Wycliffe's Bible. John Wycliffe

Wycliffe's Bible - John Wycliffe

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changed, neither the wound, or soreness, is lower than the tother flesh, and that species of leprosy is some-deal dark, the priest shall close the man seven days; (But if the colour of the hairs is not changed, and the sore is not lower than the other flesh, and that kind of leprosy is somewhat dark, the priest shall enclose the man for seven days;)

      13:27 and in the seventh day he shall behold him; if the leprosy waxeth in the flesh, the priest shall defoul the man, (that is, shall deem him to be defiled, or unclean); (and on the seventh day he shall examine him; if the leprosy hath grown, or spread, in the flesh, the priest shall pronounce him to be defiled, or unclean;)

      13:28 else if the whiteness standeth in his place, and is not clear enough, it is a wound, or soreness, of burning, and therefore the man shall be cleansed, for it is a sign of burning. (but if the whiteness standeth in its place, and is light in colour, it is a sore from a burn, and so the man shall be clean, that is, the priest shall pronounce him to be clean, for it is the mark of a burn.)

      13:29 A man or a woman, in whose head or beard leprosy burgeoneth, (A man or a woman, on whose head, or chin, groweth leprosy,)

      13:30 the priest shall see them; and if the place is lower than the tother flesh, and the hair is white, and is subtler, either smaller, than it is wont (to be), the priest shall defoul them, for it is leprosy of the head, and of the beard (the priest shall pronounce them to be defiled, or unclean, for it is a leprosy of the head, or of the chin).

      13:31 Else if he seeth the place of the wem, or the sore, (to be) even with the nigh flesh, and the hair black, the priest shall close them seven days (then the priest shall enclose them for seven days),

      13:32 and he shall see them in the seventh day; if the wem waxeth not, and the hair is of his colour, and the place of wound is even with the tother flesh, (and he shall examine them on the seventh day; if the sore hath not grown, or not spread, and the hair is its proper colour, and the place of the sore is even with the other flesh,)

      13:33 the man shall be shaven, without the place of the wem, and he shall be closed again by seven other days. (the man, or the woman, shall be shaved, except for the place of the sore, and they shall be enclosed again for another seven days.)

      13:34 If in the seventh day the wound, or soreness, is seen to have stand in his place, neither (it) is lower than the tother flesh, the priest shall cleanse the man; and when his clothes be washed, he shall be clean. (If on the seventh day, the sore is seen to have stood in its place, nor is it any lower than the other flesh, the priest shall pronounce them to be clean; and when their clothes be washed, they shall be clean.)

      13:35 Else if after the cleansing, a spot waxeth again in the skin, (But if, after they be pronounced clean, a spot groweth again, or spreadeth, in the skin,)

      13:36 the priest shall no more inquire, whether the hair is changed into white colour, for apertly he is unclean. (the priest shall inquire no more, whether the hair is changed to white colour, or not, for they be openly unclean.)

      13:37 Soothly if the spot standeth still, and the hairs be black, know then the priest that the man is healed, and trustily pronounce he the man clean. (But if the spot standeth still, and the hairs be black, then let the priest know that they be healed, and trustily pronounce he that they be clean.)

      13:38 A man or a woman, in whose skin whiteness appeareth,

      13:39 the priest shall behold them; if he perceiveth, that whiteness some-deal dark shineth in the skin, know he, that it is no leprosy, but a spot of white colour, and that the man is clean. (the priest shall examine them; if he perceiveth that a somewhat dark whiteness shineth in the skin, know he, that it is not leprosy, but a spot of white colour, and they be clean.)

      13:40 A man of whose head the hairs float away, he is bald, and clean; (A man from whose head the hairs float away, he is bald, and is clean;)

      13:41 and if the hairs fall from the forehead, he is bald, and is clean;

      13:42 else if in the baldness before, either in the baldness behind (but if in the baldness at the front, or in the baldness at the back), white either red colour is bred, or is sprung up,

      13:43 and the priest seeth this, he shall condemn the man, without (any) doubt of (him having) leprosy, which is bred in the baldness.

      13:44 Therefore whoever is defouled with leprosy, and is separated from other men, at the doom of the priest (by the priest's pronouncement),

      13:45 he shall have his clothes unsewed (he shall wear torn clothes), and his head (shall be) bare, and his mouth (shall be) covered with a cloth, [and] he shall cry himself (to be) defouled, and vile;

      13:46 in all the time that he is leprous and unclean, he shall dwell alone, without the tents. (and in all the time that he is leprous and unclean, he shall live alone, away from the tents.)

      13:47 A woollen cloth, either linen, (A woollen cloak, or a linen one,)

      13:48 that hath leprosy in the warp, either woof, either certainly a skin, or a pilch, either whatever thing is made of skin,

      13:49 if it is corrupted with a white spot, either red, it shall be areckoned (to be) leprosy, and it shall be showed to the priest;

      13:50 the which when he hath beheld (it), shall close it up seven days (shall enclose it for seven days).

      13:51 And again he shall behold it in the seventh day, and if he perceiveth, that the leprosy therein hath waxed, it shall be deemed [a] continual leprosy; he shall deem that cloth defouled, and all thing(s) in which it is found; (And he shall examine it again on the seventh day, and if he perceiveth, that the leprosy in it hath grown, it shall be judged an abiding leprosy; he shall judge that cloak to be defiled, and all the things in which it is found;)

      13:52 and therefore the cloth shall be burnt with flames of fire. (and so the cloak shall be burned in the fire.)

      13:53 And if the priest seeth that the spot hath waxed not, (And if the priest seeth that the spot hath not grown, or not spread,)

      13:54 he shall command, and they shall wash that thing wherein the leprosy is, and he shall close it again seven other days (and he shall enclose it for another seven days);

      13:55 and when he seeth the former likeness not changed again, nevertheless that neither the leprosy hath waxed, he shall (still) deem that thing (to be) unclean, and he shall burn it in fire, for the leprosy is shed in the over-part of that cloth, either through[out] it all (for there is leprosy on the outer part of that cloak, or on the inside of it).

      13:56 Else if the place of [the] leprosy is darker, after that the cloth is washed, he shall break away that dark place, and he shall part it from the whole. (But if the place of the leprosy is darker, after that the cloak is washed, he shall tear away that dark place, and so he shall part it from the whole.)

      13:57 That if fleeing leprosy and unsteadfast appeareth furthermore in these places, that were unwemmed before, it oughteth to be burnt in fire; (But if a spreading leprosy appeareth again in these places, that before were without blemish, it ought to be burned in the fire;)

      13:58 if it ceaseth, he shall wash the second time those things that be clean, and they shall be clean. (but if it ceaseth, he shall wash those things that be clean a second time, and then they shall be clean.)

      13:59 This is the law of leprosy of a cloth, woollen and linen, of warp and woof, and of all purtenance of skin, how it oughteth to be cleansed, either to be defouled. (This is the law for leprosy in a cloak, woollen or linen, and of warp and woof, and of all purtenances of skins, and how they ought to be pronounced clean, or unclean.)

      CHAPTER 14

      14:1 And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,

      14:2 This is the custom of a leprous man, when he shall be cleansed, (that is, when he shall be pronounced clean). He shall be brought to the priest,

      14:3 the which priest shall go out of the tents, and when he shall find that the leprosy is cleansed, (which priest shall take him away from the tents,

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