The Best Possible You. Michael Doiley

The Best Possible You - Michael Doiley

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like her.” Every one of those sentiments applies also to you too, even if you’re not from the sunny district of Croydon. You have a gift (many gifts), you are extraordinarily beautiful (in ways you may yet discover) and without doubt there is no one else in the world quite like you (no one else has your thoughts, your unique personal history, your skills, your perspectives, or your individual character).

      I have drifted ever so slightly but no, I do not have a Bachelors Degree in Speaking Your Mind and I don’t have a diploma in Spreading Good News, I just do it. And I do repeat that while I do believe a good extensive school education is great, (it certainly helped one Barrack H. Obama) I do not believe it is absolutely essential for learning, passing on information or indeed success… What is essential is that you do all that you can to learn whatever you need to make your own life work in terms that YOU are satisfied with. These things may well require schooling, mentoring, reading or some kind of out of school coursework but whatever the case may be, it should be in line with your goal for success. Author Napoleon Hill wrote in his classic “Think and Grow Rich.”

       “Any person who is educated is one who has learned to get whatever he wants in life without violating the rights of others. Education consists, not so much of knowledge, but of knowledge effectively and persistently applied. Men are paid not merely for what they know, but particularly for what they do with what they know.”


      Aside from meditation, there are countless ways in which you can stimulate your intuition to have it work for you in a more efficient manner. A well-known ground level intuition muscle-builder is ‘seeing’ your parking space in your mind’s eye before reaching it. In other words, when you are driving around, especially in town, instead of panicking, picture your parking space, choose it in your mind (or have your mind choose it for you). If you get to the vicinity of the space and there are no vacant spaces, with time you can challenge yourself by putting on your hazard lights and staying put for a minute until your space appears. Perfection comes with time… and a little faith

      If you really want to jump-start your intuition into gear, then the Stretch and Shrink meditation below; will be very helpful:


       Before you begin this exercise, be sure that you are quite familiar with the room that you are meditating in, get comfortable, close your eyes and begin.

       Say a prayer or do whatever you personally like to do to get yourself into a calm meditative state of being and then with your eyes closed imagine that you are growing. See yourself steadily getting taller and broader and with it notice how your perspectives of the room begin to change. Now you can see clearly all that’s on top of the wardrobes followed by a new view of all the dust above your light fittings. As you imagine your head bending to accommodate the ceiling, you now realise that your growing body is no longer solid and like an upward periscope you are easily able to grow through the ceiling to see all that’s going on in the room upstairs. Eventually, you find yourself standing with your entire home below you by your ankles and the view you have of your city/town is quite spectacular, understandably you think this is cool. A bird might fly past your ear and you’ll also notice how slowly everything on the ground seems to move when you are so far up.

       Once you are satisfied that you’ve seen enough, it is then time to shrink back down, but do it slowly and progressively; through the rooftop, view the attic, through the rooms or above flats, back to the room you are sitting in with the above wardrobe view, back to you normal size. But don’t open your eyes just yet, for it is time for you to shrink further.

       As you continue the shrinking process, notice that you have to stand away from what you’re sitting on otherwise you’d tip over. Shortly you are small enough to see beneath the chair and any table that might be in the room. Then you become small enough to see underneath the bed and soon you are so small that you can actually see the individual carpet fibres and small enough to fall down a gap between two planks of wood that would form your floor boards. The landscape is incredible, even if a little intimidating. It feels as if you are on a different planet, where your chair is taller than the Empire State Building and a fly would sound like a helicopter and look like a Goodyear sponsored hot air balloon, amazing stuff.

       Once satisfied, breathe out, it is time to grow again so you walk away from under your chair so as not to bump your head on it as you regain your normal size.

       Slowly, as if you are going up in a glass elevator, your view changes and changes until you are the perfect size to sit back down in your original seat. Now refreshed, slowly open your eyes.


       The stretch and shrink exercise, as well as all the other forms of visualisations and meditations that I will show you, are symbolic directives to your subconscious, telling it that you are open to view your life from another perspective. Just as smoking the peace pipe with Ancient American Indians indicated the willingness for peace and open communication, so does this kind of exercise show your subconscious, (the home of your intuition), that you no longer wish to fight it, and that you too are open for communication.


      Acknowledgement of your intuition is a lifestyle, for some individuals ‘oneness’ with the subconscious may take years to master. For others it need only take a short while, for your subconscious and all it entails are closer to you than your own heartbeat. Acknowledge your power each day by sending blessings and positive thoughts of appreciation and gratitude to God or the Universe. This can be done just before sleeping or upon waking or in fact any time of day, as often as you like. It can be part of a prayer, a positive affirmation, a short meditation or whatever is comfortable for you.

      For just as the suns rays warm the planets of our solar system, so too do your loving thoughts radiate forever outwards, placing you at the centre of your own universe with goodness, inspiration, love, miracles, and joy all in gentle orbit around you; waiting to drift closer to you as they gravitationally pull upon your day. Then reflecting back upon you all throughout the day are your magnified intentions, desires and projections. Intuition behaves like fiery comets or small shooting stars flashing gloriously across your line of vision as you go about your day, lighting up your mood when you need the inspiration most.

      Unfortunately, all of this also applies to negativity as well… This means your negative desires and negative intentions, to cause harm, hurt or to destroy are also placed in orbit around you, by you, waiting for the opportune moment to revisit their maker. Some call it karma. In their series of groundbreaking publications, Esther and Jerry Hicks have labelled it the “Law of Attraction.” And in his way–ahead-of-its-time masterpiece, “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill called it “Kickback.” It all works on the premise that everything in our universe can be ultimately broken down into naked–to-the-human eye electrical vibrating particles that move at different speeds depending upon their density. These particles form the molecular building blocks of everything known and unknown to man and are the very fibre of thought itself. To bring the things you want into your life, you must train your mind to reach a certain vibration around the particular thought/desire in order to attract it, or its’ equivalent. This means that whether you like it or not, thoughts that have at their base jealousy, anger, fear, attack, revenge, aggression, hatred and their like, can eventually reap havoc in your own life when these thoughts are allowed to gather momentum and go unchecked.

      Prolonged negative thought patterns are harmful to the thinker even if the vicious fantasies are never carried out in reality. Months or years of reminiscing on wrong that has been committed to you, pontificating or verbalising revenge scenarios and even harbouring guilt feelings over what you may have done in the recent or distant past is extremely detrimental to your own

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