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      Nice and Slow

      by Maude E. Grider

      Copyright 2016 Maude E. Grider

      All rights reserved

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2620-4

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Book Summary

      At an early age Jasmine Johns’s lifelong ambition is to become a nurse. When she turns eighteen years old and preparing to begin her college career, she meets Paul Shelton, a suave African-American businessman-entrepreneur, who is juggling a legitimate and successful restaurant and a questionable private gentlemen’s club and escort service.

      Paul sets out to convince Jasmine being a part of his club is more profitable than obtaining a college education. Jasmine chooses a nursing career over Paul.

      Jasmine completes her degree in nursing and lands her dream job as Nurse Administrator for Doctor Harold Allen’s Cardiology services. Doctor Allen becomes smitten with the beautiful young nurse and will stop at nothing to possess her mind, body, and soul.

      When Paul re-enters Jasmine’s life Doctor Allen will stop at nothing to keep Paul and Jasmine apart.

      Please Note

      This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


      “Mr. Shelton, shall I have the rest of your suits and accessories delivered to your Soul Haven location or to your house?”

      Paul Shelton, owner of the most successful soul food restaurant in and around Vermont, Mississippi, was completing his fitting session at his favorite tailoring shop. He was a clothes fanatic and ‘dressed for success’ was his signature. Tall and handsome with his café-au-lait colored skin, curly black hair, coal black eyes and perfect physique put him at the top of the list of available single males in the area. There was never a drought of beautiful women vying for his attention, even knowing his reputation of being a love-them and leave-them kinda guy. Each woman was hoping to be the one to knock him off his feet. But at thirty-two years old he didn’t see that happening anytime soon.

      “How are the new dancers at Shelton’s?” John, the owner of the tailoring shop, inquired as he prepared to cover the suits Paul was taking with him.

      “Come on by and check them out for yourself. You know I let you club members determine how good the dancers are. I just pay them.”

      Paul exited the tailoring shop carrying his six new Calvin Klein two-piece walking suits and four designer three-piece Italian suits. His time was limited as he was rushing back to his restaurant for a meeting with his accountant. He casually tossed the suits onto the back seat of his car and slid into the driver's seat, applied his seat belt, turned the engine on and placed the car in drive. He pressed on the gas to ease out of the parking space, quickly surveyed the parking lot for traffic, and then forcefully hit the brakes. Fifty yards ahead of him standing in the parking deck was a strikingly beautiful young woman. She was a vision of loveliness and as perfect as a Greek goddess. She briefly turned her head in his direction to survey the parking lot for traffic. At that moment he thought she had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, although he found that hard to believe because he had been in the company of numerous gorgeous women in his lifetime. But there was something deliciously different about this one. She was stunning, exquisite, breath-taking, and sexy.

      He moved his car forward slowly to satisfy his curiosity about her and perhaps get her attention. As he inched closer her face was obscured by her holding her head down, but he could clearly see her absolutely gorgeous legs, tiny waist and obvious curves stretching her navy blue A-lined skirt to the limit. He had been involved with numerous stunning women but this was his first encounter ever with a perfect hour glass shaped beauty. He pulled in a deep breath and stared at her like a hungry lion stalking his tender prey.


      Today was Jasmine’s eighteenth birthday. She had also recently finished her senior year in high school in Massachusetts and was home in Mississippi for the summer. She had spent the last two hours at the Hoover Mall shopping for a birthday present for herself and had purchased a new fragrance. She exited the mall into the parking deck. After surveying the parking deck for traffic she put her head down and began pondering her plans for the rest of her birthday.

      After eight or ten steps she walked into an obstruction that she could not readily recognize. She was stunned and dazed and closed her eyes, contemplating what could she have walked into that suddenly halted her moving forward. She was certain she had made sure she had a clear path to her car before stepping out into the parking deck. Not anxious to discover what fate had befallen her, she immediately closed her eyes tight to recapture her composure before she looked upward.

      When she eventually opened her eyes and looked up she was staring into an unrecognizable object that she discerned vaguely through the fog in her head to be darkly tinted and then she was even more confused now than she was before she opened her eyes. Being an avid sci-fi follower, Trekkie fan, she likened this experience to having been transported to another time zone or beamed to a parallel universe and waiting for the object to dissipate revealing something totally bizarre to her.

      As if reading her mind the object obstructing her forward movement started moving downward slowly and unhurriedly, no faster than the speed of the second hand on a watch. Gradually the face of a very handsome African-American man with vanilla caramel colored skin and a curly crop of medium length black hair began to emerge behind the slowly moving object.

      Jasmine was virtually paralyzed, still trying to process this strange phenomenon. She thought she was being punked!

      The handsome man’s eyes stared at her as if holding her body in a tractor beam while slowly scanning her over from her head to her feet, and then continued repeating the cycle, smiling fervidly as he was admiring what he saw. But she was powerless to move, as if she was being held in suspended animation.

      Paralyzed and recoiling from his constant staring she focused her eyes downward to his neatly trimmed heavy mustache and full lips, then she moved her gaze upward to his round shaped nose and continued upward to his eyes, dark as coal, so black they appeared to have no pupils but seemed to possess the ability of looking past her clothes and deep into her soul. His eyelashes were so long and curly they appeared to dance when he blinked. His black eyebrows were symmetrical and naturally arched. Silky, black hair covered his head in large Shirley Temple-like ringlets. His broad shoulders were covered in a beige short sleeve shirt that accentuated his muscular arms and pronounced biceps. He epitomized what sexy and handsome meant! She had read about men that looked like him but never dreamed she would see one up close and personal.

      By now the fog was lifting from inside her head and her vision was improving. She now had a complete view of the stranger in a sitting position. She guesstimated he was not a short person but couldn't accurately apprise how tall he actually was. She glanced sideways and realized the tinted object that she had envisioned being somehow attached to a spaceship was actually a darkly tinted window attached to a big car. A sleek, black shiny Cadillac. She smiled. She glanced back at the man. He was still scanning her up and down. Suddenly they were staring into each other’s eyes, both of them speechless.

      He was still smiling and admiring what he was seeing, and emitting the impression he was seeing past her clothes to her naked

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