Wycliffe's Bible. John Wycliffe

Wycliffe's Bible - John Wycliffe

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I done, and what have I sinned, that thou shouldest come after me so fiercely,)

      31:37 and hast sought (through) all the purtenance of mine house(hold)? What hast thou found of all the chattel of thine house(hold)? Put thou here before my brethren and thy brethren, and deem they betwixt me and thee (Put thou it here before my kinsmen and thy kinsmen, and let them judge between me and thee).

      31:38 Was I (not) with thee therefore twenty years? (Was I not with thee for twenty years?) Thy sheep and (thy) goats were not barren, I ate not the rams of thy flock,

      31:39 neither I showed to thee anything taken of a beast; I yielded all [the] harm; whatever thing perished by theft, thou askedest of me; (I never showed thee anything caught by a beast; I even yielded to thee for any harm that was done; yea, whatever thing perished by theft, thou askedest for it from me, and thou received it;)

      31:40 I was anguished in day and night with heat and frost, and sleep fled from mine eyes;

      31:41 so I served thee by twenty years in thine house (but I served thee for twenty years in thy household), fourteen years for thy daughters, and six years for thy flocks; and thou changedest my meed ten times.

      31:42 But if [the] God of my father Abraham, and the dread of Isaac had not helped me, peradventure now thou haddest left me naked; the Lord hath beheld my tormenting and the travail of mine hands, and reproved thee yesterday (and yesterday rebuked thee).

      31:43 Laban answered to Jacob, The daughters, and the sons, and the flocks, and all things which thou seest, be mine; what may I do to my sons, and to the sons of my sons? (but now, what can I do about my daughters, or the children to whom they have given birth?)

      31:44 Therefore come thou, and make we bond of peace, that it be a witnessing betwixt me and thee. (And so come thou, and let us make a covenant, and let it be a witness between me and thee.)

      31:45 And so Jacob took a stone, and raised it (up) into a title, either a sign, (And so Jacob took a stone, and set it up as a sacred pillar,)

      31:46 and said to his brethren, Bring ye stones; which gathered, and made an heap, and ate on it. (and said to his kinsmen, Bring ye some stones; and they gathered some, and made a heap, or a pile, out of them, and then they ate a meal beside it.)

      31:47 And Laban called it The heap of witness, and Jacob called it The heap of witnessing; ever either called it by the property of his (own) language. (And Laban called it Jegarsahadutha, and Jacob called it Galeed; each named it in his own language.)

      31:48 And Laban said, This heap shall be (a) witness betwixt me and thee today, and therefore the name thereof was called Galeed, that is, The heap of witness.

      31:49 And Laban added, The Lord behold, and deem betwixt us, when we shall go away from you;

      31:50 if thou shalt torment my daughters, and if thou shalt bring in other wives on them, none is witness of our word, except God, which is present, and beholdeth. (if thou shalt torment my daughters, or if thou shalt take other wives besides them, no one is a witness of our word, except God, who is present here, and beholdeth all of this.)

      31:51 And again Laban said to Jacob, Lo! this heap, and the stone, (or the pillar,) which I have raised (up) betwixt me and thee,

      31:52 shall be witness(es); soothly this heap, and the stone be into witnessing (this heap, and the stone, shall be witnesses for both of us), forsooth if I shall pass (over) it, and go to thee, either (if) thou shalt pass (over) it, and think (to do) evil to me.

      31:53 God of Abraham, and God of Nahor, [the] God of the father of them, deem betwixt us. Therefore Jacob swore by the dread of his father Isaac;

      31:54 and when slain sacrifices were offered (there) in the hill (country), Jacob called his brethren to eat bread (Jacob called his kinsmen to eat with him), and when they had eaten, they dwelled there (all night).

      31:55 Forsooth Laban rose by night, and kissed his sons, and daughters, and blessed them, and turned again into his place. (And the next day, Laban rose up early, and kissed his grandsons, and his daughters, and blessed them, and then returned to his home.)

      CHAPTER 32

      32:1 Forsooth Jacob went forth in the way in which he began (And Jacob went forth on the way in which he began), and the angels of the Lord met him.

      32:2 And when he had seen them, he said, These be the castles of God (These be the companies of God/This is God's camp); and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.

      32:3 Soothly Jacob sent before him also messengers to Esau, his brother, into the land of Seir, in the country of Edom; (And Jacob sent messengers on before him to his brother Esau, who was in the land of Seir, in the country of Edom;)

      32:4 and he commanded to them, and said, Thus speak ye to my lord Esau, (and say,) Thy brother Jacob saith these things, I have been a pilgrim at Laban (I have been living with Laban), and I was (there) till into this present day;

      32:5 I have oxen, and asses, and sheep, and menservants, and handmaids, and I send now a message to my lord, that I find grace in thy sight. (I have oxen, and donkeys, and sheep, and male and female slaves, and I have sent this message to my lord, so that I may find grace in thy sight.)

      32:6 And the messengers turned again to Jacob, and said, We came to Esau, thy brother, and lo! he hasteth him into thy coming, with four hundred men. (And the messengers returned to Jacob, and said, We came to thy brother Esau, and told him your message, and lo! now he hasteneth himself to come to meet thee, with four hundred men.)

      32:7 Jacob dreaded greatly, and he was afeared, and he parted the people that was with him, and he parted the flocks, and sheep, and oxen, and camels, into two companies; (And Jacob greatly feared, and he was afraid, and so he divided all the people who were with him, as well as the flocks, and sheep, and oxen, and camels, into two groups;)

      32:8 and he said, If Esau shall come to one company, and shall smite it, the other company which is left unsmitten, shall be saved. (and he said, If Esau shall come to one group, and shall strike them down, the other group which is left, shall be able to escape.)

      32:9 And Jacob said, O! God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, O! Lord, that saidest to me, Turn thou again into thy land, and to the place of thy birth, and I shall do well to thee (O! Lord, who saidest to me, Return thou to thy land, and to the place of thy birth, and I shall deal well with thee),

      32:10 I am less than all thy merciful doings, and than (all) thy truth which thou hast [ful]filled to thy servant; with (only) my staff I passed (over) this Jordan, and now I go (back over) again with two companies; (I am not worthy of all thy merciful doings, and all thy faithfulness which thou hast shown to thy servant; for I crossed over this Jordan River with only my staff, and now I go back again with these two plentiful groups;)

      32:11 deliver thou me from the hand of my brother Esau, for I dread him greatly (for I greatly fear him), lest he come and smite (me, and) the mothers with the sons.

      32:12 Thou spakest that thou shouldest do well to me, and wouldest alarge my seed as [the] gravel of the sea, that may not be numbered for muchliness. (Thou saidest that thou wouldest deal well with me, and that thou wouldest enlarge my descendants like the gravel, or like the sand, of the sea, that cannot be counted for all of its muchliness.)

      32:13 And when Jacob had slept there in that night, he separated of those things which he had, (as) gifts to Esau, his brother, (And after Jacob had slept there that night, he separated out from the things which he had, as gifts for his brother Esau,)

      32:14 two hundred (she) goats, and twenty bucks of goats, (and) two hundred sheep, and twenty rams,

      32:15 camels full with their foals thirty, forty kine, and twenty bulls, twenty she-asses, and [the] ten foals of them. (thirty milk camels with their foals, forty cows, and twenty bulls, and twenty female donkeys, and their ten foals.)

      32:16 And he sent by the hands of his servants all the flocks by themselves; and he said to his servants, Go ye before me, and (let) a space

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