A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese. Robert D. O'Brian

A Comparative Vocabulary Guide: Spanish to English to Portuguese - Robert D. O'Brian

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for food

      APETITOSO (A) (adj), appetizing, tasty; tempting


      APLAUSO, applause, clapping


      APLICADO (A), diligent, conscientious, hardworking

      APLICADO (A)

      APLICADOR, applicator


      APLOMO, composure, assurance; tranquility, confidence

      COMPOSTURA, composure

      APOCALIPSIS, calamity, disaster, tragedy, adversity


      APÓCRIFO (A), apocryphal, doubtful, unreliable, uncertain

      APÓCRIFO (A)

      APOGEO, apogee, height, peak


      APRECIACIÓN, appreciation, evaluation, appraisal

      APRECIAÇÃO, liking

      RECONHECIMENTO, recognition, understanding

      GRATIDÃO, gratitude

      VALORIZAÇÃO, increase in value

      AVALIAÇÃO, assessment, estimate

      APRECIATIVO (A), appreciative


      APRENSIÓN, fear, squeamishness, misgiving; apprehension, perception; intuition, observance

      APREENSÃO, anxiety

      APRENSIVO (A), apprehensive, overanxious, worried


      APROBACIÓN, approval, approbation, endorsement


      APROBATORIO (adj), approving

      FAVORÁVEL, favorable

      APROPIACIÓN, appropriation

      APROPRIAÇÃO, takeover, seizure

      APROPIADO (A), suitable, appropriate, fitting, right


      APROXIMACIÓN, approximation; approach


      APROXIMADAMENTE, approximately


      APROXIMADO (A), approximate distance, duration; rough calculation


      APTITUD (A), ability, aptitude, fitness, suitability

      APTIDÃO (A)

      APTO (A) (adj), suitable, fit, apt

      APTO (A) (adj)

      ARBITRARIEDAD, arbitrariness


      ARBITRARIO (A), arbitrary


      ARBITRIO, free will, discretion, volition, inclination

      ARBÍTRIO, judgment, free will

      ARCANO (A), arcane, recondite, abstruse, obscure

      DESCONHECIDO (A), not well known; unknown

      OBSCURO (A), difficult to see, understand

      ARCHIVO, archive, file; archives, files


      ARDOROSO (A), ardent, fervent, eager, zealous, avid

      ARDENTE, passionate

      ARDUO (A), arduous, hard, difficult, tough, onerous

      ÁRDUO (A)

      ARGUMENTO, argument, storyline, assertion, contention


      ÁRIDO (A), dry, arid, parched, barren

      ÁRIDO (A)

      ARISCO (A), surly, unfriendly, unsociable

      ARISCO (A), antisocial, untameable

      ARITMÉTICA, arithmetic


      ARMONÍA, harmony


      ARMONIOSO (A), harmonious


      AROMÁTICO (A), aromatic, fragrant


      AROMATIZADOR, air freshener


      ARRESTO, arrest; detention (MIL); confinement


      ARROGANCIA, arrogance, presumptuous, assertive


      ARROGANTE, arrogant, haughty, assuming, pompous


      ARTEFACTO, device, machine, appliance; artifact


      ARTERIA, artery (MED); arterial street


      ÁRTICO (A), Arctic

       ÁRTICO (A)

      ARTICULACIÓN, articulation, joint; fluent, coherent

      ARTICULAÇÃO, articulation in words

      ARTÍCULO, article, item, thing; news article


      ARTIFICIO, device; artifice, trick; cunning, sly


      ARTIFICIOSO (A), contrived


      ARTISTA, artist


      ARTÍSTICO (A), artistic


      ASALTANTE, attacker, assailant, raider

      AGRESSOR (A)


      ASALTO, assault, robbery, attack


      ASAMBLEA, assembly, meeting, law body

      REUNIÃO, meeting

      ASSEMBLÉIA, law-making body

      ASCENDENTE, ascending, rising, increasing, ascendant


      ASCENSOR, elevator


      ASERCIÓN (f) ó ASERTO (m), assertion, declaration


      ASEVERACIÓN, contention, claim, affirmation, assertion

      AFIRMAÇÃO, affirmation

      ALEGAÇÃO, assertion

      REIVINDICAÇÃO, demand

      ARGUMENTAÇÃO, contention

      ASSERTIVA, assertion

      ASFALTO, asphalt, blacktop


      ASFIXIA, suffocation, asphyxiation; asphyxia


      ASFIXIANTE, stifling, asphyxiating; suffocating


      ASIGNACIÓN, assignment, allocation, allowance


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