Nice and Slow. Maude E. Grider

Nice and Slow - Maude E. Grider

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contemplating how she would feel if he approached her about tasting her beautiful body but decidedly realized he was thinking with his overactive testosterone and not his sense of reasoning. He took a deep breath to allow his mind time to change lanes from thinking about tasting her gorgeous body to explaining how to use her card, and then pushed on. “Remember, I told you I own the entire building. But the other floors are not open to the public, just private club members and staff. You can exit the other floors down to this floor but you must have a key card to access the floors above the restaurant and the underground parking deck. Put your key in this slot to open the elevator”, he gently commanded. He pointed at the key slot beside the elevator doors with his free hand.

      She did as he said, very nervously. The heavy metal elevator doors opened and they stepped into the elevator and the doors shut once they were inside. He pointed to the console inside the elevator door. “There are three other floors in this building. Your key will open all the floors except the fourth floor.”

      Her nervousness was mounting during this tutorial regarding what this key would open but her curiosity awakened with the mention of a floor the new key card did not allow her to access. “What's on the fourth floor?” He looked at her with a sheepish grin. “Would you like to see?”

      She was afraid her voice would tremble if she answered, so she nodded her head up and down to answer 'yes'. She immediately changed her mind. “No, that’s okay. Maybe another time.”

      He refused to let her back out of going to the fourth floor where he was eventually going to take her anyway. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Jasmine. I am not concealing a Meth lab, okay? Trust me, alright?”

      She glanced at him, looking into his eyes for reassurance. She felt comfortable. “Okay.”

      “Place your card it into the slot beside the '4' on the console of the elevator.”

      When the elevator reached the fourth floor it stopped but the door didn't open. She looked at him inquisitively through stretched eyes. He looked down at her and smiled.

      “You can only enter this floor by punching in a code manually. He punched four numbers into the keypad. The elevator door opened. He tightened his hand around hers. He walked off the elevator with her by his side. “Welcome to my home.”


      Jasmine stretched her eyes as wide as she could without causing a tiny blood vessel to rupture, and her mouth opened so wide she could feel the tension on her stretched jaws!

      They had stepped off the elevator into the foyer of a penthouse apartment and from a quick glance she surmised the apartment covered the entire floor. The length of the hallway seemed endless and this was not at all what she had expected when they stepped off the elevator. It resembled a series of photos she had seen of a penthouse on Park Avenue in New York City.

      Instantly, her knees got weak when she realized she was alone with a man in a private setting and NO ONE knew where she was. This place was so big and isolated she could screamed for help until she was blue in the face and no one would hear her. ‘Mercy!’ she thought silently. Suddenly she became aware she was not the confident, fearless young woman she thought she was.

      Paul was still holding her hand and instinctively threaded their fingers as if he thought she would run away if he let her go, momentarily forgetting there really was nowhere for her to make an exit without his assistance.

      “If for some reason you don't feel comfortable about being here alone with me, Jasmine, we can leave and go back downstairs.”

      She stared up at him into his black, piercing eyes and saw gentleness and caring reflected there. Her gut feeling told her she could trust him.

      He linked her arm through his and escorted her all around, walking through his lavish living quarters room by room. Beginning to the left of the elevator they walked into the living room which was done in beige and brown Chippendale furnishings. Adjacent to the living room was a game room with a huge pool table, card table and chairs and a fully stocked bar. The walls in the game room were adorned with six feet portraits highlighting his football career- a portrait from his senior high school year in his number fourteen green and gold football uniform, a portrait of each year in college in his number fourteen maroon and white football uniform; a replica of two Sports Illustrated covers, one as the number one running back in the state of Mississippi his junior college year, and one as the Heisman trophy winner his senior college year; and three other portraits with him in his blue and silver Dallas Cowboy uniform, one by himself, one with Herschel Walker and the other with Danny White. The final portrait was him as he was featured on the cover of Black Enterprise Magazine with his restaurant behind him. She was mesmerized with his good looks dressed in a designer black and white pin-stripe suit. She was instantly impressed with his walls of fame! He was fastly becoming bigger than life in her eye sight.

      Adjacent to the game room was the huge formal dining room. There was a formal dining room table with pedestal legs. The table was large enough to accommodate twelve chairs with a full china cabinet and serving table. Next was the large kitchen that would have impressed Martha Stewart which was built around an island with black marble tops in the center, and a laundry room adjacent to the kitchen. Also on that side of the penthouse was two elegantly furnished bathrooms.

      They walked across the hall to the other side of the suite. The first room they entered was a theater room with plush theater chairs and equipped with a commercial projector and also included an authentic popcorn popping machine, snack counter and fountain drinks machine just like a commercial movie theater and a bathroom joined the theater room to the home gym room. Next to the gym was an office with a bathroom, and two guest bedrooms, each with a private bath.

      And last, but not least, they turned and walked to the other end of the foyer. Behind large double doors was the huge master bedroom suite with an oversized king-sized four poster bed with a foot step on each side of the bed. He smiled inwardly when she glanced around, totally amazed at his bedroom. The room with its masculine flare was decorated in blacks and browns with gold accents and African-type art throughout the room, and an enormous master bathroom with a black marble Jacuzzi on one side of the bedroom, and a gigantic walk in closet/dressing room on the other side of the bedroom.

      “You have a lovely home, Paul.”

      “Thank you, Miss Jasmine.”

      After the tour around of the penthouse they returned to the game room. He ushered her to a bar stool and motioned with his free hand for her to sit down. He kissed the back of her hand before he let her hand go and went behind the bar to fix a drink to help control his overactive libido. He was nervous and did not want to move too fast with this priceless treasure. This was the first woman he had ever brought into his private quarters. He asked her if she would like a drink. “Yes, please. Strawberry soda if you have it.” He laughed and asked her if she drank anything else.

      “Yup. I drink water, juice, Pepsi, coke, tea, lemonade, and other sodas like Fresca. My biological father and his wife let me taste German beer, vodka, brandy and rum when I visited them last summer. He wanted to prepare me for exposure to alcohol later so he would fix us a drink and then we would discuss how I felt fifteen to twenty minutes after drinking it.”

      Paul was thinking maybe she was a little worldlier than he imagined, or maybe she was trying to sound all grown up, or maybe he would have done the same thing if she had been his daughter. He was trying to convince himself he was not making the biggest mistake of his life and at the same time he was fantasizing about being naked, hard and inside her.

      He handed her the strawberry soda and used the remote control to activate some music. With his drink in his hand he went to sit near her on another bar stool, purposely leaving a bar stool between them to prevent the hot flames his body from igniting and consuming her if he got too close. The Temptations 'My Girl' was playing and she was singing along with the song. He smiled. “What do you know about Old School Music?”

      She rolled her eyes at him and laughed defensively. “I like to think I am somewhat well-rounded. I also like gospel, R&B, Jazz, Opera, Classical, Country/Folk, and Rock. I have been

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