Nice and Slow. Maude E. Grider
about and how to make love with a man. She certainly preferred the experience to be with an older man instead of some fumbling inexperienced young boy whose number one interest was having a wet dream while he was awake. Before she lost her nerve she spoke softly. “I want you to teach me.”
He half -moaned and half-sighed loudly, grateful she had not rejected him and wanted to go a step further with his sexual tutoring. He laid her back on the bed very gently as if handling a piece of fine china, carefully removed her dress and then her bra, pausing to caress her small neck and perky breasts and her flat stomach. He removed his shirt and stepped out of his pants. He left her panties and his silk boxers on to try and minimize her fear and camouflage his already throbbing, erect manhood. Still standing over her, he placed his arms on either side of her body and leaning over, began to kiss her mouth, very gently sliding his tongue in and out. He lay on the bed beside her and planted quick kisses on her neck, breasts, stomach, inner and outer thighs. She tasted so sweet and clean, just as he had imagined she would. He was not disappointed so far. He knew it was too much, too soon but he was so excited he could hardly control himself. He didn't understand why this young woman made him feel so different. It was not lust, as he knew exactly what that felt like. This was a feeling he could not readily place a label on.
One of his lucrative businesses was his escort service. He could hardly remember how many women he had been exposed to who approached him about becoming dancers and escorts for his establishment or those who just wanted to 'jump his bones’. But this time was different. This was not a business decision but a very personal one. She was unbelievably beautiful and as delicate as the flower that bore her name, 'Jasmine'. He was spinning out of control. He wanted her so badly but would not allow his animalistic nature to cloud his judgment.
Now his brain waves were totally jumbled. He wanted her first time to be something she would remember forever and he longed for it to be with him. He yearned to teach her how to make love with a man and enjoy sex, how to enjoy orgasms. He envisioned introducing her to passion. This was a very rare opportunity for any man to experience and enjoy. If afforded the opportunity it would be his sworn duty to make it pleasingly memorable. He would gleefully accept the challenge if she wanted him to.
But today was not the day. This experience would require some special planning and implementation and he was not prepared at this time mentally. He sighed heavily and held her in his arms and told her he wanted her to think about this a little longer, and if she decided to go further, let him know.
Jasmine looked at him perplexed. “Did I do something wrong?”
He was still holding her in his arms. “No, baby girl, no!” He held her tighter, caressing her, stroking her. “This is such a big step in your life and I want you to be absolutely sure it is really what you want to do and won't have regrets afterward. I want this time to be special for you. Losing your virginity is a life-defining moment and I don’t want you to come away from the experience with bad memories. If you decide this is what you want, I will be proud to be your first and I will make sure the experience will be unforgettable. I want you to understand the beauty of a man and a woman together.” He kissed her and ran his fingers through her hair. “Let's get dressed and go downstairs. I will take you back to your car.” He cursed himself for not exploring her body that she was so graciously offering. But he already knew he wanted more with her than a meaningless one time encounter.
“Would you like something to drink or eat before you go?” Suddenly, Jasmine felt exposed.
“No thank you, but may I have a few minutes to freshen up?”
“Sure, baby doll, take all the time you need”, he said quietly, already regretting his decision not to make love to her. But he knew it was the safest decision. No matter what some people thought of him he really was a gentleman. Instead of letting her step down out of his bed on the stepping stool he lifted her in his arms. Holding her soft body close to his well-developed chest and engorged manhood he placed her upright on the floor.
She was so dizzy and unbalanced from being so close to him and smelling his manly scent and hardness against her stomach. She placed her arms around his waist and her head on his chest to steady herself before she picked up her dress and bra and went into the bathroom. She was feeling hurt and disappointed and thought she may not be as desirable as she thought she was. If this was rejection she did not like the way it felt. She held back her unshed tears as she composed herself and freshened up.
Paul was cursing himself for spoiling this rare moment to make love to someone untouched when he might not get another chance. But he wanted her first time to be memorable to her and was hoping she would choose him to share this experience. He redressed himself and picked up the phone. He called downstairs to see how things were going. After he was assured everything was running on schedule he told his manager he would be out for a while but would be back by the time the evening crowd started to arrive.
Jasmine came out of the bathroom dressed and told Paul she was ready to go. He went to her and put his arms around her. He leaned down to kiss her forehead. He swept her off her feet and walked her over to the large recliner chair across from his bed and sat down with her in his lap. He placed her small soft hand into his larger hand and smiled lovingly at her. “You are very important to me and I have no intention of taking advantage of you. I want you to come to me willingly and let me teach you how to love a man and receive pleasure.” He held her close and kissed her long and hard to drive home the fact he did want to be with her. She smelled so innocent and sweet. He would keep his fingers crossed he would see her again. He stood up and placed her feet on the floor and they walked to the elevator and before he pressed the button to open the elevator door he took her in his arms again and whispered in her ear in his deep, sexy voice. “You are so beautiful, sweet, and innocent. Let me know when you are ready for me to make love to you.”
She couldn't stop her belly from flipping over just from the sound of his voice. “Thank you”, she said shyly, accepting his compliment. Not trusting her voice she didn't venture to say anything else.
“In the meantime, will you join me tomorrow for a lunch cruise on the Mississippi?”
Her heart was thumping loudly inside her chest. She looked at him nervously. “You want to spend time with me tomorrow? What about your business?”
He pulled her to him and held her against his chest. “Why wouldn’t I want to spend time with you, precious? The restaurant is not a problem. I do have people working for me.”
They stepped into the elevator and he held her in his arms and kissed her on the mouth until the elevator reached the parking deck. He wanted her to be assured he wanted to be with her despite her young age and he was not rejecting her. She moved him in ways he had not experienced before and he was willing to roll the dice for her. Suddenly he had the urge to take her back upstairs and make love to her but he cared too much about her to take her without special preparation. They exited into the parking deck and went to his car.
He drove her back to her car, holding her hand all the way. When they reached her car and after she was seated in the driver's seat he strapped her in and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek and told her to call him when she arrived home. She replied shyly. “Okay. Thank you for a wonderful afternoon.”
“Precious, it was my pleasure.” He watched her drive away and he sadly wondered if he would get a chance to be with her again or if his sudden display of chivalry had caused him to miss a golden opportunity to show her how beautiful making love could be.
He hustled through some errands, attempting to use up some excess energy and later returned to the restaurant. Driving through the parking lot he could see things were busy. He proceeded to the underground parking deck and parked his car. He entered the elevator, then exited on the first floor. He walked through the restaurant and found his manager who told him things were going smoothly and things had been busy since he left with a late afternoon rush and early dinner crowd.
Paul got on the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. His normal routine would have included him going to his penthouse first to shower and dress in a designer suit and accessories before he made an appearance on the second floor to mingle with his private club members. But tonight his