Look Younger and More Attractive In 7 Days or Less. Beverly JD Paul
react to them. If people in your life are, negative or seem to bring you down, distance yourself from them. You cannot choose what people around you say or do but you can control how you let it affect you.
Do not be afraid to cry when you need to. Holding back tears will hold back all the emotions, and you will carry that with you inside and it is not a good thing to do. Crying makes you feel better, it allows you to get out the pent up feelings and then you can deal with the grief and hurt instead of carrying it with you, where it will be another stressor on your body.
Laugh. Laughter is a good thing, as long as you are not laughing at the expense of another person. Laughter releases those endorphins that help keep your immune system and your heart healthy.
Enjoy the little things in life. Stop rushing through life, stop, and literally smell the roses. Take a walk in the park, on the beach. See a movie or go out to eat. Listen to the birds singing outside your window. Get a pet, take your dog for walks that benefit both of you or get a cat and spoil it. Petting a cat has been proven to help reduce stress and the cat will enjoy it too.
We have all heard the phrase before; you are what you eat. However, it is very true. Our bodies must process and breakdown all that we put inside or ourselves in order to make it useful; the liver and kidneys filter out toxins. As we age, so do our organs and they may not work so well, especially if we have not been putting things that are good for us into them.
If you smoke, stop. Smoking has zero positive health benefits. To look younger, stop smoking, the sooner you stop smoking the better of a chance you have of reversing the damage that you have done. Not only does smoking increase your risk of cancer and does significant damage to your lungs, but also it affects your appearance, and none for the better. Smoking shrinks the blood vessels in your skin, reducing healthy blood flow so if you get a small cut it will take longer to heal with diminished blood flow. The collagen in your skin deteriorates; you lose the elastic nature of your skin. Your skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Your lips and teeth become stained from nicotine. Smoking adds age to your appearance, makes you look older than you really are.
Kick any drug habit that you have. Not only will drugs cause you numerous physical ailments, but also they affect how you look and how you feel. Illegal drugs will cause you to look older than you are and give you a sickly appearance. Take prescription medication only under a doctor’s care and follow the directions for all over the counter medication. Taking more than you should for over the counter medication can damage your liver and kidneys, two vital organs. Read labels carefully and never take medication for something that you do not need.
Excessive drinking will not only affect your health but it will damage your skin as well and your state of mind. Drinking occasionally can actually benefit you. Wine has flavonoids in it and studies have proven that the occasional glass of red wine or wine can benefit your health. Excessive drinking does not benefit you. Not only will it have ill effects on your liver and kidneys; when you liver and kidneys are not working right, toxins build up in the body.
Get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep can make you feel groggy and disconnected. Your memory will suffer and so will your response time to things. Your attention span will be shorter, your moods will be affected, and you will have mood swings. Lack of sleep can diminish the effectiveness of your immune system. Make sure you get plenty of rest. After a stressful day, try meditation. The breathing and peaceful nature of meditation will increase the oxygen flow into your body making you feel and look younger and better.
Stay active. You can do this by either exercise or by taking up a hobby, as long as you are active and staying busy. Start a garden, build a birdhouse, crochet, or knit, play music or sing, take up woodworking or even car restoration. Just stay active. When you have long bouts of inactivity, you start to feel stiffened up and lose your balance and are prone to injuries. Stay active to avoid this.
If you are overweight, lose the weight with a balanced diet and exercise plan. Avoid crash diets or fad diets. They work in the short term but are denying your body the nutrients and vitamins that it needs to work properly. Even if you just spent 10-15 minutes a day doing some sort of exercise, you will see and feel the benefits. Take walks, do yoga, water aerobics are a low impact exercise that is especially great for people who are older and just starting an exercise regimen.
A balanced and healthy diet is key to looking younger. Watch your fat and sodium intake. Add fiber to your diet. Use whole grain bread instead of white bread. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Not only do you get many vitamins from fruits and vegetables, but you get many other health benefits from the other things they provide such as: Phytochemicals that lower your risk of cancer and boost your cardiovascular system and act as anti-oxidants, organosulfur compounds that help your body fight off heart disease and stroke, carotenoids that help us fight off disease and reduce the risk of cancers, tannins that help us fight cancer and heart disease and lowers our risk of having a stroke.
Take vitamins and supplements. The most important ones to have in your diet are Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E. You can often find a daily supplement that contains all of these. Each of these serves a purpose in our bodies and when we lack one or all, we may start to look older and not feel as good.
What you surround yourself with is equally important as what you put inside of your body. External factors also take a toll on our looks and can age us prematurely. The things that we breathe, eat, drink, or touch can have a negative effect on our health and our looks. We do not have any control over our genetics but we can control our environment to some degree.
With the advance of science, the number of chemicals and chemical compounds are increasing. Smog, pollution from factories, commercial pesticides on the foods that we buy, pollution from cars, cigarette smoke, pesticides for home, cleaning supplies, even the artificial additives and preservatives in our foods can all have a negative effect.
As we age, our bodies will slowly begin to lose the ability to rid itself of the toxins that can cause damage to our organs. To look and feel, your best you need to really need to limit what you are exposing yourself too; limit the toxins that you take in.
Pollution, especially smog, has been linked to heart attacks, several chemicals used in industrial processing plants are carcinogens, industrial areas have higher instances of breast cancer, and certain cancers are more common among those who use certain pesticides in agricultural areas.
Smog in the cities is a mixture of chemicals, none of which will do you any good. Avoid being outside during rush hour. Pay attention to pollution alerts and avoid being outside during that time. Make sure that you get away from the smoggy areas to get fresh air if you live in the big cities. On your days off enjoy a walk someplace where the air is fresh. Go someplace off the beaten path and away from the traffic. The fresh air will do you good and keep your skin looking better.
Do not smoke and avoid your exposure to second hand smoke. We have already gone over the damage that smoking does to your body so we will not go back over that. However, the second hand smoke it just as dangerous to your skin and body. Keep your home a smoke free environment. Get a home air purifier with a HEPA filter and keep your filter clean. Keep your home environment as clean as possible to filter out the pollution in the air.
Limit your exposure to the sun, wear sunscreen if you are outside. Sun exposure is not only a major factor in skin cancer but it also dries out the skin, causes wrinkles and your skin will lose its elasticity. Wear a hat and sunscreen if you are outside. Do not use tanning salons; that is just exposing your skin to artificial UV rays and will damage your skin in the long run.
Limit the use of household chemicals and pesticides. Look for all natural cleaning products to use around the house. Use cleaners that use lemon and orange oils instead of harsh chemicals. Find organic ways to deal with any pests in the house instead of insecticides.
Commercial farms use pesticides to control bugs and plant diseases. Always wash the fruits and vegetables that you buy from the supermarket. As an alternative, you can look for foods labeled as pesticide free and all organic. Be wary of the artificial ingredients and preservatives