Countdown to Corruption. Glenn Edward Kirk
began to take full control of my thoughts. Sleep was necessary.
It was a long night. I got up at 5 am., showered and left for the office. The one firm decision taken was to instil into Marlon and his men a feeling of trust in me. Any false move in the game about to be played could bring my whole world tumbling down. The Committee had to believe Charlie Hall was a member of their team. It was my prime survival tactic and once they had this belief I could begin the process of destruction.
It was surprising to see people up and about so early but I reached the office in record time. Maybe my morning routine needs rescheduling was a possibility that came to mind. I sat down at my desk and began to marshal my thoughts:
1 . Protect my family.
2. Trust …….. The Committee must trust me.
3. Assemble every bit of information available on their current and future plans plus what they had achieved to date.
4. Their structure ………… who were the kingpins and what companies they had infiltrated.
Suddenly a thought occurred to me.
My God, that’s it. They are not doing this for the upliftment of the impoverished black communities, it’s all about the accumulation of vast individual wealth. I must feign a weakness for the same. They will understand that. Their reactions will show the path to be taken to gain their trust, and, only then will they believe I am one of them. Implementation of a plan had begun and my confidence returned.
My next step was to arrange day and night security at home. There was an existing electric fencing system in place above all boundary walls but guard patrols were a necessity, something highly organised but as undercover as possible. No need to alarm the neighbours.
I said aloud to myself. “Yes, they are not doing this for the ANC. They want to enrich themselves. The sum of the individual wealth involved would be astronomical.”
The next move was to keep Rachel updated on the new security. I phoned and explained what was happening with immediate effect.
“What a total waste of money. What has got into you? Make sure my privacy is not invaded by your Nazi storm-troopers. They are not welcome.” She somehow had the ability to be particularly obnoxious and irritating when I needed her support. I rang off. There was a knock on my door and Jackson entered.
“Charlie it is good to have you in with us but be warned. You cross us, you will be eliminated.”
My body went rigid.
“You are much too sharp to be stupid. Hey, think of the exciting challenges and successes in front of all of us …..endless opportunities, once in a lifetime opportunities. You are part of a Committee of brilliant minds. That is why we have recruited you. Incidentally, I was the one to nominate you, so you owe me!”
The “new” Jackson mesmerised me. It had not even been suspected he had it in him. For the first time his lust for power and his enjoyment of dictating to me became glaringly real. He had, nevertheless, met his match! What was his seniority within the Committee? This would determine how best it would be to handle him.
“Jackson, old chap, the aims and the best methods of implementation must be recognisable for me to be a useful member of the Committee. Only then can I be in a position to make a major contribution and work towards the ultimate success that we all want and are striving towards.” A sickening thump hit my stomach as the words came out. My acting skills would have to be sharpened if I was to be taken as a genuine and hard working member. It was not going to be easy.
The new home security measures were installed. Rachel complained. My concern for my wife’s and daughter’s safety was not eased. Then another spinning meteorite came hurtling towards me.
I arrived home one evening to be greeted by Rachel at the front door.
“Charlie, darling, wonderful news, I am pregnant.” The shock must have been visible. “ Are you not happy for us?”
“How could that happen? You are on the pill.”
“I stopped taking it over two months ago. You must have noticed my irritability of late. It has been an anxious two months and guess what, I am six weeks in. It is so exciting. You still do not look happy. Come on, be pleased for us.”
“Rachel, it should have been a joint decision.”
“Oh stop your nonsense. You want a son. We can easily afford it and you are getting what you want. Now let us drink to the exciting news.”
I mustered up as much joy as I could considering the circumstances.“ It is exciting …..Champagne it is! We should phone our parents. They surely will be absolutely delighted.” I stood up.“ To our next born.” Rachel stood up laughing with joy.
“What shall we name him?” she cried.
“That can come later. We have had enough excitement for one night!”
Rachel went up to bed early. I went to my study. The events of the evening made me feel stronger in resolve and there was so much to do. I picked up the phone and slowly dialled Jackson’s number. He was at home.
“Good Evening my friend. I am fully focused on our project. When is the next meeting?”
“Glad you have such positive thoughts. Funnily enough Marlon called a few minutes ago, Friday night 6pm, venue to be advised.”
“Good, it is noted. Let me know the venue once you have it.”
“Will do, see you then.” The call ended. Focused determination enveloped me. I felt good.
The Friday meeting was a success. My continuing contribution and sharp attention was noticed and I could sense some approval and a growing confidence but knew there was little time to play with. Work mode took over. It consumed me and within no time it was possible to gauge where the leadership lay and recognise the herd instinct within the other members. Jackson, Marlon and Sandile were the leaders but it would take time to understand the exact contribution each member made and how they fitted in to the general structure of the immediate group. After the meeting was closed we had drinks but, true to form, I soon went home . It was expected of me.
My Company work was demanding . There were new policies to develop and implement, targets to establish and achieve. I was constantly on the lookout for any signs from staff members which might connect them to “ The Force”, the name chosen to replace “ The Committee”. My silent observations revealed nothing. The Force held meetings weekly and each time I found myself growing more and more incredulous at what they expected to achieve. Black Empowerment was the buzz word, Nationalisation generally the vehicle. The all consuming greed became more obvious. My suggestion that if Mandela was released he might not support take-overs on such a vast scale met with raucous laughter. He was to have no personal power, he belonged to the people. It is Marlon and his cronies who will commercially represent the people. They will control economic power and be represented at all levels throughout the mining and industrial sectors. This was the reality. The Force will run South Africa. It is the black man’s right and heritage. Those whose help they enlisted would be well rewarded but ultimately the country belongs to them. I remained silent. Any attempt to try and make them realise the absurdity of their views and the futility of their policies would invite disaster and death for me and my family. Marlon turned and looked at me.
“Charlie we expect more from you. You are part of The Force’s hierarchy but your participation and planning is not increasing at a fast enough pace.”
“Marlon, I will be making a presentation in a few weeks. Gentlemen please ensure you are all present.”
“We will be there,” came the unanimous reply.
The evening of my presentation quickly arrived.
“Good Evening All, I will, with your permission, chair the meeting this evening.”
“Go ahead Charlie, the formality suits you……ha ha!”
“No comment, but, thank you,”