Comedy Made Easy. David Kline Lovett
good for humor because it is a strong emotion. Humor is a great way to ridicule someone or something. Helitzer says, “That is why, in humor, ridicule is spelled ‘rid cruel.’ Comedy is cruel. The words ‘cruel’ and ‘ridicule’ appear together frequently—where there is one, there is the other.” We are human, and most everyone has some hostility toward someone or something. Can one talk about their ex-husband or wife without a least remembering being just a little or maybe a lot hostile?
When we are feeling shame, self-consciousness, or even a hint of humiliation, we laugh. It is as if there is an automatic release valve set to go off. It’s our innate method of dealing with those awkward feelings.
I have shared a speech about when I fell down as an eight-year-old in front of a large group of people. I didn’t get up for a few long moments. When I did, there was laughter throughout the crowd. Their laughter was a natural relief or reassurance in knowing that I wasn’t seriously hurt.
It is the surprise factor that makes us laugh. Shock is simply a surprise. When we encounter or hear something we don’t expect, we are shocked, and often that is when we laugh. Here is an example: My success is due to my determination, hard work, and the fact I married the owner’s daughter. The shock or the left turn at the end, or punchline of the joke, is what makes one laugh.
Why do we play golf, watch TV, shop, read, and play sports? We all need some recreation and comedy. Laughter is a great way to get away. We need a place to hide or go and just forget about the job, the kids, or our well-intentioned mother/father-in-law. Humor is an effective and fun escape.
The emotion of sadness can be expressed by laughter. I believe it is a way our bodies can produce the healing release of an endorphin rush. Humor is nature’s way of assisting us through a situation.
We laugh when we experience joy. Joy is a feeling, a thought, an expression of life at its best. It is being happy for no apparent reason.
We laugh when we feel love, loving, and lovable.
We laugh, therefore we are. Laughter is what keeps the world and our lives together. According to a Psychology Today report, a four-year-old laughs 300 times a day, where a forty-year old laughs four times. Do you think it would help the world if we could be more like the four-year-old and less like the forty-year-old? We laugh because it feels good. We laugh because it is healthy and natural. We laugh because we can’t help it. We laugh because it’s fun.
Recap-Why We Laugh
Here are a few of the reasons why we laugh:
3.Feeling Superior
Time To Play
Write of an event where you or someone you knew laughed for each of the nine reasons.
3.Feeling Superior
Write about how knowing why we laugh can make it easier for you to write a joke.
III. Basic Structure
“I would never want to belong to a country club that would have me as a member.”
~ Groucho Marx
Communication is best when it’s understandable to the audience. When we don’t understand what is said, we can miss the funny. Life, like comedy, is fueled by passion, and it’s best when it comes from the heart. Passion is what drives good comedy writing. Most comedy is a collision of two separate, unrelated ideas or stories coming together. This collision generates an unexpected surprise, which is what creates the audience’s laughter.
Being funny is easier than you may believe. Ideas, techniques, templates, and bits of wisdom will encourage you to practice. It’s like learning a new language and/or culture. When you first arrive in a new land it takes a while to get used to the people, the language, and all the great food. After a few days or weeks, it may seem like you have lived there all your life.
You will be introduced to a few new ideas, techniques, and concepts that will help you be funny. The beauty is you don’t have to master all of them, and you don’t have to master them by tomorrow. It’s best to start with a small understanding of the basics. It’s like the art of hitting a baseball. There are books and books, but it all boils down to “See the ball, hit the ball.” Comedy is the same way, and the templates at the back of this book will help you. You may not hit a home run every time, but understanding the basic structure and the templates will help ensure that
you are a hit.
Pick Your Topic
What are you upset about? What do you want to get off your chest and share your two cents’ worth about? What do you consider wrong? Your topic can be about anything you choose. It is best if it is something in which you are interested and have a passion for or against.
Expressing your passion can be challenging for some people because it requires you to dig deep and expose yourself and be vulnerable. Remember, you are most passionate about things and people with whom you are upset. Comedy is wonderful in that it gives us a place to rant.
The best comedy is when the subjects and topics selected are personal and emotional. Listen to comics, watch TV, and observe the news. Read the newspaper and you’ll find a few topics in which you are passionate. The most common topics are relationships, friends, jobs, vacations,