The Davey Dialogues - An Exploration of the Scientific Foundations of Human Culture. John C. Madden

The Davey Dialogues - An Exploration of the Scientific Foundations of Human Culture - John C. Madden

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      – On the contrary, Peter. As I told you, the astronomers I spoke with did not quite give me the perspective on their work that I was seeking. I am expecting that you will do better. Perhaps we should get started.

      I was partially mollified but once again nervous that I, too, would fail to provide Davey with information he could understand.

      – Very well, but be sure to stop me if I am not telling you what you want to know.

      At the dawn of civilization there was a lot about the world around us –as well as about ourselves – that seemed unknowable. Gradually, and with accelerating success, we have pushed back the barriers to our understanding. But barriers still remain. One classic barrier has been our understanding of the origins and evolution of the universe. In my lifetime an amazing amount has been learned, and we have reached some totally unexpected conclusions. Not surprisingly, the knowledge we have gained about the origins of our universe has only led to speculation as to whether or not there may be other universes! Today I shall summarize what I think were the key milestones in expanding our knowledge of our universe, and close with some very speculative conclusions that bear on how we might put our own species in an appropriate perspective.

      With the possible exception of the Greeks, the major driver of our forebears’ interest in astronomy was their belief that by their studies they could learn more about the gods whose capricious will could bring disaster upon them. Nonetheless, their accomplishments were very impressive, and a good lesson in how much enquiring minds can learn without the benefit of much in the way of special equipment.

      However, there is another lesson to be learnt from examining the more recent history of astronomy: with a combination of enquiring minds and ingenious equipment one can learn a lot more. What we have learnt about the heavens in the past fifty to one hundred years would have knocked the socks off the ancients!

      – I’m surprised you think the ancients wore socks. When I last asked what the ancients wore, I was told either that they ran around barefoot wearing hairy skins, or were clad in simple cloth and wore sandals on their bare feet.

      Was Davey attempting to be funny, or was he serious? I wondered. Perhaps I should avoid phrases that required a deeper knowledge of the English language than Davey might have.

      – Well , um, yes.

      – Don’t be so serious. Of course I know what you mean.

      He still sounded strangely serious. I couldn’t think of a good comeback. He must have been joking, but if so, he had not yet mastered a joking tone of voice or even a muffled giggle.

      After a brief pause to collect my thoughts, I carried on.

      – Aristarchus of Samos, who was born in 310 BC, twelve years after the death of Aristotle, is generally credited as having been the first to conclude that Earth orbits the sun, rather than vice versa (thus beating out Indian mathematician-astronomer Aryabhata by about eight hundred years). Aristotle (384–322 BC), who was for twenty years a student of Plato and who later tutored Alexander the Great, concluded, as did most others at the time, that Earth was at the centre of the universe, with the sun and the moon orbiting us in circular paths, and the observable planets also orbiting Earth, but in orbits that were peculiarly hard to fathom. Aristotle believed that Earth was spherical, based in part on observing that the shadow of Earth on the moon, as seen during a lunar eclipse, is curved. He also believed that a sphere is the most perfect shape.[7] The stars, he concluded, were a static display stuck to an outer sphere that also rotated about Earth. Many of Aristotle’s writings, including some related to astronomy, were conserved in Athens up to the time of the Roman conquest of Athens by Sulla in 86 BC, when they were taken to Rome, where they attracted considerable scholarly attention.

      In the late medieval period, Roman Catholic Church scholars “rediscovered” Aristotle, who became the bedrock philosopher for the re-awakening Church. Unfortunately, in the process, Aristotle’s views on astronomy and the universe were adopted as a part of the package, and became integrated into Church dogma. It is more than a little ironic that the Church should have adopted as its paramount philosopher a man who believed that “the true spirit of science and philosophy is born when problems are studied for their intrinsic interest, detached from practical interests.”[8] The Church at that time was still firmly of the view that it was the ultimate arbiter of the “creation story” at least as far as the Western world was concerned. The task of scientists was to confirm the words of God, as interpreted by senior Church officials.

      For almost no one was this attitude more unfortunate than Galileo Galilei (1564–1642), who in 1609 was the first to use a telescope for astronomical purposes. Galileo’s cardinal sin was that his observations seemed to confirm that Earth orbited the sun, consistent with Copernicus’s rediscovery of what Aristarchus had observed about seventeen centuries before!

      By the early 1900s, with lots of assistance from other early pioneers such as Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton and Giordano Bruno a lot was known about our solar system and rather less about the stars and galaxies beyond it. The time was ripe for some breathtaking changes in mankind’s perception of time and distance.[9]

      Starting in 1863, some very powerful new tools and new theories fuelled remarkable advances in astronomy. The new tools, and the accompanying observations and theories, have enabled us to gain both a qualitative and a quantitative understanding of our universe.

      In 1863 Sir William Huggins, an amateur English astronomer, was the first to examine the spectra of visible stars. Only four years previously, two Germans, Gustav Kirchoff and Robert Bunsen, had discovered that each gas has its own spectrum of lines of different colours, which are emitted when the gas is heated (in their case, in a Bunsen burner). Huggins found the spectral lines characteristic of hydrogen and helium in many stars, as well as in nebulas and comets. For the first time, humans knew that the stars were predominantly composed of these two gasses. Thenceforth astronomers focussed a lot of attention on examinations of the spectral lines present in the light coming from the various sources of light in the sky. This was the start of an accelerating series of discoveries, not the least of which was a vital helping hand that spectral analysis provided in calculating the distance to many visible stars.

      There is an old joke about a physicist, an engineer and a businessman who, just after the First World War, somehow got involved in a bet about who could first determine the height of the steeple of a distant church. They all three raced over to the church. The engineer quickly got his transit out of the trunk of his Model T Ford car, measured off an appropriate distance over level ground from the steeple (d), and then measured the angle (A) from where he stood up to the steeple top. He then used high-school trigonometry to determine the steeple height (h), i.e. h=d.tanA. The physicist, on the other hand, stopped only to pick up a few stones, before scrambling to the steeple top. He threw the stones off the top and timed their descent. Since he knew the force of gravity (g), and he now knew how long the rocks took to fall (t), he was able to calculate the height (h) from Newton’s famous equation h=gt2/2. The businessman, too, went straight to work. He went into the church and asked the verger how high the steeple was. Of course, he won the bet hands down!

      If the same threesome had instead bet on who would first discover the distance from Earth to a certain star, they would have been at a loss. The businessman would have found no one to give him an authoritative answer. The physicist, too, would obviously have been out of luck. If the engineer was really lucky, and one of the sun’s closest stars had been chosen for measurement, he would have found that with great care it was possible to measure the distance to such a star by observing the apparent change in position of the star as Earth moves in orbit around the sun. The radius of Earth’s orbit is fairly constant, varying between 149 and 152 million kilometres (or about eight light minutes[10]). The principle would have been the same as the one he used to measure the height of the church steeple, but even if he took his measurements at the most appropriate six-month interval, the difference in angle that he would measure for the closest star (Proxima Centauri) would be only 1.534 seconds of arc, or about four hundredths of a degree! No wonder most observers through history have assumed that stars hold their same relative position in the

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