David Owen QC
David Pike
Eightpenny Stalls
Archie Andrews Guardians
Ray & Linda Cooney
Fredo Donnelly & Mike Richardson
James Ford
Jeremy Hargrove
Dr. Tony Hollingworth
Gillian Howard
Nick & Chris Hunn
Mrs. H Kalkhoven Dickson
Malsar Kest
Petra Laidlaw
George Law
Liz & Innes Meek
Alex & Susan de Mont
Michael O’Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Peppiatt
Lord & Lady Francis & Nathalie
John & Stephanie Riley
Angela Rogers
Ian Salter
Carolyn Saunders
Dasha Shenkman
Brian Smith
Antony Timmins
Ann Vernau
Tom & Elaine Yeo
Astell Scientific
Gilchrist and Soames
Latham and Watkins LLP
Radisson Blu
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
John Ellerman Foundation
CAPITAL PROJECT Phase 2: Saved, Revealed & Alive - The Five Georgian Houses
Thanks to the generous support of those below and others, Wilton’s semi-derelict front of house areas are being sensitively repaired. Keep up to date with the project as it unfolds by following the blog, saved-revealed-alive.tumblr.com
Heritage Lottery Fund
Viridor Credits
The Loveday Charitable Trust
Garfield Weston
Chris Bartram
J Paul Getty Jnr Charitable Trust
Foyle Foundation
Aldgate and Allhallows
The Bernard Sunley Foundation
Corner Shop PR
Backstage Trust
The Wolfson Foundation
Heritage of London Trust
Bernarr Rainbow Foundation
Ken Craig
Bruce Harris
Lindsay Gordon
Mark Hamsher
Ian Gaunt
David Owen QC
Anthony Evans
Anthony Diamond
Anne Burley
Adam Ant
Anthony Burrill
Gavin Graham & Biddy O’Grady
John Crisp
Martin Perkins
Alan Sainer Trust
Lady Jane Rayne
John & Caroline Stephen
Jennifer Taylor
Bruce Rowling
Petra Laidlaw
Barbara Lascelles
Gerald and John Glover
The Worshipful Company of Tyler’s & Bricklayers
The Goldsmith’s Company
From the Writer & Director
The true story from Romania at the heart of Father Nandru & The Wolves originally came to me from my friend Jeffrey Mayhew as the subject for a play he might take to the Edinburgh Fringe. At the time I couldn’t think of an appropriate form for this iconic fable – so the project was put on ice, though it continued to haunt me as I toured rural Finland with CulturaMobila, the community arts organisation I co-founded with Hanne Horte in 2004. Our mission is to create arts events with people living in small communities and the most popular strand of our work has proved to be large scale, site specific mummer’s plays-cum-winter carnivals, frequently involving an entire village. As inexperienced performers seem happier belting out rhyming verse than fumbling with realistic dialogue, we developed a house style based on traditional folk drama, a heady blend of rough theatre, sympathetic magic and the irreconcilable conflicts between light and darkness, good and evil, life and death. Once I explain British mumming techniques as proto-rap, our actors take to it with gusto, adapting it to their own languages and local references, and a fine celebratory time is had by all. In 2012, on-going research into mumming traditions around the world brought me to those of Transylvania, including the fiercely elemental figure of the Capra, or goat, the death and resurrection of which still heralds the coming of spring in the depths of the Romanian winter. Suddenly the story of Father Nandru felt like a continuation of the work I’d been doing for eight years and I was ready to write it... as a mummers play for the 21st century.
Many thanks to Frances Mayhew at Wilton’s for her immediate enthusiasm for the project; to the Swedish Culture Fund in Finland whose travel bursary took Hanne and I on a life-changing trip to Romania; to our splendid guides there, Duncan Ridgley, Maria Borca, Gerhild Gross, and everyone at Tzigania Tours, who took us way off the beaten track and opened our eyes to startling new/old worlds in Breb, Viscri and the Roma communities around Targu Mures. This one’s for you!
Julian Garner
Writer & Director
A Wilton’s Music Hall Production in association with CulturaMobila
Father Nandru & The Wolves
The Company
Cast (in alphabetical order) | |
Samantha Arends | Ensemble |
Anna Ashanta Cserg | Band |
Stewart Fraser | Vadim & Ensemble |
Lori Hopkins | Eveline & Ensemble |
Kevin James | Ensemble |
András Levente Nyílás | Band |
Melissa Stanton | Maria & Ensemble |
Jonathan Stone | Father Nandru |
Rudolf Tóni | Band |
Francis Wright | Mihail & Ensemble |
Frances Mayhew | Producer |
Becky Ruffell | Assistant Producer |
Julian Garner | Writer & Director |
Hanne Horte-Garner | Set, Costume & Puppet Designer |
Filippo de Capitani | Lighting Designer & Production Manager |
Michele Panegrossi | Sound Designer & Music Supervisor |
Anna Ashanta Cserg |