The Real Estate Investors Guide To Guerrilla Marketing. Scott Jelinek
are a few tips to help with guerrilla marketing ideas.
Be knowledgable about the business. Sounds silly, but this is the most common mistake when it comes to marketing, guerrilla or not. Be the expert! Know the business and never stop learning.
Find the pain. Know where to attack, marketing is more successful when applied in the correct place. Know a prospect’s pain points. What do the customers really lack? People immediately notice solutions to their pain points. Human nature is to make decissions emotionally, not logically.
Do not fear reactions. Many people don’t use guerilla tactics because they fear the reaction of others. Don’t! People will laugh. It’s a guarantee. Making an impression can be humorous, but make an impression!
Consistency Is The Key
When implementing a guerrilla marketing strategy, don’t expect results overnight. The key to this kind of a campaign is consistency. If done consistently for years, amazing results will grow and grow and the costs will diminish.
Let me share an example I have been implementing for the past ten years when filling up at a gas station. It is simple and doesn’t take any time at all. This has resulted in the purchase of four properties over the years. On these four deals alone, I have made $30,000, $36,000, $18,000 and 21,000. Wonderful results if seen as extra income from marketing that cost no more than a box of business cards. Just one more strategy that added to the bottom line over the years.
Now, some have asked “Ten years and only four deals?” It doesn’t sound like much on its own. This could seem minor as a stand alone strategy, but combined with all of the other ways of generating business, it can create a stream of income for years to come! It only requires consistancy and continuous implementation of as many of these tactics as possible.
Do not expect results over night. Making these activities part of your daily routine and it will create results! I cannot stress enough the importance of becoming consistant. If you are going to do this, you need to make a commitment to yourself. Promise yourself that you will follow through even if you go a month or two and do not see results. Hang in there and your guerrilla marketing campaign will be a success! Guerrilla Marketing requires patience - ALOT OF IT!
How to use this book
This book is a tool. This can be a reference guide, a reminder or even a check list of ideas to implement. This is not the kind of book to read and then put away on a shelf to collect dust. It should be utilized as a guide to help develop your own Guerrilla Marketing plan! To generate ideas and stimulate creative juices. To come up with what works for you and your market.
My entire career I attended seminars and listened to speakers, every once in a while they would tell me something new. More often, I would find that they reminded me of a technique that had used successfully in the past. Sometimes, we get so busy and forget the little details that work, the activities that bring results. Sometimes when in a slump, we get so bogged down with worry we forget the activities that we performed in the past that generated success! So keep this book as a guide and thumb through it whether you are trying to make your business explode or just get back on track.
Tips and Tricks
Before we tackle each topic individually, lets look at a list of the kind of activities we are planning to discuss. None of these items will come as a suprise and that is because there are no magic tricks here. These are all simple ideas that you have probably already heard of if not used yourself. It really is just a matter of getting up and implementing them for your own benefit!
Business cards
Billboard cards
Guerrilla Cards -(My Personal Favorite)
Bandit Signs
Wrapped or Lettered Vehicles
Post-It Notes
Door Hangers
Write a Book or E-Book
Join Local Real Estate Groups
Speak at Local Real Estate Groups
Submit Articles
Puff Pieces
Free Consultations
Pay Per Click
Attend Networking Events
Sponsor Charity Events
Direct Mail
Yellow Letters
Free Seminars
Facebook Fan Pages
Craig’s List
Multiple Listing Service
Signs, Signs, and More Signs
Attend National Seminars in Your Area
Bird Dogs
Corporate Clothing
Press Release
Bus Tours
Open Houses
Ring Central
Property Managers
Mortgage Brokers
The Basics
Let us begin with the most basic of advertising mediums, the Business Card. If you do not have a business card, I suggest that you work on this project as soon as possible! These are extremely inexpensive and work incredibly well. Before you order any, you have a couple of things to consider:
Do you have a company name?
Do you have a number that you will have long term?
Do you have a logo?
Have you picked a color scheme?
If you haven’t done so already, consider setting up an account with This is a digital phone system. It allows you to keep your existing number or get a new one. The features are too many to list but some of the basics are that you can have unlimited extensions. I use a different extension for each property listed for sale so that callers can get all of the information they are seeking.
Another feature is that all of your voicemails are recorded and kept online unless you manually delete them. I have at times gone back several months to find a specifc message with information that I needed, usually contact information for that person. is not the only provider of this type of service, at the time you read this book there may be a new superior provider so do your own research! Google the topic and find the one that works best for you. Do this first to ensure all of the marketing materials advertise the same phone number.
Next decide what to put on the card. Keep it simple! There is no need to list every single service you provide on your card. ‘WE BUY HOUSES’ and a phone number are the most important