Nice and Slow. Maude E. Grider

Nice and Slow - Maude E. Grider

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stop his tongue from falling out of his mouth. She had one hell of a body. Too much power for an eighteen year old young lady!

      Jasmine continued writing but listening tentatively, wondering if he was being truthful. Every time he spoke she could feel her face flushing and she could feel his eyes were focused on her as if he was undressing her. His voice was so deep, sexy, and self-assuring, and she felt very uneasy. She passed a slip of paper to him. “Now you have my number.”

      He took the slip of paper and looked at it suspiciously, then at her, wandering if it was really her number. His handsome good looks had gotten him many phone numbers and his little black book was full of numbers that he never called. This time he felt different. He desperately wanted this to be the right number.

      “Your fragrance is driving me crazy. What are you wearing?”

      “Heaven Sent. My friends and teammates prefer Ambush and Tabu but I find those fragrances a little too bold for my taste.”

      “It smells very nice on you.” 'And appropriately named'. He smiled inwardly.

      “Thank you kindly, sir.” She crossed her legs and curtsied. She looked at her watch. “Oops! I'm sorry, but I have to go. My mom gave me only two hours for this shopping trip.” She wanted to stay longer and converse with this man who was deeply intriguing, but didn't want to be late returning home and jeopardizing her chances of using her mother's car again.

      His heart sank as she spoke. He didn't want her to leave until he knew more about her. He had envisioned wrapping her dazzling body in his arms. That was prior to him finding out she was only eighteen. Her young age status presented many more complicated issues than he had anticipated encountering when he first laid eyes on her. He had never been involved with anyone so young but this vision of loveliness was prompting him to break all his safe rules and walk a little on the wild side, if she was willing. He sighed. “Okay, Cinderella. I will talk to you soon.”

      She nodded and took five steps back from the car, not trusting the rubber-like sensation she was feeling in her legs to move too much farther but she had regained some control of her senses and she certainly didn't want her feet in the way when he drove away.

      Paul reluctantly shifted his car out of park and moved it into drive. As he was slowly driving away, he was looking in the rear view mirror at the beauteous young girl that resembled a fully developed woman. He was still smiling but swearing to himself for not being able to influence her attention to remain in his company any longer to gain more information about her. She had stimulated him more than he could ever remember being after a chance encounter with a female. Her youngness did not deter his testosterone level from skyrocketing. He had to become acquainted with her and failure to make her part of his being was not an option. He drew in a deep, steadying breath as he tried to get his heart rate under control, while at the same time ignore the throbbing in his groin.

      Jasmine was in her car driving and blushing endlessly from her checks to her toes. All the way home she couldn't stop thinking about this virile, robust man who had asked for her phone number. He was absolutely gorgeous and sexy, but she must have been feverish at the time for giving him her number. However, he conveyed the impression of being warm. His voice had been so deep and rich and sexy and it persisted to impress her though he was no longer in her company. She could still hear his deep, rich baritone voice ringing in her ears. And his smile made her conscious of an inner turmoil, and a queasy feeling, almost like she wanted to upchuck. She was feeling things she had never felt before. She found herself instantly attracted to this man. There was something intriguing and mysterious about him and she was interested to find out what was confusing her senses. She was flattered an older man thought she was pretty! He completely validated what she thought about herself when she looked in the mirror – she was an exceptionally good-looking young woman!


      Paul arrived at his restaurant and smiled as he saw the public parking lot was still crowded late in the afternoon. Business was good. He entered the restaurant through the private entrance and went directly to his office to begin an afternoon of meetings with his accountant, business manager, restaurant manager, and entertainment director for his private club. He was unable to focus on any issues with visions of Jasmine running through his mind. For the past year and a half his private gentlemen's club had undergone structural changes inside and he had been celibate, denying his body and freeing his mind to totally concentrate on overseeing the renovations. But now that the renovations were done his body was reminding him it had a need that was long overdue. This was his explanation to himself for having a sexual interest in Jasmine, such a young woman, when he totally preferred older, more experienced women. He had dated across a wide spectrum of women and quite a few of them had become part of his escort service. They were all very lovely with plenty to offer, but he never got emotionally attached and always warned he was not looking for committment. Of course, some didn’t believe him, thinking they would be the exception to his rule. And he would have to shut them down. But there was something very special about Jasmine. He didn’t know what it was but he wanted the opportunity to find out why he was so attracted to her. His foremost priority of being with any woman was usually to interest her in joining his escort service. But his interest in Jasmine was different, or was it?

      Two days later Paul called the number Jasmine had given him. The phone only rang two times before someone answered but to him it felt like time without end. His apprehension of not having a valid phone number was appeased when she answered the phone. He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. Her 'hello' was undeniably sultry and at the same time girlish. He was astounded by her captivating phone voice and it rendered him momentarily speechless. He could feel his pulse quickening so he took a deep breath before he spoke. “May I please speak to Jasmine?”

      Her heart did back flips! She had spent the last couple of days shuffling between wandering if he would ever call her and lamenting to her because he had not called her. She replied, shakily. “This is Jasmine.”

      He himself was relieved this sultry voice belonged to Jasmine. After rewinding the sound of her voice in his head he asked her how she was doing. She replied gleefully she was doing great. He paused and took a deep breath. “Can I take you to lunch today to celebrate your recent monumental birthday?”

      Her heart started pounding! She swallowed but the lump growing inside her throat was impeding her ability to speak. “Yup”, she answered finally and ecstatically.

      He exhaled a sigh of relief. “What time do you want me to pick you up?”

      “Oh, no! You can't pick me up here! My mother would never allow it! I will meet you in the mall parking deck where we met. Do you remember the spot?”

      “Level C west. I will never forget. It is imbedded in my mind eternally.”

      “Okay, Mr. Shelton. I will meet you at 12:30 pm.”

      “Okay, ma'am, 12:30 pm it is. But please, Miss Jasmine, call me 'Paul'.” She quickly retorted. “Okay, Paul, I will see you later.”

      Paul was ecstatic she had agreed to see him. Not under any condition had he ever encountered a problem pursuing or being pursued by women. But now he felt like a school boy about to go on his first date. In fact, he was even more apprehensive now than he remembered being when he actually went on his first date many, many years ago! He scolded himself for his weakness and tried to ignore the sexual urges gripping him and encouraging him to lust after such a young woman. He was becoming more captivated with her and was mapping out a plan in his head how to make her become part of his life. Her non-southern accent which was unmistakable different from other women he had encountered around this area was truly impressive. He loved the sound of her babyish voice. There was something about it that activated his primitive nature. Under aged for him or not she had stirred his interest from the moment he had laid his eyes on her.

      Jasmine was ecstatic that this older man had in fact called her. She had never had anyone approximating his charm and good looks be remotely interested in her. Nevertheless she was very uneasy about being in the company of someone so much older and worldlier than herself. She could feel herself tingling warmly all over her body and felt very flushed in the face. She was experiencing more anxiety right now than she did

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