by the secular and Godless left that can explain away these facts! We list them here and defy any atheist to counter them. Were all those who wrote down what they saw and heard simply mad? Jesus proved to all that he indeed was the son of God and that those who would follow him would have life more abundantly and most

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