Coins Left Over. Eugene Psy.D. Strite
Coins Left Over
Practical Steps to Financial Freedom
Eugene Strite
Copyright 2011 eGenCo. and Eugene Strite,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by eGenCo.LLC
ISBN-13: 978-1-9365-5401-0
Copyright © 2011 — eGenCo. and Eugene Strite
All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. is book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request from Eugene Strite. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®.NIV®.Copyright © 1973,1978,1984 by International Bible Society. Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified Bible, Expanded Edition, Copyright © 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation and the Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked The Message are taken from The Message, copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version, whose copyright ran out centuries ago. Its text is public domain. Any emphasis added to Scripture quotations is the author’s own. Please note that pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been capitalized.
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This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife, Karen, who is my best friend and partner in all our endeavors. She is my strongest supporter and has provided great insight in the refinement of this book. I thank God for her constant encouragement and the balance that I need in all aspects of my life.
I also dedicate this book to my late father-in-law, Arthur F. Lehman, who taught and trained me in the ways of finance, trade, and industry, revealing to me the danger of transacting business according to the world’s standards. I am grateful for these strong foundations upon which my businesses and ministries are based today.
Finally, this book is dedicated to each of my children—Selena, Wesley, Sherah, and Sheila—who constantly challenge me to view the world differently. I am so proud to see them living and moving for God, and continue to pray that they will follow after His will for their lives.
My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation goes out to my wife, Karen—you are the love of my life. Thank you for 35 wonderful years of marriage and for your encouragement and support in spreading the message of the Kingdom to the world. Selena, Wesley, Sherah and Sheila—you are the four best children a father could ask for; each of you have a huge contribution to make to the world. To Mom and Dad, I am grateful for your commitment to raising your children with godly values, and for your genuine concern for the interests of others.
To my son-in-law, Vishal Jetnarayan, thank you for encouraging me to write yet another book. Without your administrative skills, this endeavor probably wouldn’t have happened. And to Becky Helman, I appreciate the countless hours and energy you spent editing this book. Both of you, your devotion to Jesus is remarkable, and your desire to serve is inspiring. And finally, to my church family at World Harvest Outreach and my friends around the world, you are the team who “lives it out” every day. Thank you all for the deposits you have made to my life.
My friend Gene Strite has given us a great gift by writing his new book, Coins Left Over. ThThis book is not about theory. Gene has lived out these biblical principles for many years and has experienced the blessing of obedience. Now, through this book, Gene gives us the same opportunity to experience God’s blessing as he has modeled it in his own life. This book is clearly biblical, extremely practical, and filled with nuggets of truth about Kingdom finances that will change your life. I highly recommend this book to you.
—Larry Kreider,
Author and International Director DOVE Christian Fellowship International
Eugene Strite has been a spiritual father to my wife and me for almost 20 years. His impartation has been vital in catapulting us from employees to owners of multiple businesses and properties. What sets Eugene and his writing apart from so many others is his unique balance of wealth generation, generosity, and stewardship. He is an example of all three to our congregation and to countless others worldwide. His work will embolden you with a gift of faith, tempered with practical wisdom, which will relate to any situation or endeavor. I not only recommend the book in your hands, but all of Eugene’s writings, videos, and counsel.
—Mark S. Durniak
Lead Pastor, World Harvest Outreach, Chambersburg, PA President and Principal, Synergy Restaurant Group, Inc.
Empowering! Anyone who reads this book will receive tremendous insight and will learn secrets about the power of money when it’s turned to correct use. You’ll be taken to a new dimension of prosperous Kingdom living!
—Dr. Daniel Daves
Children’s Feeding Network
I first met Gene in 1997 when my husband was employed by his company. Little did I know at that time, how this divine connection would change my life. Since then, my husband and I have acquired rental properties, purchased an assisted living facility, and started a thriving in-home care company. I believe these opportunities have been the result of applying Gene’s teachings to our lives. I have personally seen how giving out of a relationship with God, and not because of a requirement or a law, has changed our finances. Consequently, many opportunities have come into our lives. Gene’s teaching on God’s Kingdom has changed my world perspective. I no longer consider our properties and businesses as just a means for my family, but as a way to change and influence other people’s lives and further the Kingdom of God.
—Becky Hissong, Owner/Administrator
Heritage Hills Retirement Community, Inc.
Heritage in Home Care Services, Inc.
When people run into financial challenges, they go back to the basics. With this book, Gene Strite provides a compelling