The Hip Hop Murderer. Dwayne Bowen

The Hip Hop Murderer - Dwayne Bowen

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even know why they happen. I know nothing I say today will change the fact that Bryson is gone, but we all know that justice will be served for the person who did this."

      With his eyes closed, Bruce says, "I'm just going to give it to God and leave the investigation up to the cops."

      Joe sits back in his seat, closing his eyes and resting his head back. "By the way, who was that girl acting out at Bryson's funeral?"

      Bruce opens his eyes and knocks Joe's arm. "You know...I was thinking the same thing! I hear my wife crying, then I hear someone else crying and then, all of a sudden, this girl starts falling all over the floor of the church. I'm assuming she's someone that went to school with Bryson."

      "Well, it's nice to know he touched someone else's life like he touched ours."

      Chapter 3

      Give Me Strength

      Back at the barracks in South Carolina, it's one in the morning and Bruce is tossing and turning in his bed, screaming. There are beads of sweat on his face and his shirt is soaking wet. Joe quickly hops out of his bed and rushes over to Bruce. As Bruce's screams get louder and louder, Joe tries to shake him out of the dream he's having so he doesn't wake up the rest of the guys in the barracks.

      He tries to get a grip of his sweaty arms to wake him as calmly and silently as possible. "Bruce...wake up, man...wake up!"

      Bruce finally snaps out of it. "I was dreaming that Bryson was being mauled down by a bunch of people trying to leave that rap concert and I tried to help him but I couldn't...I just couldn't get to him in time!" Bruce is panting and talking fast as he tries to catch his breath. "I can't go back to sleep, man, it's haunting the hell out of me!" Bruce says with frustration.

      Joe says, "You have to give it to God, B. The longer you hold onto it, the more it's going to eat you alive and affect Lisa when you go home in two weeks. She needs you to be strong for her and you. Try to go back to sleep because we have to get the guys up at 0400 hours for the 5-mile run."

      Less than two hours later, Joe awakes to the breeze flowing through the windows of the barracks. Before the alarm goes off, he usually just lays in bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Leslie and the boys. Hoping and praying for that final day of retirement to come sooner. As the day gets closer and closer, Joe begins to reflect on the first years of the boys' lives when he was deployed in Saudi Arabia.

      The more he thought about it, the more he appreciated Leslie for standing by him through it all and raising Bryan and Ryan on her own, for the most part. But in the back of his mind, he was also thinking how out of touch he'd been with his sons and how difficult it was going to be now that they were in high school. Joe knows this is probably the second most crucial time for him to be around them, as they approach their adolescent years. Now that Leslie had molded them, Joe realizes it is now time for him to continue to mold and scold them into becoming strong men.

      All of these things run through his head at a mile-a-minute...and on that last minute the alarm sounds off. He gives it less than half a second to ring out loud. He rises out of bed and drops to the floor, instantly knocking out a hundred and twenty push-ups in less than one minute.

      Bruce is awakened by Joe's push-ups so he hops to it—brushing his teeth, splashing water on his face, and getting dressed before waking the guys for their run. Both Joe and Bruce are ready to seize the day, giving each other the 'not too much longer now' look as they tie their boots. Exchanging pounds, they proceed into the barracks to wake the guys.

      Joe yells, "Rise and shine, ladies, let's go! You've got less than ten minutes to be outside front and center!"

      Bruce makes his way outside where it's still dark but the air feels just right. While he awaits the arrival of Joe and the guys, Bruce looks up at the dark sky where the light clouds grace what's left of the moon before it disappears.

      He closes his eyes and lets out a prayer. "Father God, I ask and pray that you please watch over Lisa and me and give us the strength we need to make it through these trying days ahead. Bryson is no longer here and the days are hard and the nights are unbearable—as I'm sure you can clearly see, Father God. I do not want to forget my son, so I ask that you please grant me the strength I need to get over the pain of Bryson being absent from life here on Earth..." A tear begins to stream down Bruce's face as his eyes remain closed.

      "Lord Jesus, I would love to see my boy just once more so he knows how much I love him and that he will always remain in my heart..."

      Just then, at that very moment, Bruce feels a hint of breeze blow on his neck that makes the hairs on his arm stand up. Startled and curious at the same time, he quickly opens his eyes, expecting to see Joe or one of the guys behind him, but there's no one there. Bruce knows that it's Bryson's spirit letting him know that he has heard him and will always be around.

      "Squad 177, fall in!" Joe yells out as the guys come storming out of the barrack to stand in front of Bruce.

      Quickly stepping into captain mode, Bruce says, "All right, ladies, let's do what we came to do!"

      Joe takes his place next to Bruce, getting a head count and making sure the crew is ready. Everyone is in formation except for one soldier who comes staggering out of the barracks. As he makes his way to the back of the line, Joe quickly glances at him and yells, "I said ten minutes, not twelve...what's your excuse, soldier?!"

      "I'm tired, sir."

      "I don't want to hear that...drop down and give me 50 before I break you down!" Joe yells.

      "No disrespect, sir, but I don't think you can break me down. I'm a 5th degree black belt."

      Bruce walks up behind Joe and says, "Oooh, I think he's calling you out...I think he's challenging you."

      Joe steps within inches of the soldier's face, "Is that right, soldier? Are you challenging me?!"

      "I wasn't challenging you, sir, but since I'm from the brick city of Newark, New Jersey, I'm always up for a challenge."

      Joe smirks, "Okay, well, bring it on! About face, soldiers; I want all of you guys to see why you should never challenge your captain."

      They all say in unison, "Yes, sir!"

      Joe throws back a couple of peppermints as the soldier gets into his stance. Before the boy knows what hit him, he has a speed knot on his forehead and a busted lip. Within seconds, Joe and Bruce are standing over him like a hovercraft, smacking his face for him to regain consciousness.

      When the soldier comes to, Joe grabs him by the front collar of his shirt, bringing him to his feet.

      "Hey, get up, soldier, we don't have all day!"

      Standing directly in front of him, Joe asks, "Do you want more?"

      "No, sir!" the soldier replies.

      "Good, the next time that you try that, I'm going to knock out all of your teeth and you're barely going to have a heart beat that understood?"

      Joe turns to Bruce. "For every foot they fall behind, they will be doing a hundred push-ups."

      Bruce replies, "You got it, man. I hope all you pansies are listening because your friend here has already been schooled once so don't let it happen to you. Let's go!"

      Chapter 4

      The Club

      Joe is sitting in the cafeteria across from Bruce, explaining to him that there is a local rap concert taking place tomorrow that he plans on attending. He wants to know how bad the conditions are and what this new hip hop thing is all about. He's curious to know the element his kids are in when he's not around. He thought it might also give Bruce some peace of mind and help his constant, recurring nightmares.

      Bruce leans in, whispering, "Are you serious? You're really going to go into that crazy atmosphere where so much can happen to you? You aren't exactly the darkest tool in the shed."

      Joe responds, "Of course, I'm serious. Why would I be worried about the atmosphere?!

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