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they show up in some of the old, dusty, abandoned buildings that I traveled through. They only appear in certain photos but not all.

      Orbs require less energy than full bodied apparitions, so that could be why they are so prevalent in these haunted areas. This energy enables them to exist more easily in our dimension. They can appear dense or large and they can manifest into a partial or full bodied apparition.

      Orbs defined as anomalous paranormal energy can show up as balls of light, or streaks in still photography or video, and are the most controversial pictures of paranormal energy in the field. There are so many theories (good and bad) about the origin of orbs and what they are.

      One interesting theory is that there are three distinct groups regarding the orb phenomena. They are ghost orbs, sprit orbs, and oracle orbs.


      These orbs display an inner substance, sometimes a nucleus is apparent. They sometimes have a glow and an outer ring. They can be photographed in the daytime or at night. They are very active and constantly moving. They can appear in one photo and disappear in the next. This theory coincides with some of the photos that I have taken over the years. Often I will see a picture that has one very large prominent orb then in the next photo, only taken seconds later; it will appear as if it had moved to a different part of the room. This type of orb is attracted to people. It is just as curious about you as you are about it. Ghost orbs want to attract attention to people who are receptive to them. They may want to relay a message to its recipient. Usually we cannot see these orbs unless they want us to.

      The most active sites for ghost orbs are battlefields, cemeteries, and abandoned buildings.


      Spirit Orbs are discarnate souls that have transformed to lighter, higher frequencies that do not have the need or desire to continue to manifest in our realm of existence. These orbs can be family, friends, or loved ones who have passed over. They can manifest in many colors and varying sizes. Their size is determined by how much energy they omit. The colors are determined by the vibration of their unique electromagnetic fields. The soft white orbs are younger souls. They are small and can emit pale pinks, blues, greens, and yellows. More evolved souls appear deeper in color. The colors red, dark pink, blue, green, amber, indigo, and magenta represent luminous soul bearers. Older, more advanced souls appear in rainbow colors.

      Spirit orbs are here to help us on a spiritual quest. They provide assistance in our time of need. They exhibit personalities and respond to telepathy. They interact with people on personal and emotional levels. In photos, they are often seen hovering over or near a specific person.


      Oracle orbs are the seers of the universe. They are highly intelligent and their goal is to import inspirational knowledge and wisdom. They are waiting to be reincarnated into physical form. It is important where they are seen or photographed. Facial features, a face, or even an entire body sometimes can be seen inside an orb. The discarnate soul may be a relative, an ancestor, or someone close to you that has transformed into another dimension. If the face appears unfamiliar to you, it could be that you are being asked to accept a message meant only for you.

      These orbs often appear during a life crisis or during extreme chaos. They are most prevalent in photos of weddings, funerals, and family reunions.

      In his E- book "Colors of the Soul and Colors of the Web", author George Michael states that when people come into contact with true orbs, they are viewing inter-dimensional vehicles, known to Egyptians as sun boats and referred to in the Old Testament Meekabah. It is associated with heavenly realms. In George Michael's view, the orb is how the soul gets around in the earthly dimension after its physical, material life has ended. He says real orbs can be sensed or heard. The sound they make is a super, high tone, chiefly heard inside the head, beyond normal hearing. Many individuals who have encountered true orbs have experienced the orb speaking telepathically to them.

      He also states that orbs can assume many appearances, including globes, globules, balls of light, and hovering round balls, and they range in degrees of illumination from bright and glowing to faded and barely visible. He also states that there is a great diversity among the erratic, fast moving objects, because there are many different types of orb phenomena. Some may even be life forms or nature spirits.

      The human spirit or ghost type is usually seen about eye level to about ceiling height and is often filmed in graveyards and haunted locations. The human spirit type may appear larger than some of the other types of orbs.

      Another type of orb is used in conjunction with electromagnetic vehicles that shield the inter-dimensional beings inside. Occasionally, these are seen at eye level, but primarily they are seen in the sky because of their higher dimensional level of existence.

      Michael also believes that there is a type of orb that may be considered a spiritual aspect of extraterrestrial intelligence, much like the human spirit orbs are an aspect of us. Such orbs have a more detailed and complex appearance, which may at times contain figures or faces. These are very hard to photograph.

      Gregory Avery has taken photographs professionally since 1969, and since 1998, he has captured thousands of orb images. He states that flash seems to be required to image the orbs whether film or digital techniques are used. In order to exclude the orb images as dust, moisture, raindrops, and so forth, Gregory recommends that the ghost researcher take several flash pictures back to back. If the orbs should be the result of such natural elements as those listed above, the first photo may reveal many apparently unexplained objects floating in the air, but there will be fewer in the second, and quite likely none in the third. He says true orbs, for whatever reason, dart away during the flash. The flash over charges them, reveals them, or affects them in other ways that remain unclear, but they will move in different directions at high speeds, considering the speed of a flash.

      My intention is not to convince everybody that ghosts exist. That is for you to decide. I'm simply just explaining my personal experiences that I have had while investigating haunted locations over the years. I will also present a brief history and paranormal phenomenon of the haunted locations as well as the popular theories affiliated with the hauntings.

My Ghostly Investigations In Colorado

      The Croke Patterson Mansion

      Denver, Colorado

      10/2010 & 10/2012

       Objects fly through the air / Baby cribs swing on their own / Deafening noises are heard on the second floor / Apparition of an old man / Icy presence is felt in the basement / Tools disappear / Evil demonic entity resides in the house / Electronic disturbances / Crying baby is heard / Phantom voices / Dark vortex of wind is felt / Plaster has peeled off the wall for no reason / Apparition of a woman / Superhuman wind has been felt on the floor / Opening & closing of drawers


       Haunted History

      The Croke - Patterson- Campbell House is located at the southwest corner of 11 Avenue and Pennsylvania Street.

      Thomas B. Croke, started his own firm at 1630 Lawrence Street, which offered carpets, window shades, draperies, and upholstered goods. He emerged as a carpet tycoon and invested in real estate. He owned a great deal of property.

      In 1890- 1891, on the fringes of Capital Hill, the mansion was built for $18,000. The French Renaissance home was designed by architect Isaac Hodgen, based on the 16th Century Chateau d' Azay le Rideau in the Loire River Valley.

      After the house was completed, something scared off Croke. He never lived in the house and after spending some time in North Denver, he moved to Park Hill. Croke served in Colorado State Senate during the early 1910's. His efforts were devoted to irrigation projects.

      In 1892, Thomas Patterson bought the house. He arrived in Denver in 1872. He was appointed a deputy district attorney. He served in Congress from 1877 to 1879. He

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