Nice and Slow. Maude E. Grider

Nice and Slow - Maude E. Grider

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out with my older cousin here and attending school in New England.”

      The temptations 'Ain't Too Proud to Beg’ started playing. She swiftly jumped down from the bar stool and began to dance. He was sipping his drink and watching her graceful catlike moves and feeling his nature rising, as she moved before him, alternating dynamic hip thrusts with mind blowing belly rolls and booty shaking moves. She had rendered him totally spellbound. She was as graceful as a gazelle and as provocative and sexy as a Hawaiian belly dancer.

      'She's got rhythm, he thought as he envisioned those rhythmic movements in his bed. He could almost feel her beautiful legs around his waist while they made love. He was slowly sipping his drink and experiencing a slow burn in his private part as he watched her gyrating her well sculptured big hips. He was imagining her moving beneath him with her gorgeous legs wrapped around his back, and her well-rounded bottom bouncing up and down in his hands while his manhood invaded her covenant area. 'He needed to get control of both his heads. What was he thinking? He was almost old enough to be her father. But she had him mesmerized and he was totally smitten with her.’ His swollen shaft had no idea how old she was. It only knew it wanted to be making love to her.

      Marvin Gaye's 'Stubborn Kinda Fellow' started playing and he sat his drink down and stood up and held out his hand. “Do you know anything about dancing to this song?”

      She stopped moving and raised her eyebrows. She stretched her eyes wide and grinned sheepishly. She glanced at his outstretched hand, inhaled deeply before moving forward to step in front of him, put her hand in his hand. “Try me. You lead and I will try to follow.”

      He started leading the way in a basic two step move. She fell right into rhythm with him. He was astounded someone so young could be so worldly and versatile. She was just as mature and intelligent as some women he knew that was his age and older! She was the sexiest woman he had been with in quite some time.

      They started 'steppin' and laughing. He loved watching the graceful sway of her hips when he spun her away from him and the feel of her soft cotton-like feeling body against his hard body when they came close together. Her sweet scent was powerful and captivating and putting devious, manly thoughts in his mind. While dancing she missed a step and stumbled, almost losing her balance. He reacted swiftly by catching her and holding her close to him as gently as if she breakable, afraid she would shatter into a million pieces if she fell. He picked her up in his arms and walked to an over-sized black leather chair in the game room. He sat down in the chair with her in his lap and brushed his hand along her soft cheek. “Are you alright, baby?” She turned her head to look at him. “I…..” Her speech was cut off when he kissed her on the lips, his full lips expertly engulfing her smaller lips. When his lips touched hers he tasted her sweetness.

      Jasmine’s head was spinning and she was seeing stars behind her closed eyes when he finally halted the kiss. Her stomach was doing flip-flops. She had never been kissed by a man before and it was different and scary. She had noidea what to expect next. She was sensing how confident and comfortable he was with himself. She was gazing up at him with bewilderment and then he watched as she drew in a ragged breath as the power of what they'd just shared threatened to overcome her. When she began shivering he pulled her closer into his arms. Before she could fully recover from the first kiss and get control of her faculties he kissed her again, longer, more evasive with his tongue this time. Paul wanted to convince himself that being without sex for so long was the reason he was entwining her mouth with his like a man starving and her lips where the only food available. He knew instantly he wanted more than an impromptu kiss from her.

      She was floating on air! His kiss had gone from gentle and sweet to deep to downright greedy, and his mouth became more demanding. Now parts of her body were being awakened that she didn't even know existed and she was having trouble controlling them.

      Straight away she realized she was in over her head! This was not the same as teasing the college boys she was accustomed to dealing with. She needed to make the great escape but was unsure how to accomplish that feat.

      She was getting skittish but didn't want to expose her inexperience, so she let him press on with his warm kiss. Still kissing her lips, he put his hand on her knee, and then slid it further under her dress.

      Paul wanted to proceed with caution but he was so excited and hot he was fairing badly in maintaining his composure. He had his hand under her dress and the feel of her soft thighs was making him tingle all over. She had the softest body he had ever felt, as soft as touching raw cotton. And the fragrance she was wearing was overpowering him and drowning his senses of reasoning.

      Instinctively, she put her arms around his neck and reading this as a positive sign to go further, he swept her up effortlessly in his arms and carried her to the end of the penthouse and opened the heavy double doors leading to his bedroom. He placed her down gently on his high humongous bed.

      Still standing beside the bed he placed his hand back under her dress so he could touch her soft thighs. With his anticipation escalating and his genitals aching, his senses waning, he slowed his exploration movements to collect his thoughts. He willed his heart rate to slow down and instantly he could sense her extreme nervousness, and recognized something different in her mannerism. Different from other women he had been with. Then he froze like a deer caught in headlights!

      He suddenly halted his exploration and rested his hand on her creamy thighs. He scanned her beautiful face and brilliant eyes, searching for an unspoken answer to the question in his mind. When no answer was forthcoming he audibly forged ahead for his answer, undecided about the answer he wanted to hear. “Have you ever been intimate with a man before?”

      She lowered her head downward toward her lap and folded her hands in her lap. Feeling embarrassed, she shyly replied. “No.”

      But he already knew the answer before receiving her verbal validation. He had experienced many different types of women but had never encountered one so tantalizing, yet so pure and innocent. Consequently, he found himself in quite a peculiar dilemma.

      He had not anticipated being her first! She was so well-developed and intelligent and witty and displayed admirable womanly characteristic. He was sure she had been sexually active, if only with some college boy.

      He had envisioned himself teaching her what a man wants from a woman and how to please a man and receive pleasure herself but never dreamed of having to introduce her to sex. Now he was all hot and his body on fire with no way to extinguish it. She was uninhibited, sweetness and temptation all rolled into one.

      She was so beautiful and soft and his body was yearning to explore every inch of her. But he had totally not expected her to be untouched. All signs pointed to aborting anything else with her. But he was having difficulty convincing himself to not go where no man had gone before.

      Where had his moral principles flown off to? There was no plausible explanation for being alone with this beautiful young woman except lust. Except there was something happening between them that he wanted to explore further. He decided to definitely proceed but with extreme caution, one step at a time, nice and slow.

      Suddenly he withdrew his hand from resting on her thighs. He gently pressed her dress down and sat her up. He held her small hands in both his hands and looked directly at her.

      “You are so perfect, even breakable like a porcelain doll. It is admirable you have not given in to the peer pressure concerning sex I know you have probably encountered. But once you cross the line into womanhood your whole life changes forever.”

      He paused and inhaled two deep breaths before continuing to speak honestly and truthfully. “I can teach you how to make love, how to enjoy making love, and how to please a man, but I want you to be sure this is what you want at this point in your young life. Once you take that first step there is no turning back.”

      Jasmine had heard stories from other girls about their sexual experiences but she had not been interested in taking that step. Thinking back, their stories had not been cliff hangers and she had never encountered anyone that made her whole body tingle like Paul did. He brought a new meaning to what she had read about ' igniting raging hormones’.

      So now she was inquisitively

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