Streaming Lifestyle: Healthier Living By Choice. Dr. Robert L. Bynum

Streaming Lifestyle: Healthier Living By Choice - Dr. Robert L. Bynum

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make anyone do anything, and I wouldn’t want that to be part of my job description. I see my job as a kind of cheerleader, empowering you to do what works best for your particular situation.

      Perhaps you’ve heard this definition of insanity: Expecting different results from the same old behaviors. It’s true, but you can choose to participate in your own health care decisions, making changes that will ultimately benefit you more than you can even imagine. Your life stream is what you make it.


      You know how they say that every doctor should become a patient at least once in his life, to understand how the other half lives? Well, that very thing happened, and after suffering a back injury, my focus changed dramatically. Since 2006 I have had two back surgeries, and the end result was debilitating chronic pain. As you can imagine, I certainly couldn’t take narcotic pain medications and function with a clear head in the office. But what other options did I have? I say all this so you know I’ve been in that place where my “stream” was no longer free-flowing. I understand the frustration of being unable to move without pain, unable to continue living the kind of life I wanted.

      Angry at the hand I had been dealt, I decided I was entirely too young to settle for that kind of life. That motivated me to search for other options, not just for myself, but for my patients as well. My life stream was literally screaming, demanding that I take charge to turn things around. Necessity—or perhaps in this case, desperation—truly was the mother of invention.

      Without making lifestyle changes, I tried multiple prescription medications. Unfortunately these did not work for me, either because of significant side effects or because they were ineffective.

      After years of dealing with pain, I “got with the program.” I went on an anti-inflammatory diet, lost 25% of my body weight, and started physical therapy as prescribed by my physician (and allowed by my insurance company). I continued to work out at home—walking or running on the treadmill almost daily. After all this, I experienced some improvement, but I still was not satisfied with the level of pain relief.

      I started to do some new research and discovered supplements that addressed my pain and “stagnant flowing stream.” After finding a new level of relief with these supplements, patients started asking me what I was doing and wondered if they could do the same thing. The quantity and expense of the supplements I was taking was more than most people were able or willing to afford, so I founded a nutritional company called ByPro Nutrition to manufacture quality products at a more affordable price.

      My business partner suggested I write a book to tell my story, but after careful consideration, it seemed that presenting the “flowing stream” was much more important than my personal story. And thus this book was created.

      Empowerment is the key

      Over the years, patients have put doctors on pedestals, deferring to us as if we have all the answers, and to be perfectly honest, we’ve done little to change that perception. But the reality is that doctors are just human beings, products of our past and our education, and we all have preconceived notions and ideas that come into play when we treat our patients. Now that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it does tend to limit the choices given to patients.

      This book was written to empower you to consider other options—to encourage you to think outside the box when making decisions regarding your personal health and well-being. The bottom line here is: Don’t allow others, even doctors, to make your decisions for you. The power belongs to you!

      In the same way, people often assume that medications are the way to go for any and every ailment, especially because that’s what the doctor recommends. What they may fail to understand is:

      1) Through their personal experience, medical education, and possible liability issues, I believe many physicians carry a personal bias about alternative therapies, believing there are no other options than what they personally can provide. This also holds true on the other end of the spectrum, where those who believe in natural methods may see little to no value in traditional medical therapies.

      2) Every prescription drug or supplement has potential side effects. What may work great for one person may cause severe and even life-threatening problems for another. The other revelation I want to leave with you is this: Taking multiple prescription drugs and/or supplements only compounds the potential for negative drug interactions that can cause serious, irreversible health problems. So what’s a person to do? For the sake of your life stream, you might research other options for the one that’s right for you, because there may be many potential treatments out there.

      Reputable sites on the Internet and the library are not the only available resources. Many health food stores and pharmacies have knowledgeable staff, and some even offer research libraries you can use to discover other options. Of course, you’ll want to verify the validity of the information you read.


      Insider information regarding prescription drugs:

      Until the passage of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997, the Food and Drug Administration required drug companies to go through years of rigorous scientific testing to ensure that drugs were safe, effective, and pure before releasing them onto the market.

      Pharmaceutical drug studies may be done on one specific group or population. Post-marketing results may show a different story or outcome regarding the effectiveness or associated adverse side effects of a product. Perhaps you’ve seen the television advertisements in which law firms invite you to call if you’ve suffered permanent ill effects from a prescription drug. Such issues arise as a result of dangerous drugs that were not stopped before they were released onto the market.

      If you want to know about problems with a drug or procedure, research is the key. Correct information can empower you to make choices to help you protect your health and even save your life. The truth is that no one can protect your health and well-being the way you can, so you might want to be cautious about assuming a prescription drug is the answer to your problem when there are other available alternatives.

      Insider information regarding statin drugs:

      Researchers have found that sustained use of statin drugs, widely used to reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream, have a profoundly negative effect on levels of CoQ10, a substance essential for efficient heart and cardiovascular function. Those who feel they must take statins may want to seriously consider taking CoQ10 supplements. However, in the grand scheme of things, a better alternative might be to simply watch the kind and quality of fats you eat.

      Would you rather drink from a flowing stream or a stagnate pool of water? Your body is mostly water.

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