Ready for Market. Julie F Sullivan

Ready for Market - Julie F Sullivan

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I look at where they live and we think, “We want to sign up now!” We’re only in our forties and I think I’d like to join the waiting list. I think it’s a huge industry right now. We’re lucky enough to have a senior organizing and move management expert and so we are able to handle many moves like that with a specialist that cares very much.

      JULIE: I was going through a lot of pictures lately, what do people do with photographs?

      MARY CATE: Photos are tough right now too because we’ve moved into the digital world of photography. One option is to have those you really care about either albumed or scanned in to create a digital album. And you have option, if there are family members that want these and want to hold on to them, you can simply scan them in and send them an electronic version and they can do what they want with it. You are not sending them extra physical clutter like framed photos and art. The other option is to scrapbook them essentially, but you can also do this digitally. We have companies that we work with that do just that and only that. Sometimes it can be pricey, depending on the quantity, but it certainly is worth it. We’ve already started doing that in my home just because twenty albums of photos from our past aren’t going to need to be passed down to my daughter, she’s not going to want that. So we’ve already started the process of scanning in and saving space but still hanging on to the memories.

      JULIE: Oh that’s a great tip. What other tips do you have for people who are getting ready for market? They want to present their house in the best light possible and a lot of times I see people maybe waiting till they're actually ready to put the house on the market before they call the home-stager in to walk through. And then the home-stager is telling them, “You need to declutter.”

      MARY CATE: Yes, so the best thing you can possibly do if you have enough time to realize that a move is coming up – some people don’t, some people only have a month or two’s notice because of a job or something – but if you have the time, the best thing you can do for yourself and for your team of realtors, stagers, organizers – whatever you’re using – is to purge; purge often and purge hard. Because really, deciding on what you need to take will directly correlate with the amount of space you have in the new home and who will be living there. So for instance, if you know that you’re going from a three or four bedroom house to a two bedroom apartment, you realize you can’t take all the furniture, you can’t take all the framed pictures and art – you can’t take all that stuff.

      So to visualize that new space and how you want to live in it, and how the people with you want to live in it – that’s really your best goal orientation for how we purge. And all I can say is you’ve got to depersonalize and neutralize. You’ve got to make the house as attractive to the general population as possible. It is your home, you’ve had great memories there – you should probably get online and do a little research about what people are looking for now. And typically that means clean open space, open floors, open surfaces, open walls – take things down and make them as neutral as possible. And by depersonalizing I mean as far as even taking your children’s pictures off the walls. You really want to make sure that people can come into the room and visualize themselves there.

      So it’s hard, but it’s easier than you think once you get on a roll. The other tip I would have is to use storage as a last resolve. If you make the tough calls now then you’re really not going to regret it later. If you really only use storage as a, “Okay maybe I will store these until my children can come pick them up.” Something like that. Then that’s okay, but try not to dump everything into storage because typically, and more often than not, it’s going to stay there for a year or more before you get to it, deal with it and then you’re paying basically another mortgage somewhere. So we try and use storage as a last resolve.

      JULIE: I know my friend, she was living in Miami, Florida and lost her husband to cancer. And that was a very, very traumatic time for her. She lost her husband, her son was living on the East Coast and he realized his mother was just having a lot of trouble and said, “Mom, you and my sister can come live with me.” And so they did and they packed up their entire house and put it into storage. And I became friends with her when she moved to this area and she kept saying to me, “You know I’ve really got to go to Florida and go through my storage. I have all this beautiful furniture and nice things there and they’re just sitting in storage and I’m paying for it. So how much does it cost to have a storage unit monthly, do you know?

      MARY CATE: It totally depends on the area but it can be anywhere from $90 - $1200 a month. So seriously, you have to consider, “Is it worth getting rid of all these things now?” And unfortunately the second hand market isn’t what it used to be, so people are always going to believe that their items are worth more than they are, but you need to find a good appraiser or a good auctioneer to help with some of those antiques or things that might really have some value. And do it now, do it early. A lot of them will offer free appraisal, “This really isn’t worth anything” – which we don’t do that way of course – but it’s nice to have a professional come in and say, “Well this just isn’t selling right now.” And so once people have that they’re like, “Okay, let’s just do it.”

      And there are so many organizations that can take these larger items off hand. Second Chance down in Baltimore City is fabulous; they come and pick things up for free. There are so many great organizations that take furniture and artwork and dish sets – everything that you might think has a worth in a second hand market but don’t. They can definitely be given away to charities for a fabulous deduction when you’re moving.

      JULIE: Also Habitat for Humanity and Purple Heart take donations.

      MARY CATE: Yes there are so many now. So sometimes and usually, I would say eight times out of ten, it is going to be more worth your time, frustration, and money to just go ahead, get rid of it, take the deduction, lower your living costs, don’t have storage overhead and just move on with your life. And it’s easier said than done, but it’s possible.

      JULIE: Another category of things people don't like to let go of, is clothing. My mother is 89 years old and she’s petite. And I am not petite and I can’t tell you how many times she’s brought me clothing, mailed me clothing and the pants are too short for me because she’s petite. And I’ve asked her finally, for a long time I was gracious about it – thank you – and then I would try to use the items, but now I realized that I’m just adding to my own clutter by taking my mother’s clutter off her hands. What do you recommend people do and what’s a nice way to say to someone, “No I don’t really need your clutter, thank you very much”?

      MARY CATE: What a great question! So I think clothing is an easy one actually, but with anything; with your grand aunt Celia’s China, with your niece's doll collection – whatever someone else can’t get rid of and they’re pushing on you – they believe in their heart that they’re doing the right thing there. It’s sometimes a hard conversation but it’s very worthwhile to be honest and just say, “Mom I so appreciate this gift and I understand where it’s coming from, but me, I can’t fit into these pants. So if you don’t mind, let’s just take them down to the House of Ruth or one of the women’s shelters downtown who really need it, or maybe they’re doing programs to help women get back into the workforce and retraining them.” There are people out there and organizations out there that really need clothing and if they’re sitting in our closets, whether it’s from someone else or ourselves, then they’re not really helping anyone.

      But I think it’s worth really just saying to mom or aunt or grandma, “I really appreciate it but I don’t have the space right now to take it on. It doesn’t fit me, my body or my lifestyle right now, can we find a different home for it?" Typically people will respond to that, as long as they know that it’s going to a good home or to another good use, then they’re not going to be willing to put the burden on you. Does that make sense?

      JULIE: Yes, definitely.

      MARY CATE: I think you should bring options; that usually helps a lot.

      JULIE: Yes, and that’s a help because that’s just the easiest way clear something out that you have an emotional attachment to, is to offer it to someone else in your family. Do you know any other ways to purge and remove items now – there

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