Shakespeare and the Jesuits. Andrea Campana
“That he, as ‘twere by accident” (3.1) “Grief joys, joy grieves, on slender accident” (3.2) “And call it accident” (4.7) “As there are tongues, are hands, are accident” (4.7) “of accidental judgments, casual slaughters” (5.3)
WC: “The cause of this slaughter was the same Satan in malice against the Religion of their Father” (9) “the whole most execrable spectacle of that rufull slaughter” (18)
H: “his canon [law] against self-slaughter” (1.2) “of accidental judgments, casual slaughters” (5.2)
WC: “Satan in malice against the Religion of their Father” (9)
H: “and our vain blows malicious mockery (1.1) “when she saw Pyrrhus make malicious sport” (2.2)
WC: “lay before their eyes as it were upon a Theater, the whole most execrable spectacle of that rufull slaughter” (18)
H: “Give order that these bodies high on a stage be placed to the view ” (5.2)
WC: “the whole most execrable spectacle of that rufull slaughter” (18)
H: “There’s rue for you … O, you must wear your rue with a difference” (4.5)
WC: “these terrible casualties of mortall life” (5)
H: “of accidental judgments, casual [accidental] slaughters” (5.2)
WC: “strange & dreadfull mischances” (5) “dreadful mischances of mortality” (12) “We now are in the mist of sorrow and affliction for this mischance, that hath cast a mist of new darkness and ignorance over the eyes of some” (58)
H: “and never come mischance between us twain!” (3.2) “lest more mischance on plots and errors happen” (5.2)
TD: “mourning a hapless mischance”
WC: “causeth greater mischief” (7) “defence unto him against further mischief” (20) “the commiserable city set upon by a double mischief” (23)
H: “it means mischief” (3.2)
WC: “the commiserable city set upon by a double mischief” (23)
H: “a great buyer of land, with his statutes, his recognizances, his fines, his double vouchers” (5.1) “like a man to double business bound” (3.3)
WC: “the Ends and Intentions of God in this accident” (38)
H: “my stronger guilt defeats my strong intent” (3.3)
WC: “for God to send strange disasters upon his servants hath been ever his custome” (8)
H: “As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood, disasters in the sun” (1.1)
WC: “for God to send strange disasters upon his servants hath been ever his custome” (8) “cast away from you such needless vanities, as not the choice of your hart, but the custome of tyme hath put upon you” (56)
H: “Is it a custom?” (1.4) “Antiquity forgot, custom not known” (4.5) “lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises” (2.2) “Nor customary suits of solemn black” (1.2)
WC: “These calamityes were the cause” (14)
H: “That makes calamity of so long life” (3.1)
WC: “by shewing Gods ends in the permission of this accident, of which we may make our Profit” (4)
H: “As to expend your time with us awhile for the supply and profit of our hope” (2.2) “their residence, both in reputation and profit, was better both ways” (2.2) “we go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name” (4.4)
WC: “Hereupon ensued horrible whirl-winds with such dreadful shaking of the ground” (18)
H: “for in the very torrent, tempest, and (as I may say) whirlwind your passion” (3.2)
WC: “this weake inclination of Nature” (3)
H: “thence into a weakness” (2.2) “a weak supposal of our worth” (1.2)
WC: “this weake inclination of Nature” (3)
H: “my inclination be as sharp as will” (3.3); “observe his inclination in yourself” (2.1)
WC: “to divide indifferently amongst the good and bad” (5) “as a misery indifferently incident unto mankind” (11)
H: “indifferent children of the earth” (2.2) “reformed that indifferently” (3.2)
WC: “and Priestly obligation exact” (3)
H: “In filial obligation for some term” (1.2)
WC: “mourning for corporall Death, which the Holy Ghost confines” (4) “mourning for blind Ignorance and Impiety” (4)
H: “would have mourned longer” (1.2) “and all we mourn for” (2.2)
TD: “Ecclesiasticus alloweth but seven days to mourning”
WC: “within the compasse of Seven dayes” (4)
H: “You would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass” (3.2)
WC: “within the compasse of Seven dayes” (4)