Silver. Susie Harris

Silver - Susie Harris

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I could even leave the forest, which was probably good, less witnesses to make forget the incident. I enjoyed fighting with Aerinar even using claws, teeth and armored tail instead of traditional weapons. It was hard to drag myself away from the aerial view. Of course I could see through my eyes through the Niddhog but different views is much more exhilarating. Elves move so fluently in battle with almost precision. But of course they could not predict the next move of their opponent it just appeared that way as they almost dance in battle. His armor and sword flashing in the twilight. The view was even more amazing with the Niddhog beautiful scales glistening.

      I had to force myself to move toward the building that held the replica cloak in its iron safe. I entered the building with ease just floating through the walls until I came to the room with the iron safe. There was much more security in the room a metal detector for the humans to enter through and various other safety precautions. Someone had definitely touched the replica and by this reaction I would say I didn't weaken the shock spell enough not to hurt him or her.

      I quickly swapped the cloaks making sure I reversed the spell before picking it up of course. I could see the other me was still having fun with Aerinar so I searched the room for clues on who my spell had hurt.

      I found the incident report on a computer. The man's name was Wolfgang Baum and he was at the Helios heart clinic on life support. This was devastating news to me. I hate hurting anyone. This was a stupid mistake to make. I knew my powers were so much stronger I shouldn't have risked it.

      I had to go and heal him. We are allowed to do that without council if it is an unnatural injury caused by a supernatural power. But I had to decide whether to end the fight first with my other self.

      I exited the building taking the replica cloak with me and went back to the top of the building. Luckily I (the Niddhog) had bought the fight closer to the fence of the grounds. The trees would not obstruct my view. Aerinar was starting to look tired. I didn't want to kill him so I decided it was best to end this battle then. After I would flit to the clinic, Aerinar would not look there if he suspected foul play, as elves don't really care about humans. It would not occur to them that someone else would but just in case I set up a short forgetting spell in the air to be triggered by the dissolving of the Niddhog. I telepathically erased the security cameras setting it for one hour of loss of footage from the time I had arrived at the grounds.

      I knew I would have to time my exit from the form of the Niddhog precisely. A millisecond before I allowed the deadly stroke. Then I would have to pull myself together and flit to the hospital in the next millisecond if possible.

      I waited for Aerinar to swing his sword high and put the Niddhog's jugular in its path just before the blade hit I pulled myself out of the body and returned to myself. I flitted to the clinic. The energy I used to create the Niddhog should have dissipated into the air. Which should trigger the forgetting spell I placed in the air. It had been less than an hour from my arrival so the loss of camera footage should have been enough. Hopefully I have covered all bases.

      Once I had arrived at the hospital I had to locate Mr. Baum. I found him in an ICU unit hooked up to a life support system. I felt remorse for his pain.

      I had not healed since gaining my power back and the things that had happened since when I used them made me pause. I scanned his body to see how much damage had been done. Unfortunately without a heart transplant in the next 24 hours he hadn't a chance. It was my fault he was in this mess so I had to try.

      I called on my first memory of healing. In it Michael had told me to clear my mind and breathe as if I was one with the human. Slowly repairing from the inside. Overtime I had stopped this practice just letting my powers do the healing almost automatically. I thought this time I should follow his instructions to the letter. So I placed myself in Wolfgang's body slowly healing him cell by cell with a trickle of power. I pulled myself out of him and immediately cloaked myself. Wolfgang opened his eyes. The monitors lit up and the room became filled with nurses and doctors. They disconnected him from the machines and he sat up. He will be fine. I breathed a sigh of relief and flitted home.

      It was only an hour or so before morning but I reconnected with my human self and collapsed into darkness.

      Chapter 8

      It is morning again. I have dropped my youngest at school and I am dwelling on the events of the night. I checked on Mr. Baum telepathically something that hangs around for a few weeks after such a complex healing. He is doing well, probably too well. The doctors are calling it a miracle. He is being released to his family today and is feeling better than he has ever felt. Luckily I thought to corrupt his records, which were all computerized so it will be hard for the doctors to prove anything unusual. I'm glad he is ok. If I hadn't returned the cloak last night, he may not have been.

      I'm sure Aerinar would have fun recalling his fight with the Niddhog had I let him remember it. But the spell should have wiped his memory of that and anyone else in the vicinity. I hope he got back to Valinor ok after he woke up. I used only fae power on the spell. Some of what I took from the tree. So it should have behaved properly. I had set it for an hour of time loss. So it's possible he just went back to his post. A little confused as to why he wasn't there but none the wiser of what had happened.

      After the events of last night I realize that I shouldn't prolong my meeting with Queen Una for much longer. But I have decided that before this meeting that could change everything I need to go home to my birth Mother and family on the other side of the world. Even though I am hoping that Una will keep my secret. She will be the first supernatural as you classify any being other than human to know I have become human.

      If she doesn't keep my secret..I don't know what might happen or when. I really want to see my mother, my children and grandchildren that don't live with me, again just in case I don't come back. As they are on the other side of the world, I can't exactly just visit in my human form. The time and monetary cost of organizing a physical visit would not be practical especially after viewing the loss of San.

      I can't let them see me but I need to see them. Just to watch them in their lives for a while. Being human and if you have children you would definitely understand this.

      Now I just have to wait for the time difference as right now they are sleeping. Before I flit to watch their lives for at least a few hours....

      Well I spent my afternoon on the other side of the world, their morning. It was beautiful. It's summer there, unlike here. The sun is shining the birds are singing. I went to my grandson’s school and watched him read and play with his friends. I watched my other grandson play with his chickens. My daughters are wonderful mothers. I watched them with their friends laughing and living. They are so different to each other, each with their own individual gifts. I am always in awe of all of my children. They are beautiful and can always make me smile.

      My son who lives on the other side of the continent my daughters reside in was at his store helping customers. It was fun to watch him interact with them. He has such a vibrant personality.

      I saw my Mum working in her garden she definitely has a gift with plants. I love my earthly Mother with all my heart. She taught me so much humanity. My earthly father has long since left this world. He taught me love, patience and kindness and how to have fun without taking advantage or hurting others. He was a remarkable human and though I understand it was time for him to move on. It has been hard not to have him in my life.

      I checked that the protection spells I had used on them were still holding and no one had messed with them. I decided to reinforce them with my power not just the fae power. It was worth the risk now that I am going to share my identity with a fae.

      Nothing should be able to hurt them now with that much power surrounding them. It was a wonderful morning and then I came home to my family here.

      I checked on my daughter in college and listened to her sing. She has the voice of an angel. She is gifted in so many ways.

      I also checked on my human sister and her family and made sure to include them in the protection spell. I have purposely not mentioned any names or locations of my family in these writings because if I decide to share them I don't want anyone visiting them.

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