Why "A" Students Work for "C" Students and Why "B" Students Work for the Government. Robert T. Kiyosaki


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as the global economy contracts, how many of these people, educated or uneducated, will find jobs? In April of 2012, less than 50 percent of America’s graduating class was able to find meaningful employment. Many found jobs, but are underemployed.

      The question is: What kind of education is important?

      And why do we keep saying to our kids, “Go to school to get a high-paying job,” when jobs keep migrating to lower-wage countries? Why become an accountant or attorney when technology makes it possible to hire accountants and attorneys in lower-wage countries? Why talk about job security when advances in technology make some jobs obsolete? And, just as important: Why is there so little, if any, financial education taught in our schools?

       Top of the Food Chain

      Most parents want their child to have a good education for a secure future. They want their child to make it to the top of the food chain. Most parents dread the thought of their child toiling at a menial job, underemployed, earning low wages, paying higher and higher taxes, and battling inflation all their lives.

      Many parents hope a sound education will put their child at the top of the class or the leader of the pack—possibly a doctor, lawyer, or CEO.

       The Sales Pitch

      The sales pitch from the schools is:

      “You must finish school.”

      “You must have a college degree.”

      “If you do not finish school, you will not be successful in life.”

      The following are 50 people who did not finish school, but let that stop them. They made it to the top.

1. George Washington President of the United States
2. Abraham Lincoln President of the United States
3. Harry Truman President of the United States
4. Grover Cleveland President of the United States
5. Zachary Taylor President of the United States
6. Andrew Johnson President of the United States
7. John Glenn Astronaut, U.S. Senator
8. Barry Goldwater U.S. Senator
9. Benjamin Franklin U.S. Ambassador
10. Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England
11. John Major Prime Minister of England
12. Robert Frost Poet
13. Florence Nightingale Nurse
14. Buckminster Fuller Futurist and Inventor
15. George Eastman Founder of Eastman Kodak
16. Ray Kroc Founder of McDonald’s
17. Dave Thomas Founder of Wendy’s
18. Ralph Lauren Fashion designer and Entrepreneur
19. Doris Lessing Nobel Prize recipient in Literature
20. George Bernard Shaw Playwright
21. Peter Jennings News anchor for ABC
22. Christopher Columbus Explorer
23. TD Jakes Pastor
24. Joel Osteen Pastor
25. John D. Rockefeller Founder of Standard Oil
26. Karl Rove Presidential advisor
27. Ted Turner Founder of CNN
28. Quentin Tarantino Movie director
29. Peter Jackson Movie director (Lord of the Rings)
30. Mark Twain Author
31. Leon Uris Author
32. Carl Bernstein Washington Post reporter
33. Carly Fiorina CEO of Hewlett Packard
34. Charles Dickens Author
35. Andrew Carnegie Industrialist
36. William Faulkner Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winner
37. Li Ka Shing Wealthiest man in Asia
38. Richard Branson Founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways and Virgin Records
39. Enzo Ferrari Founder of Ferrari
40. Henry Ford Founder of Ford Motor Company
41. J. Paul Getty Founder of Getty Oil
42. Jack London Author
43. Larry Ellison Founder of Oracle
44. Tom Anderson Founder of My Space
45. Mark Zuckerberg Founder of Facebook
46. Steve Jobs Founder of Apple
47. Steve Wozniak Founder of Apple
48. Bill Gates Founder of Microsoft
49. Paul Allen Founder of Microsoft
50. Ringo Starr Beatle

       Stay in School

      I’m not suggesting that kids should drop out of school, or that school is not important. Education is very important. The question is: What kind of education? And where will your child’s education take them? Will your child’s education prepare them for their future? Will a good education help your child’s financial security in a world with less and less security?

      This book is about the education not taught in schools. It’s about putting your child on a path where they won’t need a job or a government pension to feel secure. It’s about getting to the top, rather than working for those at the top.

      This book is about capitalism. It will explain why some of the greatest business leaders of our time never finished school. Notable

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