A Real Goon's Bible. Derrick MD Johnson

A Real Goon's Bible - Derrick MD Johnson

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      Derrick Johnson

      Copyright 2011 Derrick Johnson,

      All rights reserved.

      Street Life Publishers

      A work of fiction

      Jason Burford and Sheila Johnson, editors

      Published in eBook format by Street Life Publishers

      Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

      ISBN-13: 978-0-9834-4098-7

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      First of all I’d like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for blessing me with the gift of being able to bring my words to the world. Without him there would be no me.

      To Eula and Jewell Johnson, my grandparents, rest in peace. Ya’ll are a part of me and my thoughts. I honor, miss and respect ya’ll. I truly can now say I got it right Momma. I know ya’ll are watching over me. I miss ya’ll.

      To my pops, Allan White, I can never find the words to convey the admiration and respect I have for you. Know that I recognize the sacrifices you made for me, never will I forget you coming to get us when we were in a bad situation; I know you didn’t have to take me with but you did. Or the time you risked your life and freedom standing up for me, I love you Pops, always and forever.

      To my sisters, Shareka and Sue Dortch, I love ya’ll and treasure all the time we spent together.

      To my Grandma White, you’re truly a Queen who deserves nothing less than the best. I love you.

      To a true friend, Vanessa Wilson. I truly value your unconditional friendship; you always said if I applied myself I could do anything I wanted. Friendships like ours are truly rare and hard to find.

      C.C. my baby girl, I love you with all my heart. You’ve remained my #1 supporter through it all. Uncle Derrick will always be there for you.

      As always, a special thanks to my cover and interior designer, Keith Saunders from Marion Designs. There’s no other who can compare to your designs. Also my editors, Sheila Johnson and Jason Burford.

      And to my Mother, Vivian S. White; if they had a male version of you, I’m it. We’ve both been through it all and have overcome whatever obstacle we encounter…..we go hard baby. You gave life to a bonafide Goon. Although I no longer choose to run the streets, I will never forget where we came from, Galesburg baby!

      The Code That Goons Live By

      For a wounded man to say to his assailant, “If I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven,” such is the rule of goons.

      Being a goon means honoring the code of silence that seals the lips of men, even in their own defense and even when the accused is innocent of charged crimes. Each individual has the obligation of looking out for his own interest and of proving his manliness by not appealing to legally constituted authorities for redress or personal grievances.

      A wronged person is expected to avenge himself or find a patron who will see to it that the job is done.

      Being a goon brings about fear out in those who aren’t cut from the same cloth. It is an extreme form of loyalty and solidarity in the face of adversity; one of its absolute tenets is that it is deeply demeaning and shameful to betray even one’s deadliest enemy to the authorities.

      The thought of being anything less than a soldier is constituted the blackest mark against manhood.

      The definition of the code of silence is whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without police protection are both. It is as cowardly to betray another to justice, even though his offenses be against yourself, as it is not to avenge an injury by violence.

      It is dastardly and contemptible in a wounded man to betray the name of his assailant because if he recovers he must naturally expect to take vengeance himself.


      I wrote this book with hope of enlightening all those who either don’t know or do know but aint acknowledging the laws and codes of Life. There’s an unwritten code that has to be adhered to, moral codes and principles that keep our society in order. Many people have either forgotten or haven’t taken the time to learn these rules/lessons of life. I truly hope this book enlightens ya’ll and gives you motivation and understanding of the Laws and Codes of this Game we call Life.


      I first off want to say that all respect and honor goes to the Lord because I’m truly blessed. It’s truly an honor to be able to give back to the people.

      To all those who support my efforts, I want you to know I truly respect and appreciate ya’lls support. I also want ya’ll to know that no matter how many books I sell or how big my projects become, I’ll always bring it to you raw and uncut because real recognize real. I call my books fictional/real life because those who’ve walked the streets of the urban jungle have seen or experienced a lot of what I write about, and because of the rawness in my books, I have to throw in some fiction, but like I said, real recognizes real.

      To all my beautiful and handsome children, there’s no erasing the past so let’s look forward and enjoy the time we have now. Know that your Pops has put the sack and pistol down and now uses a new tool; I’m living at the expense of my pen. It’s a shame I’ve spent the greater part of ya’lls lives incarcerated; I make no excuse for this, but keeping it 100 as I always have, your Daddy is a certified Goon/Gangsta and that’s the consequences and repercussions from being bred into that lifestyle, so use me as an example of what not to do. I love each and every one of ya’ll beyond boundaries, with or without conditions.

      To all the brothers and sisters on lock down who shed blood, sweat and tears for the streets, and the ones we love who seem to have forgotten ya’ll. Know that ya’ll are survivors and soldiers, unlike many, I can feel ya. I served time, twelve years to be exact, so my interpretation of the “good guys” are the men and women who do whatever is deemed necessary to feed and survive under any conditions. Keep your head up, there’s a change being made. We have our first Black President and so many more of us real black brothers and sisters are opening up doors to avenues that once weren’t an option for us. So never give up because true happiness comes from within, not from what someone else says or does; that’s temporary gratification. Stay strong, stay focused, because the struggle has to go on; when no one else loves you, you have to keep loving yourself because every morning it’s your face you have to look at in the mirror.

      Much love to my comrades who stayed real with me, never changing. Dwight, a.k.a. D-Nice, Richard McElrath, Jihad, Robert, a.k.a. Bone, Danny Bowie, a.k.a. BG, my lil’ homie 4 life Block “what up Goon Squad”, Karon Whitaker, a.k.a. CA, Tommy “what up BD”, Lucky G, Trell, Duffy, UC “what up cuz, you know what it is, North Side 4 life”. To my dawgs Bar Face, Nardo, Go-Go, Lil’ Killa, Quick, Man Man “what’s good my nigga”, Michael Scales, a.k.a. Biggs you know what it is, “74 ‘til the world blows up”. What up to my nigga Slim Thugga, and my Brother-in-arms Fat Rat, you were the first one to purchase my book and never forget real friendships are hard to find but a brother is even more rare.

      And last, because ya’ll aren’t important, to all my haters and people who didn’t support me but stayed smiling in my face and abandoned my struggle and doubted my success….THANK YOU. It is ya’ll who inspired me to

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