Unnaturals. Dean J Anderson
door open and smoke billowed along the access corridor. `This I did not see.'
`What the hell?' Rose yelled, her gift flaring.
Tashia waited until Lilly had called her own gift. `Run! Do not stop until you are safe!' She turned and ran up the corridor towards the entry to the club.
`Safe from what?' Rose yelled behind her.
Tashia smashed the door in. Smoke and flames boiled the air.
`Goddess, what is that?' Rose staggered back into Lilly.
`This is what happens when a Hunter and a Huntress connect. Now go.' Tashia dived into the chaos of fire and uncontrolled energy towards a single figure standing against the ball of expanding energy.
`Ancient one, we cannot control it!' Ivy screamed, falling to her knees, her hands black with energy. `It will consume us all.'
`Get Ivy out,' Tashia ordered Rose, as she dashed past, her clothes smouldering. Chunks of concrete fell around them.
Tashia ignored the debris, her eyes on the mass of energy tearing the club apart.
Lilly grabbed her arm. `Tashia, let's go!'
`Flee, child.' She let her power surge. Repressed for centuries, it hungered to be free. `You will die if you stay.' Tashia felt her body begin to grow.
`Goddess, protect us.' Lilly turned and ran.
Tashia released her true form as Lilly disappeared up the stairs. She looked down at the ball of energy and smiled. `Trust you to break all the rules my little Huntress.'
Tashia reached out and touched the energy ball. `Time for you to behave.' She focused as the blue energy raced up her arms. `Back you go, back to your family.'
The energy quivered and tore slabs of concrete off the walls. She staggered under its power.
`Yes.' Tashia let the ancient black energy of her gift wash out of her. `You're stronger than me, but I have the discipline.'
She snarled at the challenge burning in her hands, `BEHAVE!'
Darkness exploded from her and the blue energy shrank back to its source.
`Hmm,' Tashia looked down as static lingered on Mason and Renee. `No more surprises, please, you two.' She staggered and let her body flow back into her preferred shape. `I don't think I can handle any more tonight.'
`You're unharmed.' Lilly appeared beside her. `I've never seen… whatever that was.'
`Hmm,' Tashia nodded and looked around the empty club. `Last to leave and the first back in. Wouldn't have picked you for such a courageous one.'
`We have to move. The humans will come and ask questions about them. Even I know who he is and they will too.' Lilly pointed at Mason.
`You always so organised?' Tashia went over to Renee, touching her with great care.
Lilly squatted beside her, taking care to not touch Mason. `They did this?'
`Yes, child.' Tashia slipped her arms under Renee and lifted her, cradling her. `Bring Ruth with you and come back for Nikki . I will handle Mason.'
`Yes, Tashia.' She edged away from Mason and went to Ruth and Nikki. `His wife is very beautiful.'
Tashia smiled as Lilly picked Ruth up. `I suspect in more ways than one. Come.' Tashia moved outside quickly, with Lilly close behind, slipping unseen past confused patrons and the injured. Fire flickered ahead through the trees and Tashia slowed, ignoring the stares of gathered Darkells.
`Here, take her.' Tashia slipped Renee into Miekia's arms. `We'll be back.' She turned, scanning the sea of faces.
Ivy sat on the sand with Rose tending to her. She nodded. `I will heal. Go.'
Lilly put Ruth down near Ivy. `I'm ready.'
`Come, then.' Tashia ran, stopping at the tree line.
`We're too late,' Lilly gasped beside her. `They're going into the club.'
Tashia took her hand. `Move with me — don't let go until we're inside.' She called a gift she had not used for a very long time. It took great focus for her, to make her pocket of the world slow.
Lilly's hand tightened in hers. `How is this possible?'
Tashia moved towards the club entrance, past the frozen crowd. `Don't touch anyone. It will pull them out of it.'
`Understood,' Lilly muttered, sliding around a security guard.
Inside the club, two firemen were checking Mason and Nikki.
`What will happen when we pick them up? Will we be revealed?' Lilly asked.
`Yes.' Tashia took a deep breath. Her body ached from the energy she was using. `I am taxed Lilly, far too much. You will need to create a diversion to cover our exit.' She squatted, eyeing Mason's bulk. `Can you do this for me, Lilly?'
Lilly nodded. `I can. Thank you for trusting me.'
Tashia nodded as her body screamed at her. `Do it now. I cannot hold them anymore.' She took Mason's arm and the world moved around her.
`What?' a voice stuttered behind her.
`Sorry about this,' Lilly said.
Tashia looked up at Lilly's eyes, filled with white energy. The girl's mouth opened and the air shattered.
Tashia just managed to shield her ears as the firemen fell beside her. Lilly's energy filled the club and then vanished into a cool, welcoming darkness.
`We've got a few minutes before they wake up.' Lilly scooped Nikki up.
`A Sonik?' Tashia strained as she lifted Mason, his weight far more than expected. `Curse it, he's unnaturally heavy. Still being stubborn even while unconscious.'
Ivy appeared beside her. `Let me help. You're exhausted.' She put Mason's arm over her shoulder and Tashia sighed in relief as she shared the weight.
`Blessing to you, Ivy.'
`Ready.' Lilly, with Nikki in her arms, joined them.
`Well done, Sister Lilly.' Ivy nodded at her as they moved off. `You've surpassed Rose tonight.'
Tashia tried to smile but her face was numb. Her legs ached as they climbed the stairs, stepping over prone bodies.
`Let me go first in case some remain conscious.' Lilly moved past them and disappeared from sight.
`Hmm, the night is full of surprises,' Tashia said, panting.
`Yes.' Ivy shouldered more of Mason's weight and Tashia sagged against the wall. `He's heavy because of his strong connection with Gaia?'
`Perhaps. I don't know why.' She winced as Lilly unleashed her Sonik gift a second time. `She is powerful.'
`A surprise to me as well. She has never displayed such strength before.'
`All clear. Come on.' Lilly waved them up.
`Go, child, we will follow,' Ivy said sagging under Mason's weight. Tashia braced herself as they moved.
`Have you still the skills to fight, Ivy, using your gifts?'
`Such things have not been done for centuries.'
`I feel such times are upon us again.' Tashia moved quicker as they reached the trees. Sirens and shouting erupted in the resort.
Ivy nodded at Mason. `Has he brought the danger to our shores?'
`Not sure, but he has the ability to defend his family against our enemy, the Bloodells.' Tashia could see the fire ahead. `Do I have your support, sister? If my Magi does not awaken before the ceremony, in time to speak, I believe the Douglases are meant to attend. Some will not agree.'
`You ask a lot.' Ivy slowed down and Tashia matched her pace. `I have never agreed with the House of Eleanor's politics.'