The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection. Stratemeyer Edward

The Essential Edward Stratemeyer Collection - Stratemeyer Edward

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it soon, after the other fort is down."

      "You just said somebody saw you when you blew up the other," continued our hero. "Who was it?"

      "Ha! that is a state secret. Only the cabinet must know of it--the cabinet and the man who makes shoes."

      "I am sorry you won't let me in on your secrets," said Dave. "I want to help you. Won't you hire me as a clerk?"

      "How much do you want a week?" demanded the wild man, in a business-like tone.

      "How much will you give?"

      "To a good clerk forty dollars."

      "Then I'll take the job."

      "Very good. Your name is Crusoe, isn't it--Robinson Crusoe?"

      "You've got it."

      "If I give you the job, you must have your hair shaved off," continued the wild man, looking at Dave's hair critically.

      "All right, I'll have that done when we reach a barber shop."

      "It isn't necessary to wait!" cried Wilbur Poole. "I am a barber."


      "To be sure--I have a certificate from the Emperor of Siam. See here!"

      The wild man put his hand into an inner pocket and suddenly brought forth a pair of long shears.

      "I can cut your hair and shave you," he announced. "Just sit down on yonder throne and I'll start to work." And he pointed to a flat rock.

      The sight of the sharp-pointed shears was not a pleasant one, and when the wild man invited him to sit down Dave felt very much like running away. The man evidently saw how he felt, and suddenly caught him by the arm.

      "Sit down!" he thundered. "I won't hurt you. I am an expert barber."

      "Let us talk about the job first," said Dave, trying to keep his wits about him, although he was terribly disturbed. He wondered how long it would be before Phil would return.

      "What do you want to know?"

      "Will you cut my hair in the latest fashion?"

      "I never cut hair in any other way."

      "And will you curl the ends? I like curls."

      "If you want them, although they make a man look girlish," answered the wild man.

      "And will you----" went on Dave, when Wilbur Poole suddenly grabbed him by both arms and forced him backwards on the flat rock.

      "I'll go to work at once!" cried the wild man. "Sit still!" And he flourished the shears before our hero's face.

      Dave felt a chill run down his backbone. But a moment later he felt a thrill of relief, as from the bushes behind the wild man stepped Phil, Mr. Dale, and several others.



      "Now then, you may go to work," said our hero, as he saw Mr. Dale come up close behind the wild man. "But sharpen the scissors first, please."

      "I will," was Wilbur Poole's answer, and he opened up the shears and commenced to stroke them back and forth on a rock near by.

      An instant later the wild man was jerked over backwards and the dangerous shears were snatched from his grasp. He commenced to struggle, but the whole crowd surrounded him, and before he could realize the situation his hands were made fast.

      "It is treachery, base treachery!" he groaned. "My army has betrayed me!" And he commenced to weep.

      "What a terrible state of mind to be in!" murmured Roger. "He is certainly as crazy as they make 'em!"

      "I guess you are right," answered Phil. "But I am glad we have got him."

      "He spoke about the blowing up of the hotel," said Dave. "And he said somebody saw him do it."

      "Who was it?"

      "He didn't mention any names."

      "Maybe he was simply wandering in his mind," suggested Ben.

      "I don't think so," returned Dave. "I think, if he was questioned long enough, we could get the truth out of him. He doesn't seem to be crazy all the time."

      "It's a terrible thing for the Poole family--to have such a crazy man in it," was Buster's opinion; and the other lads agreed with him.

      The prisoner was marched along the brook, past the home of old Herick, and then down the river-road. By this time all the searchers had come together, including Henry Morrison and some outsiders.

      "I'm mighty glad you've got him," said the farmer. "And I hope he don't get away from you."

      "He won't get away," answered Mr. Dale.

      "The women of this district have been afraid to go out alone," went on Henry Morrison. "They'll be glad to know he's been captured."

      "We'll have to let the Pooles know right away," said Dave.

      "I fancy Doctor Clay will send a telegram," answered Mr. Dale. "And in the meanwhile we'll have to take the prisoner to the Oakdale lockup."

      It was nearly noon when the crowd reached Oak Hall. The wild man had but little to say. His capture had evidently broken his spirit, and he was inclined to cry. But when Doctor Clay asked him if he would like to have something to eat, he brightened up wonderfully.

      "It is a sad case," said the master of the Hall. "But under proper treatment I think he can be cured."

      The news quickly circulated throughout the school that the wild man had been caught and that he was Wilbur Poole, an uncle to Nat, and all the boys were anxious to catch a sight of the strange individual. The teachers and servants were likewise curious, and looked at him as he ate his dinner in a corner of the dining-hall, surrounded by those who had captured him and who were watching, to see that he did not get away. He was not allowed to use a knife and fork, but his food was cut up for him and served with a spoon.

      The only person at Oak Hall who did not come in to see the wild man was Job Haskers. When asked about this, the dictatorial teacher shrugged his shoulders.

      "Some of the boys are wild enough for me," he said. "I want nothing to do with the insane."

      "It is a sad case," said the teacher who was addressing Job Haskers.

      "There are many just as bad," responded the other, coldly. "It is up to the Poole family to look after that man and see that he doesn't break out again."

      It was decided to take the wild man down to Oakdale in the school carryall, to be driven by Horsehair. Mr. Dale was to go along, and so were Phil, Dave, Ben, Buster, and Doctor Clay.

      The carryall was brought around to the side entrance of the school, and Wilbur Poole was told that he was about to take a ride through the country. He walked through the hallway willingly enough, but suddenly, on turning a corner, set up a shout.

      "You! you! I have found you at last!" he cried, rushing forward. "You are the one who exposed me! Base soldier that you are! You have ruined the whole army!" And in a sudden fit of passion he ran up to Job Haskers and caught him by the throat.

      "Le--let g-g-go!" gasped the teacher, and tried to shake the man off. Then the others ran up, and Wilbur Poole was dragged back and handcuffed.

      "Do you know that man?" asked Dave, struck by a sudden idea.

      "Yes! yes!" groaned the wild man. "He exposed me! The army is lost!"

      "How did he expose

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