Instant! French. Nick Theobald &

Instant! French - Nick Theobald &

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      Excusez moi.

      Excuse-zay mwa.

      Good-natured phrases

      How’s it going, mate?

      Comment ça va, mon pote?

      Com-mon sar va, mon poat?

      What’s new?

      Quoi de neuf?

      Kwa de nerf?

      Take it easy.

      Du calme.

      Doo calm.

      Look after yourself.

      Prends soin de toi.

      Prond swan de twa. (not exactly “swan”)

      You feel me? (meaning: You understand me?)

      Tu me suis?

      Too me swee?

      Know what I mean?

      Tu sais ce que je veux dire?

      Too say se ke je vurr dear?

      Everything’s cool.

      Tout est cool.

      Toot ay cool.

      No worries.

      Pas de problème.

      Pa de prob-lem.

      Everything’s fine mate.

      Tout va bien mon pote.

      Too var bee-en mon poat.

      A Room With a View

      Can I get a quiet room?

      Je voudrais une chambre tranquille?

      Je voo-dray oon shombre tron-keel?

      Is there any construction going on in the hotel?

      Est-ce qu’il y a des rénovations en cours dans l’hôtel?

      Ess-keel-ee-ya day ray-no-vass-ee-yon on core don low-tel?

      The above phrase, in one author’s experience, is the world’s best question to ask when making a booking. Ask this question and you will avoid that depressing noise at 8am as the jackhammers start - on the floor above you.

      A room with a view please.

      Une chambre avec vue s’il vous plaît.

      Oon shombre ah-veck voo see voo play.

      My room has got bedbugs.

      Il y a des punaises dans ma chambre.

      Eel-ee-ya day poo-nayse don ma shombre.

      A room NOT near the lift (elevator) please.

      Une chambre qui n’est pas proche de l’ascenseur s’il vous plaît.

      Oon shombre key nay pa prosh de la-son-sir see voo play.

      The people next door are too noisy.

      Les gens à côté sont trop bruyants.

      Lay zhon a coat-ay son tro brewy-yon.

      Can I/we get a late check-out please? Est-ce que je peux/nous pouvons quitter la chambre plus tard?

      Ess-ke je purr/noo poo-von key-tay la shombre ploo tar?

      How do I say this in French?

      What’s this called in French?

      Comment ça s’appele en français?

      Com-mon sar sa-pell on fron-say?

      How do I say this in French?

      Comment dit-on ça en français?

      Com-mon dee-tonn sar on fron-say?





      3 star hotel.

      L’hôtel trois étoiles.

      Low-tell trwaz ay-twarl.

      Boarding house.

      La pension.

      La pon-see-yon.

      Bed and breakfast.

      La chambre d’hôte.

      La shombre doat.

      Guest house.

      La maison d’hôte.

      La may-zon doat.

      B & B with 3 ears of corn.

      La chambre d’hôte trois épis.

      La shombre doat trwaz ay-pee.

      (B&Bs in France are rated with ears of corn, not stars as for hotels. The more ears the better.)

      Half board.

      La demi-pension.

      La demi-pon-see-yon.

      Full board.

      La pension complète.

      La pon-see-yon com-plet.

      Backpacker. Le routard.

      Le roo-tar.

      Youth hostel.

      L’auberge de jeunesse.

      Low-bairzh de zhern-ess.

      Asking for directions

      We are lost.

      Nous sommes perdus.

      Noo somm pair-doo.

      We want to go to …Montpellier.

      Nous voudrions aller à …Montpellier.

      Noo voo-dree-on allay ah…Montpellier.

      What direction is it?

      C’est quelle direction?

      Say kell de-rex-ee-on?

      We are looking for the right road.

      Nous cherchons le bon chemin.

      Noo cher-shon le bon sh’man.

      Examples of typical directions that someone might give you

      • Take the first turn on the right, then the second turn on the left, cross the bridge and you will find the supermarket in front of you.

      Prenez la première (rue) à droite, puis la deuxième à gauche, traversez le pont, et vous allez trouver le supermarché en face de vous.

      Pren-nay la premier roo ah drwat, pwee la derz-ee-em ah gauche, traverse-say le ponn, ay vooze allay troo-vay le super-marshay on fass de voo.

      • At the roundabout, go straight on.

      Au rond-point, allez tout droit.

      Oh rond-pwan, allay too drwa.

      • Take the Autoroute A9, in the direction of Montpellier, and come off at the off-ramp number 13.

      Prenez l’autoroute A9, direction Montpellier, et sortez à l’échangeur numéro treize.

      Pren-nay law-toe route ah nerf, de-rex-ee-on Montpellier, ay sor-tay ah lay-shon-zhurr noo-mair-row trays.

      • Remember. It’s driving on the right.

      Attention. Il faut conduire à droite.

      Ah-ton-see-yon. Eel foe con-dweer ah drwat.

      • You need to back up, turn round and go back to the crossroads.

      Il vous faut reculer, faire demi-tour et retourner au carrefour.

      Eel voo foe reck-you-lay, fair demi-tour ay retournay oh car-for.


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