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and personal experience confirmed that Allopathic physicians (Medical Doctors) were being ‘educated’ to believe pharmaceuticals and surgery were the only ways to treat disease.

      As I learned more about alternatives to my own medical training, I had an urgent issue to resolve: Tremors in my hands. Why was a man in his early 30s having tremors? Was it Parkinson’s Disease? Another neurological disease? A poison of some kind? How was I going to continue practicing if the tremors became worse? I already had one physician ask if I had a “drinking problem” when she noticed the tremors. On top of this, numerous people had pointed them out during moments I was unaware they were even occurring. Needless to say I was very fearful regarding what could be wrong. So, what did I do? I did what many other ‘red-blooded American’ males would do when it comes to health: I SAID NOTHING and remained quiet while I searched for an answer. Fortunately, I soon found one.

      Many people are knowingly or unknowingly suffering from other harmful effects related to what caused my tremors. The most frightening aspect of the situation was that most doctors wouldn’t have discovered the problem. Why? The politics and propaganda of food and drugs.

      My moment of doubt wasn’t solely from the science of medicine but more so the art of medicine that is rarely discussed. During my medical school interviewing process, I don’t recall being asked anything related to ‘cultural sensitivity’. A great deal of attention was placed on academic transcripts and plans for a medical specialty. The admissions process didn’t screen for racism, sexism, low compassion, or lack of work ethic.

      What would you say about an Ob/Gyn who pulls out an epidural catheter from a woman in labor and says: “We don’t have this in my country!”? What would you say to the nurses who stood by and said nothing when this happened? What about a doctor who tells a newly delivered teenage mother that had been denied an epidural: “Now that will teach you!”? Do you believe such things don’t happen?

      What would you think of a surgery residency program that has graduated one African-American resident in it’s history?

      What about the African American residency candidate who is told: “We have lots of colored people here.” Why would this be said? Residency is a matching system and if the candidate has a ‘bad experience’ during an interview they won’t select that program. Consequently, when a program comes under scrutiny for ‘racial disparity’ it can argue: “they don’t pick us”. Do you trust a doctor who practices ‘Jim Crow’ medicine?

      Another precarious scenario is from a city with two medical schools: One ‘historically black’ and the other ‘historically white’. Students from both schools should have equal opportunity to train at the local VA hospital, right? What if I told you the students from the ‘historically black’ school had to travel 20-30 miles to a separate VA hospital? What year do you think such a thing would happen in American history? 1950? 1970?1990? 2005? Again, do you trust a doctor who practices ‘Jim Crow’ medicine?

      If an African American female surgeon joined a staff with all white males, do you think they would give her the ‘silent treatment’? Despite board certification never being equated to improved quality care, do you think a lack of academic credentials would be used to keep her off the hospital staff? What if I told you she was a specialist and, prior to joining the staff, had not taken calls for trauma patients in years? What if I told you that members of her department wanted her to take ‘trauma call’? Wouldn’t those surgeons be putting patients at risk? What do you think the hospital administrators would do? What would you think if you knew that this hospital had a sizeable African American patient population? One more time, do you trust a doctor who practices ‘Jim Crow’ medicine?

      I have found the medical community to be a largely academic and business-oriented entity that is rarely concerned with compassion or cultural sensitivity. Members can be pretentious, judgmental and preoccupied with credentials and academic activities.

      My moment(s) of doubt has led me to a course of knowledge and hope; a path where different healing modalities work together with ‘sick care’ at the end of the spectrum instead of the beginning. My desire is to share what I have found, to shift the paradigm on thinking about health and to help people see that our current system has “got it all wrong”.

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