Personal Development With Success Ingredients. Mo Abraham
to have it all in abundance. Whatever you intend to be in life or to have in life – in all areas can happen through the wonderful power of using the Law of Attraction.
Living within the Law of Attraction is definitely going to take you off the course you were headed down before you found this secret of the ages. What's so amazing is that you find no more use for the stuff that you once thought was necessary.
You often hear how a person received more things like a car, house, vacation or financial security. That's just the icing on the cake. With the Law of Attraction, what you lose can be the best part.
Lose? You thought the Law of Attraction was just about gaining. It is – that's why you have to lose to make it work. Once you understand the simple steps of Ask, Believe, and Receive – and you see the result – you realize that you can't follow this course by hanging onto old things hindering your success.
You begin to see what you need to leave behind. Now that you’ve moved from a job to a career, you’re excited about learning everything you need to know to move forward in your career.
When you aren't working or relaxing at home, you’re spending time with people who share your mindset. These people enjoy healthy activities like sports or yoga. As you look around, you realize that you have no time or interest in hanging around the old crying-in-their-beer crowd.
And you don't come home frustrated, collapsing on the sofa with a quart of ice cream or bottle of cheap wine. Almost without effort, these changes in how you see yourself and how you invest your life energy has brought about other transformations.
You've lost weight, reduced dangerously high cholesterol levels, become more agile and the stress lines on your face have smoothed out. You are maximizing the positives about yourself and you like what you see.
No wonder you’re attracting into your circle of friends people who value positive energy just as you do! After those tentative beginnings when you prove the Law of Attraction really works, then you become bolder in taking charge of your life.
As much as you explain this to people from your old life, some will not shed their shackles for the freedom you have found. A few will – and they may travel new roads with you.
Or they may go on other roads to find their dreams. Either way, you have given back to the positive energy in the universe by sharing this wonderful concept. Each time you put the Law of Attraction into action, you see how what you receive has a trickle down effect.
You ask for a townhouse in the city closer to your job – even though prices are high and finding a good place is difficult. That's okay because you’re specific in your request and believe that the townhouse is already yours – you are merely waiting for the universe to reveal the address of your new abode.
When you receive it, you share this with your real estate agent. What you didn't know is that your agent was depressed and worried about finances until you showed her how to apply the Law of Attraction.
Now her life is turned around and she has more free time. Months later, when she’s offered a major planned community development project, she brings you in as a design consultant. Positive energy attracts more positive energy – and that will definitely alter your course in life.
De-cluttering Your Life with the Law of Attraction
If you want the Law of Attraction to bring your heart’s desires into your life, there has to be room to receive. It’s a scientific reality that two objects can’t occupy the same place at the same time.
The universe is orderly and never contradicts its essential principles. That’s why you can work yourself into a frenzy trying to attract a new car, yet your garage is so packed with junk that you couldn’t put a tiny Matchbox in there!
How can the universe give you something when you have no space for it? Clutter that blocks the positive energy of the universe isn’t just found in tangible items. The most stubborn clutter is found in the ways we fill our lives with meaningless activity, negative people and wasted time.
Cleaning out the garage take a few hours while clearing away the emotional clutter in your life takes more effort to complete. Clutter of any type blocks or interrupts the flow of positive energy.
Some people who think the Law of Attraction does not work are actually blocking the power with their emotional clutter. It’s as if the universe is sending your desire by express delivery only to hit a door that won’t open to complete the delivery process.
You feel like your desires were not met, yet the answer is waiting for you to make room in your life to receive. Your desires and goals need a place where they can manifest fully and not be limited.
Be honest – where is the emotional clutter in your life? If you’re worried about money, the problem may not be with your salary, but with your attitudes about money. You see buying as a way to fill emotional gaps or to prove your success to others (or to yourself).
So you spend more than you make and want the universe to help pay your bills. That won’t happen. You have to clear away the negative beliefs about money and what it means to you.
When you can see abundance as something more than a checkbook entry, then you open the potential to receive from the universe. If you’re constantly late on payments, the universe will not expand time to cover your deadlines.
Look at how you approach your day. When you take on too much because you’re afraid to say ‘no,’ you surround yourself with negative energy. Or you may be late because you really don’t want to do something so your subconscious acts on your reluctance.
You need to schedule quiet time to contemplate and reduce your activities. As you clear away clutter, both emotional clutter and tangible junk, you make room to attract more valuable things into your life.
The value you receive isn’t always in money, but in life satisfaction. Reclaim the back porch from being a storage area to a quiet, comfortable place to relax and meditate. Then you may find that porch becomes a sea of beautiful African violets as the universe gives you a new interest in flowers.
Stop the long commute to work at a stressful job and take a position with less pay nearer to your home and watch what happens. You have space in your life to attract a new mate, spend time with your children, volunteer or turn a hobby into a full time job. Start clearing space to receive!
Allowing the Law of Attraction to Evolve With Your Life
What happens when you use the Law of Attraction to reach your goals? Or what happens when you set a goal – say you wanted a particular college degree – but then changed your mind? What happens then? Is that it? You’re done with the Law of Attraction?
No, the Law of Attraction remains in place even when you’ve achieved what you’ve visualized. What you need to do once you reach what you’ve visualized is to set a new goal, see a new visualization. You want to do this to keep the Law of Attraction at work in your life.
What happens if you don’t allow the Law of Attraction to evolve is that what you intend for your life begins to diminish.
When that happens, you become affected by self-doubts. You can begin to lose your inspiration and passion for the direction that you want your life to move in and for what you’d like to see happen in your life.
Remember that what you’re doing today, even though you may have reached your goals, will affect your tomorrows because that’s how the Law of Attraction works.
Use the Law of Attraction to Clean Up Your ‘Friend’s List’
“Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.”
– George Washington
If you think the Law of Attraction is only about material things, then you may miss the best part. The greatest