Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House). Terry JD Anderson

Rita Royale 2 (The Beach House) - Terry JD Anderson

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“You’re going to have to change your habits, Major.”

      “I know. I sometimes forget I have a young man living with me now. He’s a good kid though. Have you seen the paintings he did?”

      “Yes. I drove by this morning. Bikini clad mermaids rising up out of the flowers. Quite good, actually. Quite the imagination he has.”

      Rita nodded. “I’m growing rather fond of him.”

      “Your mother instincts are showing, Major.”

      “Yeah. Me a mother. Who knew?”

      “It looks good on you, Major.”

      A grin crossed her face. “Where’s Cathy?”

      “Dentist appointment. She’ll be here in a while.”

      Rita nodded, blew out her breath. Looked out the window. “Its such a nice day. I don’t feel like working. I think I’ll get out of here. Why don’t you and Cathy knock off at noon today.”

      “Yes, Ma’am.”

      Rita adjusted her holster. “Okay, see you Monday.”

      Dixie smiled. “Yes, Major. Have a nice weekend.”

      Rita grabbed her leather jacket, slung it over a shoulder and walked outside. She smiled at the protesters, walked to her motorcycle and bungeed the jacket onto the back seat. She sat on the cruiser and fired it up, the exhaust note loud as it echoed off the buildings on either side of the busy avenue.

      She rode the few blocks to Kats Klub to see how Alex was coming along, the traffic heavy as it usually was on Friday’s. When she parked at the club she didn’t see Alex outside. She didn’t see the Army car either. She was suddenly tense. She walked inside the club quickly, spotted Alex sitting with Nicki and another woman in uniform. Rita walked to the table.

      “Hi, Rita.”

      Her manner eased. “All done?”

      “Just a break. Nicki made me coffee.”

      Rita looked at the military woman then at Nicki. “Anymore coffee left?”

      Nicki smiled. “Yes, Major, have a seat.”

      The military woman looked at Rita. Smiled a little. Said nothing.

      Rita looked at her young pretty face. Dark eyes. Long dark hair tied behind. “Hi. I’m Major Royale.”

      “Private Amanda Slater, Ma’am.”

      Alex looked at Rita. “Amanda likes the way the walls look outside.”

      Rita looked at her closer. “You like big breasted women in bikinis, Amanda?”

      “I guess I do. I also like the colors and the way Alex blended them all together.”

      “Are you an artist?”

      “I try. I think Alex is better than I am though.”

      “Yes, he’s not bad for a sixteen year old kid.”

      She looked carefully at the major. “I was wondering if I could take Alex out to dinner tonight, Major Royale.”

      “How old are you, Amanda?”

      “Nineteen, Ma’am.”

      “And you want to go out with Alex?”

      Amanda felt a drop of sweat roll from her armpit and down her side. “I just like Alex and he’s nice to talk to.”

      Alex fidgeted on his chair, didn’t look at Rita. She said, “I’m his guardian now. I’m not sure if this is a good idea.”

      Alex looked at her, his eyes pleading. “Its just a dinner, Rita. I’ll be home by eleven.”

      Rita squinted at the Army woman. “Amanda, I’m not sure how to put this tactfully, but are you interested in more than just dinner with Alex?”

      She smiled, felt another drop of sweat roll down her other side. “No, Major. I assure you I’m not. I was just transferred here from Calgary and I don’t know anyone. Alex and I seem to like many of the same things.”

      Alex pleaded. “Please, Rita.”

      The major squinted, studied his eyes. “Okay, just dinner. No hanky panky.”

      Alex stood to his feet and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, Rita. No hanky panky. Whatever that is.”

      “It means no sex.”

      Alex grinned. “Is that what the old people call it?”

      “I’m not old, Picasso.”

      “I know, Ma’am. No hanky panky.”

      Nicki put a cup in front of Rita. Sat down with a grin on her face.

      Alex said, “I need to go finish the last wall now, Rita.”

      Rita nodded. “Have fun.”

      “Thanks.” He grinned, walked outside.

      Nicki said, “Nice kid.”

      Rita nodded, looked at Amanda. “I suppose you must think I’m being overly protective of Alex.”

      “I completely understand, Major.” She studied Rita’s face, had heard about this lesbian major before. “I’m not interested in Alex in any sexual way. I like his painting and I like talking about art with him. And he’s a nice guy too.”

      Rita rubbed her chin. “You’re a lesbian?”

      “From head to toe. And all stops in between, Ma’am.” The private released a careful smile.

      Rita grinned. “Okay, Private. Don’t drink and drive.”

      “No, Ma’am. No drinking.” Amanda grinned easier. “Or hanky panky.”

      The major arrived home after an enjoyable ride, said hello to Stella weeding her flowers, eased into her house like a cat and thought about what to make for lunch. Decided on chicken Caesar salad. It was easy and the chicken was already pre-cooked.

      After lunch Rita sat on the front porch sipping tea, thinking about Alex, about Amanda, about terrorists, and about playing poker tonight. It had been a long time since she played poker. She hoped she still had the touch. She stared at the ocean, her thoughts drifted to her deceased wife Arizona. Almost eight months and it still felt like yesterday when she died. She missed her so much. Like living with a big hole in her heart. She remembered the times they had made love, Arizona knowing just where and how to touch her, and then afterward they would talk about their future together. They had so many plans, and now nothing.

      Rita sipped her sweet tea, gazed across the water. White sails in the distance. It really was nice here, she thought. Isabel, the school principal, popped into her mind unexpectedly. Rita wondered why she thought about her at this moment. She was nice looking. A friendly face too. Her mind slipped away from Isabel and turned to Amanda. She had a friendly face as well. Young, beautiful, but definitely too young. What was she thinking?

      She shook away all the thoughts, stood to her feet and walked into her bedroom. Lay on her bed and in mere seconds fell fast asleep. Dreamed of flying naked inside a warm silky ribbon of darkness. A soft light in the distance. A nice dream for a change.

      That evening Rita dressed in her best jeans, white sleeveless blouse, strapped on her holster and waited for Alex to come out of the bathroom, where he had been for the last half hour. She sat on the deck watching the small waves roll to shore. Looked up and down the street, the Army guys no longer watching her house. She looked back at the beach.

      Alex walked onto the deck dressed in black slacks, white shirt and gray sports jacket.

      “My, don’t you look handsome.”

      He grinned. “Do I really?”

      “Yes, you really do.”

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